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I've been blocking ads for so long that actually seeing them feels perverse

I use ad blockers and open source privacy focused software whenever I can but occasionally I have to use computers that don't belong to me or an older phone where my usual applications aren't installed and seeing all the advertisements just feels dirty and dystopian.

I think the worst ads are the text to speech ones that say "Download this app today". The unblinking energenic people saying you can make a living at home are probably a close second.

  • Every once in a while I find myself looking at the Internet without ad blockers. Like, newly-installing a browser on a newly-installed OS, or trialing a new browser on my phone or whatnot. And when it happens it's a massive shock to me just how unusable the modern Internet is without an ad blocker.

    If I were forced somehow to not use an ad blocker, I would probably stop using the WWW portion of the Internet and likely grossly cut down on other facets of the Internet.

  • I've wondered how businesses advertise anymore because I never see advertisements. I don't watch TV. I don't listen to radio. I have ad blockers on my devices. I just assumed most people used as blockers too.

    • there's always the boomers who can't do it/don't know it's even possible and others that know nothing about computers that they can prey on

    • Paid sponsorships mostly, since sponsorblock can't do anything without anyone marking a segment as an ad, you will see it in a video eventually.

  • At this point I actively avoid brands that shove ads into my web browsing.

  • sat down to watch TV with the parents for the first time in a loooong time and when ads came on I was astounded how many there were and how long they were... insufferable TV ads >_>

  • I have not seen advertisements in a long time accounting to a few years. I have abandoned all the proprietary data harvesting platforms and rarely surf web for no reason. Using libre software, platforms and only referring to specific reliable scientific sources helps a lot in reducing the wastage of time. It also helps in planning things better and I have seen that I am generally able to complete my self assigned projects faster. It also leaves me with more time to spend in leisure. Of course it also combats addiction to mostly useless Social Media. Being away from all the toxicity on the internet also keeps me happier. It's quite disgusting how tech corporates exploit millions of users' data for Capital generation.

  • I’ve been doing it for so many years across all devices and platforms that I actually get…confused for a second when one slips through. It is normally YouTube that slips through (they seem to be trying new things almost daily to get around any possible ad blocks), but sometimes it is from a major news web site or something. I actually have to look around for a second and then realize what has just happened.

    • I've been using uBlock Origin for years, and in that time I've never seen one YouTube ad. And I watch a lot of YouTube.

  • I think the worst ads are the text to speech ones that say "Download this app today".

    Dear god, they read themselves to you now?!? Kill it with fire!!

    I want the creator drawn and quartered.

  • What a great way to put it. Years ago my wife was annoyed when I started blocking ads because it was effecting streaming on some apps. Now if an ad gets through look out!

    When we see ads, it is so annoying. Page loads are clunky and games blast you with ads.