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Sims competitor Life by You has been canceled
  • That's kind of like Tiny Life. It is similar to the Sims but with retro graphics. Lots of people bought it as soon as it hit early access when a lot of core things were missing.

  • Encyclopedia
  • Kind of related but KiwiX is an app that can allow people to view Wikipedia while offline. All you need is the Wikipedia ZIM file that comes in various sizes. There's also several other Wikis that are available for download.

  • How are data storage prices going to change in the next couple years?
  • I wasn't sure about that considering HAMR and HDMR drives are being developed like Seagate's Mozaic 3+ which has 30TB.

  • How are data storage prices going to change in the next couple years?
  • My stake is really that 30 TB mark. That should be enough to consolidate all my storage conveniently in one spot. I don't need incredibly fast transfer speeds so I think an HDD would do fine.

  • What comes to mind if someone uses the term "deeply unserious"?
  • Kind of similar in the unpleasant aspect but I'd say someone who doesn't know when to stop and take things seriously.

  • Anybody know of any Darknet/darkweb related communities?
  • If you are looking for information related to Tor you could probably find some discussion of it in privacy focused communities and instances.

    Maybe try searching related topics like Tor or the podcast Darknet Diaries. If you are looking for a fake Rolex or the onion versions of news sites like the BBC you can just search for those directly instead of jumping through hoops to end up there anyway.

  • What's the piece of technology that has impacted the modern world the most?
  • I would say the Internet as well. It has dramatically shaped how we interact with the world and has made a lot of information more accessible.

    There are probably better overall answers like farming, the printing press, vaccines, transistors, and fertilizer but I feel like a lot of them are if we didn't have X we wouldn't have Y situations.

  • How are data storage prices going to change in the next couple years?
  • In general, technology gets cheaper for better products over time. Short term that’s not always true, but the longer timescales you look, the better is it for consumers.

    Yeah that's why I linked the graph above. I asked here because I thought someone might have looked into this before and have a better insight on it. Maybe they've read about foretasted chip shortages or some kind of technological improvement with manufacturing? I am not sure. It's something I only sporadically see articles about.

    A year or two is a long time, and probably worth waiting.

    If the price of a HDD on sale this year is equal to the average price of the same tier of HDD two or three years from now I'd probably just pull the trigger now.

  • Starfield will get at least one more expansion after Shattered Space, Todd Howard says
  • Howard referred to Shattered Space as being in the vein of Bethesda’s other “annual story expansions”, adding that the developers hope to release additional content for Starfield for “a very long time". That means we’ll see at least one more big expansion, with Howard saying that the team “more or less” plan to put out annual DLC in a similar way to their previous games.

    “We're planning for the one after [Shattered Space], so there will be another one,” Howard then confirmed.

    I feel like these two comments hint at different things. I hope there is more than one DLC to come.

    I haven't played Starfield yet but I've heard the base game can be kind of dull at times. I was hoping we would see some kind of No Man's Sky or Cyberpunk 2077 changes to the base elements of the game that might address this.

  • How can i convert a pbf file to pdf file
  • It seems like this website works. It didn't prompt me for a login but I didn't test it to see the end result. Might be worth a try.

  • $843 million lawsuit against Valve already has its own website: "The Steam Claim" accuses the biggest store in PC gaming of "overcharging" players
  • Steam, for its faults, is where it is because it is the best application to do what it does.

    Yes others exist, and they’re all vastly inferior.

    I'm not denying that. As a consumer I like a lot of what Steam does. I am a big fan of what they've done for the Linux gaming community for example. I am saying because they are so dominant in the market they can do things like keep their commissions high and push publishers to sign price parity obligations.

    I imagine a lot of publishers feel like if they don't have a choice but to list their games on Steam. The alternative would greatly limit their reach.

    My initial point was Steam isn't directly overcharging players like the title of the article implies. I feel like the title should have been about the cause and not the effect.

  • datahoarder Corroded
    How are data storage prices going to change in the next couple years?

    I was considering making a 30+ TB NAS to simplify and streamline my current setup but because it's a relatively low priority for me I am wondering is it worth it to hold off for a year or two?

    I am unsure if prices have more or less plateaued and the difference won't be all that substantial. Maybe I should just wait for Black Friday.

    For context it seems like two 16TB HDD would cost about $320 currently.


    Here's some related links:

    • This article by Our World in Data contains a chart with how the price per GB has decreased overtime.

    • This article by Tom's Hardware talks about how in July 2023 SSD prices bottomed out before climbing back up predicted further increases in 2024.

    $843 million lawsuit against Valve already has its own website: "The Steam Claim" accuses the biggest store in PC gaming of "overcharging" players
  • I mean abuse in the way where they are taking advantage of their position in the market.

    There are several online game retailers publishers can utilize and being profitable is always going to be part of their business model. Epic would do it in their own way no matter what Steam did.

    Even Humble Bundle isn't perfect. You can read this article for more information but they trialed removing the slider that decides where your money goes in 2021 and even now the Default Donation and Extra to Charity options still only give the charity a small percentage.

    It's just an unfortunate reality.

  • $843 million lawsuit against Valve already has its own website: "The Steam Claim" accuses the biggest store in PC gaming of "overcharging" players
  • I am not a fan of the title the article uses. It seems more about Steam abusing their near monopoly in a way that hurts publishers. The overcharging aspect seems more like a byproduct

  • I discovered porn on my dad's computer
  • It's better than blindly scrolling through your dad's photo library but not by a ton

  • So I got hit with Microsoft's Windows 11 nag screen...
  • What are you trying to do that you don't think you can do on Linux? Also there's ways to install Windows 11 on unsupported systems.

  • Anyone have recommendations for STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl mods?
  • Fun fact for those interested the STALKER series was partially inspired by the book A Roadside Picnic. A movie was released in 1979 that was also inspired by it named Stalker.

  • Anyone have recommendations for STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl mods?

    I am playing through it for the first time and I know it has a rich modding scene so I'm wondering what is out there.

    I would be curious about quality of life mods like bug fixes and graphical improvements. I'm not super interested in rebalance mods at this time.

    That said feel free to mention any mods you've really enjoyed. I'd be interested to hear about those as well.

    Please avoid spoilers. I am planning to play each game soon.

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game engine OpenXRay gets taken down on GitHub
  • Update - 11/01/2024, 11:55 AM UTC: The GitHub repository has been restored now. Hopefully this won't happen in future, considering as noted below, GSC Game World actually gave it their blessing to be used. And thanks to the take-down, even more people now know about it. From the reversal notice, GitHub stated clearly after a review it was a fraudulent take-down.

  • [Solved?] Alan Wake 2 - Performance seems poorer than it should be?
  • If it works mind following up in an edit or comment so anyone who stumbles across this post knows?

  • Anon gets a nickname
  • I feel like if OP embraced it and was confident enough about it that might not be the worst nickname

  • alternatives? Romsets? (Help needed)
  • Most of the time that should be very easy to filter out. Was it not tagged with Unl (Unlicensed) or Pirate in brackets after the ROM name?

    It's the same thing you would usually do to delete ROMs in foreign languages.

    That said there are a lot of unlicensed homebrew games out there that are genuinely great like Micro Mage for the NES

  • Modern Vintage Gamer | Nintendo is erasing its history - The war against ROMS

    If you follow this community you are likely already aware of a majority of what this video covers. It seems to have been created as a response to the take down of ROMs on Vimm's Lair.


    It's a 14 minute video by Modern Vintage Gamer that talks about ROM take downs and how Internet Archive ROM sets have managed to stay up (the Internet Archive page explaining this can be found here), the challenge of dumping games, and how Nintendo isn't doing enough for fans.

    Are niche pillows and cases worth it?

    The picture I linked is of a buckwheat pillow. Had no idea they were a thing before today.

    What about silk or bamboo pillow cases?

    I've only ever really used cotton pillow cases and cotton stuffed pillows. I recently upgraded to a foam pillow that I'm enjoying.

    What has your experience been like using achievement trackers with pirated games?

    cross-posted from:

    > I've been trying to mimics the functionality of Steam with open source projects. For example using Playnite as my game library manager. One thing I'm having a bit of a hard time with is finding a substitute for achievement tracking. I know achievements aren't for everyone but I find it helps motivate me to power through lulls in longer games and try out side quests. > > --- > > The closest alternative I have come across is xan105's Achievement Watcher. It started in 2019, got a fair amount of attention 2020 after being posted on /r/CrackWatch by the creator, was added to various piracy megathreads, and stopped development in 2022. > > It was a bit of a challenge to setup. > > Some steps were: > > * Grab my own Steam API so it could fetch data for the achievements. > > * Alter Windows 11's notification settings so I could get the achievement unlocked notification. > > * Go through the steam_emu.ini files so I could find the correct directories (ex. \Users\Public\Documents\CODEX\) > > * Using Achievement Watcher to generate the achievements.json and image files and placing them in the steam_settings folder of each game. > > Even then I haven't been able to get it working smoothly. For Cities: Skylines for example I can unlock achievements but I don't receive a notification and they only appear after I refresh Achievement Watcher (Control + R). Most modern guides suggest using a Steam Auto Cracker but doing so appears to stop the game from working. I don't know if this is because I am utilizing repacks or if there are multiple forms of DRM at work. I could easily be missing something. > > I've read there are compatibility issues with Achievement Watcher and cracks from groups/people like TENOKE. > > Considering I own the games I want to play without DRM I may just try to use Goldberg myself. > > --- > > Some games like Fallout New Vegas allow you to view completed challenges in-game and I imagine there are mods out there that add some form of achievement/trophy/challenge system. > > There's also RetroAchievements for older games.

    What has your experience been like using achievement trackers with pirated games?

    I've been trying to mimics the functionality of Steam with open source projects. For example using Playnite as my game library manager. One thing I'm having a bit of a hard time with is finding a substitute for achievement tracking. I know achievements aren't for everyone but I find it helps motivate me to power through lulls in longer games and try out side quests.


    The closest alternative I have come across is xan105's Achievement Watcher. It started in 2019, got a fair amount of attention 2020 after being posted on /r/CrackWatch by the creator, was added to various piracy megathreads, and stopped development in 2022.

    It was a bit of a challenge to setup.

    Some steps were:

    • Grab my own Steam API so it could fetch data for the achievements.

    • Alter Windows 11's notification settings so I could get the achievement unlocked notification.

    • Go through the steam_emu.ini files so I could find the correct directories (ex. \Users\Public\Documents\CODEX\)

    • Using Achievement Watcher to generate the achievements.json and image files and placing them in the steam_settings folder of each game.

    Even then I haven't been able to get it working smoothly. For Cities: Skylines for example I can unlock achievements but I don't receive a notification and they only appear after I refresh Achievement Watcher (Control + R). Most modern guides suggest using a Steam Auto Cracker but doing so appears to stop the game from working. I don't know if this is because I am utilizing repacks or if there are multiple forms of DRM at work. I could easily be missing something.

    I've read there are compatibility issues with Achievement Watcher and cracks from groups/people like TENOKE.

    Considering I own the games I want to play without DRM I may just try to use Goldberg myself.


    Some games like Fallout New Vegas allow you to view completed challenges in-game and I imagine there are mods out there that add some form of achievement/trophy/challenge system.

    There's also RetroAchievements for older games.

    What is the absolute max level of ear protection you can get?

    If I recall correctly the maximum Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) for earplugs and earmuffs is around 30db. You can combine the two for a slight increase in hearing protection but you still hit a limit because of bone vibration.

    Is there PPE out there to go even further beyond this? Where would it be commonly used?

    Does Multipoint functionality in headphones allow you to listen to two different devices at the same time?

    cross-posted from:

    > Does Multipoint functionality in headphones allow you to listen to two different devices at the same time? > > I have been using an audio mixer at my desk for a while now so I can do things like listen to music while I play video games but I am wondering if Multipoint could replace my audio mixer and simplify my setup. Would it allow me to listen to two different devices at the same time? > > I have been reading about Multitpoint on websites selling compatible headphones (Jabra and Google) and it doesn't sound like this is the case. It sounds like it's simply a faster means of switching back and forth between devices. What makes me second guess this though are posts I have seen in forums suggesting Multipoint is the solution I am looking for. > > If not could some wireless DAC be the solution?

    No Stupid Questions Corroded
    Does Multipoint functionality in headphones allow you to listen to two different devices at the same time?

    I have been using an audio mixer at my desk for a while now so I can do things like listen to music while I play video games but I am wondering if Multipoint could replace my audio mixer and simplify my setup. Would it allow me to listen to two different devices at the same time?

    I have been reading about Multitpoint on websites selling compatible headphones (Jabra and Google) and it doesn't sound like this is the case. It sounds like it's simply a faster means of switching back and forth between devices. What makes me second guess this though are posts I have seen in forums suggesting Multipoint is the solution I am looking for.

    If not could some wireless DAC be the solution?

    Whatever happened to

    It had a few niche communities I would occasionally post to after the Reddit exodus but a couple months later I would post there and get no responses or votes. Going to now gives me an error message. Did they decide to shut it down or combine with another instance similar to FMHY? I am curious if they gave some kind of statement.

    I am also curious what happened when I post into their communities now. It still gives me the option and I can see prior posts. How does that work with post federation?


    Edit: Is there a good community for lemmy specific questions by the way? I know there are a few AskLemmy's but some say they are not for support and redirect to support communities but I am not sure if they are specific to that instance.

    What is your favorite PG rated horror movie?

    The movie that comes to mind for me is Matango. It's a 1963 Japanese horror film by Ishirô Honda (the director of the Godzilla movies) that IMDb describes as "Shipwrecked survivors slowly transform into mushrooms.".


    I was curious what other PG horror movies people like. I find a lot of the time the limitations or target of an age rating can become noticeable and distracting.

    Nintendo of America has requested the removal of 717 games on Vimm's Lair Vimm's Lair: Message Board

    Sad news for The Vault

    Vimm's Lair: Message Board

    > Sad news tonight. Nintendo of America has requested for 717 games and their images to be removed from The Vault. Each download plus it's box art and screen shots are no longer available.

    TheFloW has released PPPwn: A kernal exploit that allows for PS4s with firmware ≤11.00 to be jailbroken PS4: TheFlow releases PPPwn, Kernel exploit (Jailbreak) for firmware 11.00 -

    Hacker TheFloW had decided to publish his PS4 Kernel exploit ahead of schedule, and released PPPwn, a kernel exploit for PS4 up to Firmware 11.00 included. The release at this point goes beyond the...

    PS4: TheFlow releases PPPwn, Kernel exploit (Jailbreak) for firmware 11.00 -

    TheFloW's PPPwn GitHub page can be found here but instructions are also posted in the Wololo article linked.

    TheFloW has reported this to Sony as part of their bug bounty program and it has been patched in firmware versions beyond 11.

    Here is a link to some neat homebrew applications you can try if you do decide to jailbreak your PS4.


    Hope this post is fine here. There's nothing about discussing jailbreaks in the sidebar.

    How can I prevent my PC from connecting to the internet without a VPN connection?

    I am running EndeavorOS with XFCE 4 and am using Mullvad as my VPN. To be clear I know Mullvad's client has a lockdown and kill switch mode but it seems like after updating it my PC is connecting to the internet without it. I could be mistaken but I don't think it's blocking anything at that point. I would likely have to wait until the next Mullvad update to test this for sure though. If someone can either confirm or deny my suspicions I would greatly appreciate it because I wouldn't have to find another work around.

    All that said if that is the case, how can I prevent my PC from connecting to the internet when Mullvad is not running?

    Maybe there's a simple option like binding the network manager to mullvad client application? Ideally I'd like to avoid either not using their client and using some thrown-together update script like

    > #!/bin/bash

    > xfce4-terminal --command="sudo pacman -Syu";

    > /opt/Mullvad VPN/mullvad-vpn";


    Edit: Maybe it is connecting after the update but not showing the GUI. I came across this post on GitHub

    > I have a Mullvad desktop app set to launch on start-up. Also "Start minimized" is set to false. At the system start-up I get connected to the VPN, so the Mullvad daemon apparently starts, but no application window launches. I have to launch it manually.

    I did not check to see if this was happening after I updated.

    What's your favorite Super Mario Bros ROM hack?

    For a long time my favorite was Excite Mario Bros.

    > Excitebike riders, Kirby, and Samus are trying to stop you at every turn from reaching the end of the levels! Here is a full game hack which changes all the levels and graphics. Also the music has been slightly altered to give the original music some change.


    Recently though my favorite has become Celeste Mario's Zap & Dash!.

    > A hastily done minihack (with levels designed within 2 months) that features Celeste-styled gameplay.



    It adds dash and wall jump mechanics. I haven't beaten it yet but I am really enjoying the level design.


    What about you? Any favorites or recommendations?

    Did the premise of an entity approaching you only when it's not being viewed originate with Doctor Who's Weeping Angels?

    The Weeping Angels apparently originated with Steven Moffat seeing a statue of a weeping angel in a structure in a cemetery and returning later to find out it was gone. At least according to this RadioTimes article. They first appeared in 2007 in the episode Blink.

    I am wondering if this mechanic has been done before though?

    It's become quite common in the indie horror scene.

    In the 2007 video game Sherlock Holmes: Nemesis Watson would not move if in the player's view but would teleport behind the protagonist when given the opportunity. A video of it can be found here.

    Considering this could be an easy place holder for developers or a way to get around programming walking animations all together I'm surprised no one took the idea and ran with it before then.

    All that said it could have been used in books or movies. Maybe a twist on some other vision-centric myth like Medusa or Orpheus and Eurydice?

    Anbernic has released a video showing off the RG35XXSP a GBA SP-style device with WiFi, Bluetooth, and video out that can play up to PSP/DC/N64

    A link to the video can be found here.


    I wonder if this will end up being the updated version of the Powkiddy V90 a lot of people have been asking for and if this will end up being the direct competition to the Miyoo Mini Flip despite it's lack of thumb sticks.

    I feel like custom firmware availability and whether or not there are blatant design issues (ex. faulty hinges like the Retroid Pocket Flip) will decide how well this does.

    How about you? Any thoughts?

    Does anyone know if there is a way to list Retro Achievement availability in ES-DE for Android?

    In AmberELEC there was a way to display a trophy next to games that indicated if there were Retro Achievements available. I believe pressing start on the title would also allow you to view the achievements.

    I'm wondering if there's a way to display this with the Android version of ES-DE? Maybe it's similar to the non-Android version that people frequently use on handheld PCs like the Steam Deck. I'm not sure.


    The picture is ES-DE with the ES-BOY theme. It's pretty neat and even uses Fallout sound effects. Unrelated but I wanted to add some flair to my post.

    What are some things in hindsight that should have been giveaways that you had some form of social anxiety?

    Some personal examples that come to mind are:

    • Being late for work because I heard the people in the apartment next to me leave and I waited five minutes so I wouldn't have to share the elevator

    • Cleaning my house for two hours before strategically placing items I can talk about just so I can have a friend of multiple years over and after they left replaying things I said to make sure I didn't say anything embarrassing

    • Not being able to look my Tinder date in the eyes even though we've been talking for a month and we had planned to have relations that evening

    • Spending $200 on a sweater at a craft market because I worked up the courage to ask the price and couldn't bring myself to say no thanks

    • Forgetting something I needed at a store and just leaving because I didn't want to face the cashier

    They're all things that are silly in hindsight that I later realised the average person likely wouldn't have done. I know no one would have really cared in these situations.

    Just curious what stories people have.

    CorrodedCranium Corroded

    Big fan of SBC gaming, open source engine recreations/source ports, gaming in general, alternative operating systems, and all things modding.

    Trying to post and comment often in an effort to add to Lemmy's growth.

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