Aging Millennial Humor
Aging Millennial Humor
Aging Millennial Humor
Lucky me, I've never been 'with it'.
I'm at the point where what is 'it' is weird to me, but it isn't scary yet.
What amazes me is how much stuff I was "with" is still relevant to kids these days. I'm amazed at the staying power of Source Filmmaker for example.
Yup, this comic is very much a "simpsons did it" situation.
Fuck that. I'll be too engrossed in my nursing home LAN parties to be talking to Gen B or C or K. Whichever it is when we're all old.
At this rate, generation wasteland.
Did someone say teenage wasteland?
Inform them about their mother while you are at it
If it's anything like it is now I'm sure it's the unborn future 9 year olds that will be telling me they fucked my mother.
That's my plan-B should I wind up in a home. I'll be there to take you all on any day: cataracts, arthritis, and nap-time be damned.
Ahh melinials, can't afford a hone, confident they'll have a retirement hone :)
I like your moxy sir!
Gen Beta starts next year. Will they continue to be lazy and call the one after that Gen Gamma? We'll see!
Boomers: racism, wife bad
Millennials: aggressive misunderstandings, the collapse is imminent, domng cute
Gen alpha: remember when there was fish, skibidi
Gen Z is the new Gen X, lol. People just skip over them.
The collapse is imminent, and y'all doubting it are gonna be sorry you werent as anxious as I was the whole time waiting for it. Living as if you haven't nothing to worry about tomorrow, how do you get through the day?
Perfect score 5/7
9/7 with rice
And catwife. +50 social credit and party approval.
Tastes like salami
I get so happy whenever i see this. Sarah Anderson easily has the most relatable comics. Absolutely gonna carry treats for all the 13/10 puppers
I don't quite understand why it's okay to pigeonhole people based on their age. It's the same obtuse logic that racism works on: You ascribe all your prejudices to a imaginary group that is defined by nothing more than a single characteristic - be it age, race, gender or whatever. Don't get me wrong, I'm a millennial myself and I think this post is funny. Other might not.
What I'm trying to say is that I can't quite understand that with all the political correctness that is rightly emphasized these days, age discrimination seems to be excluded.
I just don't think this form of discrimination is particularly helpful to anybody, as it also pits one group against another - just like rasicsm does. So please don't normalize that stuff just because it's the only ...ism left that is accepted in social media.
And just to get that out of the way: Ok, boomer or millenial comments in response to this comment are not particularly original.
Ok, Boomer. Tl;dr. Skibidi ohio.
Race, gender and whatever are "people that are not like me". Jokes about old people are jokes about myself, because I (hopefully) will get old myself one day.
Aww, that's wholesome.
I don't quite understand why it's okay to pigeonhole people based on their age.
I don't think that's what's happening here. It's just a millennial imagining an exaggerated future of what she'll be like as an elderly person, using too much of her current slang.
I think we do this because of the school system, fast moving trends and technologies, and lastly marketing campaigns.
The school system does a good job keeping everyone separated by age. So different classes will often have different trends and might compete against each other. Then once out of school, people still have this framing.
There are also real differences in how I experienced childhood versus other people when they were kids, with internet and cellphones not being prevalent like today. Also certain events like 9/11 and Columbine caused a lot of national conversations. It felt unique to my experience and so I want to share and contrast that with others. We all have a shared human experience, and it's interesting to find commonalities and differences in that. Which is probably why OP posted - the shared human experience of getting old and what we might look like.
And last, I think a lot of the simplistic, controversial stuff just comes from advertisers trying to make people feel insecure so they can sell them something.
Yes, sure people always like to think in a in- and out-group kind of way: people in your class, people in your city, people in your country, people of your race, of your age group, gender and so on. It's a social thing that helps us to categorize things and deal with the complexity of the world.
But what I don't get is how one can be against any kind of stereotype thinking when it comes to one thing but think in the most stereotypical kind of way when it comes to the next thing. It's weird.
You can in fact tell someone's age with reasonable accuracy based on the slang they use. It's not "pigeonholing" to acknowledge a generation's quirky slang.
I can haz cheeseburger?
Day takin me bucket
Both of those animals are dead now
I've heard of 5/7 but what is 13/10 from?
I think it's from an insta/Twitter account named WeRateDogs, but I could be wrong.
You are correct.
For anyone else unaware, the schtick of the account was they'd always rate dogs with ratings of x/10 with x always being greater than 10. It was pretty funny how often people would get upset over this.
Dumb me thought the dogger was the one saying "huh?"
I think the artist must have been avoiding drawing a 3rd person, lol
Ya like dags?
I like caravans better.
I like caravans more.
Don't you call me out like that!
14/10 with rice.
That's delulu
"That slaps"
for one thing, this is not millenial humor, millenial humor is template meme formats with the early oughts internet humor era.
This is closer to gen z, early gen z, but still.
I guarantee you the majority of millennials don't talk like fucking moronic children spewing the most unoriginal leddit brainrot
the narwhal bacons at midnight... bitch.
aka having fun
Every generation has its own slang. Lighten up.
That's rad, bro.