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  • I wish Denmark had any active presence of these groups. XR has a presence but hasn't done anything in years. People here just don't care

    • I wish Denmark never gets an active presence of these groups. Oil, coal, and natural gas is irrefutably fatal and one has loads of reasons to despise those who lobby for it, but I despise those who cause terrorism (doesn't matter if it's destruction of cultural artifacts nor environmental disasters or indirect support and growth of oil, such as what Greenpeace is known for) with about equal amount.

      Combating oil lobbies is extremely hard, albeit absolutely necessary, but I don't think having the common populace hate you even more than they hate the lobbyists is a good first step.

      Also, Denmark appears to already be trying to work towards solutions for a better, more green future using windmills and by reclaiming farmland for more natural zones (hopefully they don't end up selling it to international farmers instead), but do indeed lack quite a lot behind on actual usefulness of all their hard work.

      Regarding this, a lot of technology is not fully mature yet, we have windmills, yet are not sure how to properly maintain and decommission them in a proper manner. We have the tech, yes, but, as far as I'm aware, were currently facing much the same way as plastic. We CAN recycle plastic, but how much is really recycled? Also, do we commit to lithium polymer batteries which are very dirty, or do we attempt to use non-mature technologies such as hydrogen-pastes?

      • Combating oil lobbies is extremely hard, albeit absolutely necessary, but I don’t think having the common populace hate you even more than they hate the lobbyists is a good first step.

        The problem is that the common populace does not hate the lobbyists and oftentimes refuse to acknowledge that they even exist. If you do anything at all, you will end up with a massive comment-thread on every social media full of boomers and right-wingers calling for your head to be detached from your body asap.

        The rest of your comment is telling me that you don't live in Denmark or at least don't pay attention to danish politics. Our government is a joke. The Social Democrats are right wingers. Everything is being privatized. Public transportation sucks. Solar panels have so much bureaucracy attached to them that it makes no sense to ever bother with it, both at a local and global scale, and often doesn't end up netting you any profit because taxes. Windmill projects can be vetoed by churches within some distance (I forget the specifics, but this means that PRIESTS have final say over windmill projects in most of the country, and golly gee do they use it) and aren't ever built where they are most useful because that might lower property values on the west coast and we can't have that. Our fjords are dead and we're shooting the seals for eating the last remaining fish instead of blaming the trawlers that overfished in the first place. Every single fucking attempt this country makes in the right direction has some boomer cunt stir up a storm on social media about how the latest railway expansion personally shot their dog and raped their cat and nothing short of equal backlash will be enough to shut them up because the sitting government listens to them and not us.

        Denmark is not doing okay, we're on the same downward spiral as everyone else. We just started off better due to actual social policy in the 60s, so it might seem like we're ahead of the curve, but we're headed for the same climate hell. Every month is a record month for our climate and nobody cares.

        We've been asking nicely for decades and very little gets done. Historically speaking: if you want something, you have to take it.

      • Civil disobedience is extremely morally different from terrorism. Are you seriously equating throwing soup on a painting or breaking a glass case with blowing up buildings and murdering people? That’s ridiculous.

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