today i will remind them
today i will remind them
today i will remind them
I've never seen a more accurate application of this meme, honestly. The amount of grandstanding by the US on one achievement out of a hundred is impressive.
No one ever remembers voyager. 40 years old and the first craft in interstellar space.
The US still hasn't landed on Venus and probably never will
Not until I complete my plan to yeet America onto Venus anyway.
Those photos from venus are still the coolest space photos I've seen
Not much to gain by going there. Wildly corrosive, too hot, too hard to terraform with present tech.
Terraforming isn't on the table anywhere. We can't even stop fucking up this planet, let alone unfuck it, let alone apply much more advanced unfucking tech on planets without any of the environmental cycles we take for granted.
Space programs do science stuff and military stuff. Revisiting Venus would be for science stuff.
Jesus Christ liberals' brains are mush. the point of science is to learn things, not find new planets to ruin
Death to America
As opposed to all those easy places to terraform
hard to terraform with present tech
What place isn't hard to terraform with present tech?
Hell, even terraforming Earth with present tech can prove a challenge at times.
I mean other than scientific discovery like what's up with the phosphine, we keep detecting it and debunking it sure would be nice to have something floating there to figure it out (or landed for however long they last)
New account, baby joke. Yeah, it's lib time.
I see you've already been to jupiter
It always comes across to me as maximum cope when Americans brag about "winning the space race". I mean, even if it was true, the US's economy was massively wealthier than the USSR's. This "race" was literally between the wealthiest country on earth and a very poor country. Even at the height of the USSR, its GDP was only about half that of the US's.
It really does not show the US's "strength" to brag so much about winning against someone with so much less resources. It's a sign of weakness to actually even be in a "race" with a developing country to begin with, which suggests they are actually competitive and have a chance of winning.
That's really what the whole "space race" shows. It does not matter who "won", the very fact a poor developing nation could compete with the wealthiest and most powerful country on earth in the first place demonstrates the extraordinary weakness of the capitalist system.
The US only placed a man on the moon because of NASA, which they founded as a direct response to the Soviets launching Sputnik. Meaning, the US literally only implemented this space program as a response to the Soviets, they were not a natural outgrowth of the US's system and would not have happened without the Soviets (as we have seen NASA massively defunded ever since). The fact the US even got on the moon in the first place only happened because of the USSR.
That was back in 1969, and we're now in 2022 yet, funnily enough, the capitalist private sector has not got a man that far yet.
It really does not show the US's "strength" to brag so much about winning against someone with so much less resources.
It really does show the US's strength when no country has nearly the same amount of resources.
"Everyone else being weaker than you does not show your strength" is a very odd take.
Soviets are also the only country to have landed on Venus. Not just the first, the only one.
The images from Venus are absolutely fascinating. If I recall, the craft that took the first images burned up after a very short amount of time (like 50 or so minutes) because of the extreme heat.
even as an anarchist, I’ve got to hand it to the soviets on this one.
It's like the tortoise and the hare, us caught the soviets sleeping
No one gives a shit who's first at the check points just who crosses the line first
That really depends on where you consider the "finish line" to be? Is it the Moon, Mars, Venus?
The Soviets have done things in space that the US has not, like sending a probe to Venus. That's why I bring up my first point. The Soviets were also the first to land a probe on Mars. The US has also done things the Soviets have not, like sending a man to the moon. So where do we define the end point for the "space race"?
When it comes to contributions to the body of international science, putting space stations in the air and putting rovers on planets are a lot more important than the propaganda victory of a spacewalk. A person doing a spacewalk on the moon isn't even as efficient at collecting mineral and soil samples as a rover would be. It's also kinda irresponsible since it puts lives at higher risk than just doing standard space missions.
At the end of the day though, this is just a communist shitpost. Science has always been international collaboration and not a national chauvinist thing. Communists are the first to acknowledge that since communism is an internationalist ideology that upholds the working class.
However, the Soviets shall get the last laugh, because 50 years later the American SpaceX company would copy the same concept for their super heavy lift vehicle design (Super Heavy used for Starship), which in many ways conceded that the Soviet design was a more viable one
This happens often in American industry, especially aeronautics . More promising designs are considered "ahead of their time" and often lose out to more conventional designs, only for the more promising designs to return later and be adopted. With regards to fighter jets, one just needs to look at the YF-23 vs the YF-22. The battle for the fifth gen fighter jet program. The YF-23 was faster, stealthier, more maneuverable in most common scenarios. The YF-22 ended up winning, and becoming the F-22, because it had thrust vectoring and was more appealing to conventional tactics. But now that the US wants to build a sixth gen fighter plane, and other countries want to build 5.5 gen planes, all the proposed designs look extremely similar to the YF-23. Almost as if it was the better overall design. Similar is happening with the Airforce's proposed replacement for the F-35, the replacement looks like a clone of an F-16XL. An experimental design that also lost out on a contract to the F15E if I remember correctly, but is now coming back.
yankoids stay losing lmaooooooo
oooh 86 comments about the space race. I’m sure this will be very normal
I didnt expect even this one to make the federated libs mad because its just... basic description of the facts. But ok.
Soon Hexbear...first shitposters in space.
This is how you remind me of who I really am
Good take on a classic
Look, this is just cope. Once both nations had icbms, the space race was a propaganda and national prestige thing. The fact that most people say amerikkka won the space race means they did.
The fact that most people say amerikkka won the space race
maybe. let's try getting poll data from outside theAlso, no not everything comes down to propaganda victories lol. For example, in warfare, it's highly possible to win a propaganda victory at home among your indoctrinated population while losing the actual war. You can have all your citizens believe your army is killing 5161864681614 enemy combatants every day when in fact it's mostly killing civilians and getting bogged down in counter-insurgency. This is the form most US wars take, after all.
Most people think Uncle Sam won WWII thanks to decades of propaganda by Hollywood.
Rethink your thesis.
That's a bit COPIUM tbh
Why even is getting a man on the moon important?
And if it was important why did we stop?
The value of manned missions was propaganda which is why the Apolo mission was cancelled when it stopped getting TV ratings. Because getting humans on the moon didn’t actually deliver anything of much importance except those TV ratings.
“First game of golf on the moon” good job USA you did it meanwhile the USSR landed on Venus.
You can't say it isn't copium and then go into a bunch of sour grapes about how the moon is dumb and who cares. The whole world was pretty psyched about it at the time.
And it's not like someone who reads this meme is going to come away with an accurate impression of the space race. People in this thread are talking about how "the US did this one thing and that's' it"
Don't forget first human death in space.
As opposed to Apollo 1 where they killed 3 right here on earth
They had information that would lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton.
It's kind of amazing only three people have died in actual outer space.
I'll point out, more people died in the US space program than the Soviet one.
Depends on how you count. The US had more astronauts killed in their space program while the Soviets had some rocket explosions that killed a lot of ground crew.
The worst disaster in space history was the Nedelin catastrophe which also took out some of the USSR’s top minds.
The second worst disaster was the Plesetsk disaster, also by the Soviet Union.
Not sure what metrics you’re using for that claim.
Yeah, it was three cosmonauts during the Soyuz 11 mission. A valve broke open right before re-entry. The cosmonauts probably asphyxiated within 40 seconds. This all happened just above the Karman line (100km) which is what defines where space starts. The capsule finished the re-entry and landing process and they were found dead, they were still warm when the recovery team found them. After this the Soviets redesigned the Soyuz capsule, reducing the capacity to 2 people but allowing them to wear their spacesuits during re-entry and take-off.
I'm reminded of this hilarious copypasta describing how Laika started a race to kill the most animals in space. Wish I could find it again.
Celebrating that someone died on a groundbreaking mission into outer space because he was on the "wrong side" has got to be peak lib
This doesn't even make sense from a lib perspective. Even if I were a lib I would still call you a dumbass
I dunno. America was doing its best to ensure poor black kids couldn't eat. Thankfully the Black Panthers took it upon themselves to make sure kids didn't starve.
Very interesting and cool fact, can you explain this a bit more?
I, too, would like to know how the caloric intake of the average Soviet citizen was equal to that of American citizens when the soviets were depriving food from stores
Capitalist countries have far more hunger
Death to America
The first ever country in history to have food shortages: the USSR.
Famines didn't exist before Joseph Stalin personally invented them with his big spoon.
Gommunism no food
On a serious note, what a childish retort. It's like when you get owned in kindergarten and you hit back with "your mom fat".
oh wow, whataboutism much?
Whataboutism? What about deez nuts?
Did they do that on purpose? Was it a policy?
oppa gangnam style
The last famine in the USSR ended in 1947, so this smarmy line liberals love to repeat isn't even fucking true.
Soyuz stays winning
Oh fuck off
Does Roscosmos count? They're using the same stuff.