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not today CIA
  • kelly the revolving backdoor

  • holy shit i switched over to .ml while the hexbear admins were off couping Bolivia and it was so fuckin bad
  • Libs were the real authoritarian tankies all along. Ask any country the US has invaded since WW2.

  • This AI generated meme cooked
  • The Ukrainian one is infuriating. OOOOOOOOOOH THEY HAD A SINGLE JEWISH PRESIDENT ONCE THEREFORE NO NAZIS. yeah I'm sure that argument works for white supremacy in the US under Obama. let me get out my amnesia ray gun and forget all about Poroshenko granting nazi collaborators like Stepan Bandera "hero" status and integrating nazi gangs and militias into the military in the 5 years of civil war leading up to Zelensky getting elected, with a majority of Zelensky's votes coming from the Russian speaking separatist regions that were getting bombed.

  • Holy fuck, r/neoliberal just destroyed communism, shut this site down
  • It would be sick if we actually judged Capitalism as a mode of production by the Late Victorian genocides committed by England, Belgium, and other Capitalist/Colonialist powers, but we know that will never happen.

  • Holy fuck, r/neoliberal just destroyed communism, shut this site down
  • Really good point; I'll start putting it that way as well when I actually get that far into it (I usually don't)

  • Holy fuck, r/neoliberal just destroyed communism, shut this site down
  • yes and I wouldn't really say nazi germany was a "choice" for an ally, or even an "ally," the soviets were, again, stalling, buying time, and pretty much knew germany was eventually going to invade them, since hitler had spent the previous 19 years screeching into microphones about "judeobolshevism" and "the slavic untermensch" and the need for "lebensraum"

  • Holy fuck, r/neoliberal just destroyed communism, shut this site down
  • (yeah I'm posting wikipedia, I don't feel like spending the rest of my sunday night hunting down the specific books on libgen that are cited on each page, suffice it to say these are events which did occur, and even English Wikipedia doesn't deny them, the problem with a lot of these pacts is that they are named different things by different countries)

    Four-Power Pact (worth noting france did not ratify)

    Hitler Pilsudski Pact

    Anglo German Naval Agreement

    Anti Comintern Pact since this was between Japan/Germany there's less amnesia about it

    German/British and German/French 1938 non aggression pacts are usually just called the Munich Agreement in English language sources to obfuscate what was happening

    German Romanian Economical Treaty March 1939

    German Ultimatum to Lithuania in March 1939 seems a bit unfair to characterize as a treaty tbh

    "Pact of Steel" with Italy 1939 Now THIS is actually a military alliance pact, which is what people keep characterizing molotov-ribbentrop as

    Danish-German non aggression pact May 1939 this one isn't wikipedia

    Germany Estonia N-A-Pact June 7th 1939

    German-Latvian N-A-Pact June 7th 1939

    Molotov Ribbentrop Pact

    Also it's worth noting that even though the USA never signed a non aggression pact with nazi germany, american capitalists were quite fond of funding nazis, doing trade with nazis, and even hosting nazi party rallies in the United States (such as one in madison square garden in 1939). And there was even a fascist attempt at a coup against FDR, that was thwarted by smedley butler being a whistleblower.

    What makes people freak out about molotov ribbentrop is the agreement to partition states. the reason for this is because the USSR needed time to deconstruct factories and move them east before the luftwaffe could bomb them. The USSR made a calculated risk that by dividing poland they could move the future war front far west of where it would otherwise be if they refused a non aggression pact and just got invaded right away, and at the same time, move their war industry far east of the war front. Of course by making this calculated risk they gave an easy propaganda victory to all bourgeois nations who experience collective amnesia about every other non aggression pact, as well as their categorical refusal to enter into collective security against fascism with the "bolshevik menace" in the 1930s. It is somewhat similar to how USSR tried to join NATO in the 50s and was refused. The bourgeois nations never wanted collective security or peace with the USSR, even when it was on the table. In particular the USSR only invaded finland because it was the most convenient route to invade the USSR, and the Finnish (a future axis power) wouldn't sell them the land that the nazis eventually used to invade.

  • Holy fuck, r/neoliberal just destroyed communism, shut this site down
  • from the comments

    Quick question, who formed an alliance with Hitler? Stalin or Roosevelt?

    The answer to this question is "Mussolini and Tojo". Several European countries signed a "Non Aggression Pact" before the USSR, and then the USSR signed a "Non Aggression Pact" to buy time because they knew an invasion was inevitable.

  • Holy fuck, r/neoliberal just destroyed communism, shut this site down
  • (Mods pls make a bot that posts this any time r/neoliberal is brought up)

    Reminder that r/neoliberal was created by and is astroturfed by a fossil fuel think tank called the Progressive Policy Institute, as part of their "Neoliberal Project"

    PPI has been around since 1989 and views itself as Bill Clinton's "idea mill" aka think tank. Why I call them a fossil fuel think tank is detailed here. They oppose climate action, defend fracking, and receive donations from Exxon Mobil.

    it's safe to say that their upvotes are farmed, and their organic support is mostly bourgeois economics and political science majors and interns who hope to work for PPI or a similar think tank one day. It's basically a Neera Tanden farm.

    The creator of r/neoliberal, Colin Mortimer, is the Director of the Center for New Liberalism at PPI, which seeks to "develop a salient identity around the center-left values that have increasingly come under fire in this age of populism."

    copy the text in this spoiler tag to repost
    PPI has been around since 1989 and views itself as Bill Clinton's "idea mill" aka think tank. [Why I call them a fossil fuel think tank is detailed here.]( They oppose climate action, defend fracking, and receive donations from Exxon Mobil.
    it's safe to say that their upvotes are farmed, and their organic support is mostly bourgeois economics and political science majors and interns who hope to work for PPI or a similar think tank one day. It's basically a Neera Tanden farm.
    The creator of r/neoliberal, [Colin Mortimer](, is the [Director of the Center for New Liberalism at PPI](, which seeks to "develop a salient identity around the center-left values that have increasingly come under fire in this age of populism."
  • What's going on with the "Chinese Police Stations" in Canada thing?
  • just manufacturing consent for the future most destructive war in human history, no big deal

  • How do you get white men at your org to shut the fuck up and make space for other people?
  • long off topic monologues

    the sad thing is this is indistinguishable from something a wrecker or a cop would do, but I could also see it being completely sincere behavior. Perhaps institute some kind of time limit.

  • Chinese news vs American news
  • That's true, space could be ruled by giant bats

  • How do you get white men at your org to shut the fuck up and make space for other people?
  • Funny joke but consider:

    thesis: I should organize and lead because the world needs a white savior

    antithesis: I should grill because the world is tired of my kkkrakkka shit

    synthesis: I should organize in a non-leadership role because the world is tired of my kkkrakkka shit

  • NSFW
    JKR tells people to vote for the Communist Party of Britain because they are as transphobic as her CW: transphobia
  • CW: Discussion of transphobia

    This is a very pop-cultural explanation that looks specifically at a few random bourgeois actors and their interactions with traditional and social media. I think a better explanation for why TERF island is so transphobic has less to do with New Atheism (i.e. Dawkins et al.) and JK Rowling (who are symptoms of the underlying problem rather than the source). It has to do with the fact that the UK is fundamentally a dethroned world superpower. The UK lost all its colonies and became a vassal of the United States, and for a while was just an appendage of the EU. The same thing that is behind British transphobia is the same thing behind Brexit. It's the same old reactionary "we used to be a REAL country. We used to be an EMPIRE. But now we have FALLEN FROM GRACE and we need a nonconformist scapegoat to blame for our current geopolitical irrelevancy!" And what better scapegoat than trans people, who have been undergoing a civil rights struggle similar to the struggles of other marginalized groups. When a marginalized group is actively undergoing a civil rights struggle in a dethroned empire like the UK, they become a convenient scapegoat for why the country is no longer powerful. This is especially true of trans women, who are seen through a transphobic lens as "biological men who refused the call to be masculine revanchist imperialists."

    TL;DR transphobia is just another genre of "the west has fallen, billions must die"

    EDIT: Not "just" since transphobia exists outside of empire, but it takes on that flavor in the imperial core

  • Chinese news vs American news

    skip to 5:51

    Some commentary: Would a dyson sphere really appear "dark" and only be visible in infrared? Wouldn't a civilization manipulating a dyson sphere still want to be able to see what they're doing outside of the sphere? Wouldn't they have tons of light pollution from their advanced civilization existing around their dyson sphere? Unless they've somehow evolved past the need to see things, it seems like a dyson sphere is an unlikely explanation for these 7 stars

  • USA Demsocs: "Bernie could have been like my wholesome white nationalist!!"
  • It's another episode of Socialism is when the government does stuff

    It's another episode of confusing social democratic with democratic socialist

    It's another episode of Americans doing Great Man Theory of history harder than any "authoritarian tankie" ever could

    Let me not spend an hour writing an effort posts on all the other critiques I could make of this image, such as the failure to understand that anti-trust just fetishizes competition between small producers and intends to reintroduce an earlier stage of capitalism rather than simply nationalizing the monopolies, or how FDR used social democracy to save Capitalism from collapsing and postpone revolutionary conditions by decades, or how Dwight Eisenhower felt about Cuba and DPRK, or how Lyndon "Forgorn Leghorn" Johnson said this or how Bernie bent the knee to Genocide Joe... I'm barely scratching the surface here.

    Social Democracy is objectively the moderate wing of fascism. And I don't care if Stalin retracted that quote. He was being polite.

  • You mean it was never about saving Ukraine from Vladolf Putler's unprovoked Aggression?


    [Isn't it odd that Lindsey Graham went to Ukraine 2 years into their civil war, which started after a coup which put Poroshenko into power, in order to push the case for war with Russia? And that he was accompanied on that trip by !klobuchar and !meghan's dad?](

    maybe if we conscript 100,000 more 45 year olds Ukraine can win back Donbass and finally finish removing the undesirables and separatists who live there help the citizens heal

    Bring jobs back to America- NO WAIT NOT LIKE THAT

    >When Jeff Peticolas was a boy, he wondered how his dad could stomach owning Japanese cameras. Sam Peticolas had survived Pearl Harbor. He'd flown 52 missions against Imperial Japan. He'd nearly drowned after crashing a B-17 into the Pacific and received two Purple Hearts. What was he doing using products like Nikon that were made by his former enemy? Jeez, those are the guys who were shootin' at you, Peticolas thought, and here you are buying their stuff.

    >Now 66, Peticolas is tall and sturdy for his age, with gray hair, a gray mustache, and deep-set wrinkles. He feels guilty about having never served. The draft ended two years before he was eligible, not that he particularly wanted to go fight in Vietnam. Instead, Peticolas trained to become an auto mechanic at Ferris State University, where his father taught, in Mecosta County, Michigan, in and around which he has always lived.

    >But in September 2022, when the county announced that an electric-vehicle-parts manufacturer was coming to town, Peticolas decided it was time to serve his country. The company, Gotion, is the American subsidiary of the world's second-largest EV-battery maker, a Chinese conglomerate called Gotion High-Tech. The $2.4 billion battery plant promised to bring nearly 2,500 jobs to Michigan's fifth-poorest county. But as Peticolas saw it, not only was America's most powerful adversary setting up shop in his hometown, but local officials in Green Charter Township had committed something close to treason by inviting the enemy in. This was nothing short of a communist invasion, in his eyes, and the patriots of Green Charter needed to rise up and confront the Red Peril.

    >"Yes, I have Chinese stuff in my house all over the place," Peticolas says. "But it's way better that they build it in China and sell it here than to build it here and be here. It's called embedding with the enemy. It's an age-old military tactic."

    !he-laughed beyond fucking parody

    >Peticolas and his neighbors formed a rebel coalition, christening themselves the "No-Gos." They began to see conspiracies around every corner. How long had this Chinese project been in the works? Who among the town's leaders was on Beijing's payroll? In rowdy droves, the No-Gos started attending town-hall meetings in search of answers. They unleashed a barrage of Freedom of Information Act requests, sifting through the emails of Green Charter's township board for signs of "corruption" and other shady dealings with the Chinese.

    >To them, the Gotion project was a Trojan horse en route with communist spies. Some even speculated that Chinese missiles might be concealed in the factory's water tanks.

    !xigma-male are the chinese missiles in the room with you, right now?

    Lads, Ladies, and Enbies, we got him


    !let-them-fight !lets-fucking-go


    so just how much of a trainwreck was this?

    didn't watch; was it at least funny? is it worth making a drinking game out of?

    Tachanka Tachanka [comrade/them]

    The Tervell of Emoji-posting

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