Back to School
Back to School
Back to School
as a pre-schooler non-social media parent, this is fucking hilarious.
Back to school, back to school,
To prove to Daddy that I'm not a fool.
I got my lunch packed up,
My boots tied tight,
I hope I don't get in a fight.
Oh back to school, back to school...
Our school started back August 5th
Looks like you might be from a Southern state, such as Arizona, Georgia, or Florida. According to the info I got from Copilot. They start the school year in early August. Whereas Northern states, like New York, Massachusetts, and Minnesota typically begin after Labor Day.
Reminded me of when I drove my nephew to kindergarten and played this for him lol. Now he annoys his parents by requesting this song more often than he should. 😂
Rule 1: No Bright Light my dude!
Soon? We've moved on already
Shouldn't that little guy be a puddle of goo in direct sunlight?