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  • There are probably worst games I've played that I don't recall, but there was a Roller Coaster Tycoon knockoff for the Playstation once. First impressions were "I bet this is going to be as customizable a sandbox game as the computer version". Nope. It's like the actual Roller Coaster Tycoon, except the parks are tiny, so much of the land is unusable, everything costs a bajillion dollars to make, the parks get demolished every time you "succeed" (since it was level-based), and you get absolutely no warning before a game over screen just drops in on you because you took out the wrong loans. Even being a real park owner probably has less checks and balances than it.

  • Mostly any modern mobile game. Piles of shit with p2w and gambling addictive mechanics that aren't fun but stressful...


  • I don't even remember all the trash games i tried to played just to delete them after few minutes.

    But the ones being remembered are instead the biggest disappointments, games which were supposed to be great or were supposed to be improved sequels of great games.

    In this cathegory trashcan lid medal goes definitely to REBEL GALAXY 2. I played first part like 10 times and only ever wanted more of it, but 2nd problem was not that it was bad or not (it was though), but that it was entirely different game.

    Dishonorable mentions for few more:

    • Dragon Age Inquisition for being a solo player simulator of a boring MMO instead of a awaited resurrection of series and even sub-genre
    • Marvel Midnight Suns, again for being supposed to be next X-Com but in reality being poorly optimised card game
    • Pandora: First Contact, supposed spiritual successor to Sid Meier Alpha Centuari. Well it was spiritual in sense i wanted to get drunk on spirits because no chance to play this turd while sober.
    • Starfield, i don't think i have to comment on this
    • Less specific but every Dune game since Emperor: Battle for Dune and probably every Dune game in the future as long as the unFuncom have the licence
    • Gladius: Relics of War: for a game that had so much development and DLC's it's still shallow as puddle. Which, along with Pandora above leds me to:
    • Everything published by Sltherine i played maybe except Armageddon in good way and Pandora in bad way. Somehow nearly every good idea for a game that this company make into reality turns out to be the mediocriest of mediocrest game ever.

    EDIT: oh and the one i tried to forget so hard but other poster made me remember it: "X-Com" Chimera Squad. No, just fucking no, the pathetic death of series after glorious predecessor is just too much.

  • Puyo Puyo Tetris 2

    I wrote that essay back in 2021, and three years later time proved all of it correct. This game straight up killed the series.

    • As somebody who likes Tetris but essentially had no idea about PuyoPuyo until I came across that comment, that was a brilliant yet depressing read. I'm currently busy with life but wishlisted some PuyoPuyo games for this winter, just because that article outlined such an interesting game. It's kind of hard to find something for current platforms in Europe though...

      • If you want functional online, the Switch version of Puyo Puyo Champions is the only title worth bothering with. Specifically Switch, other platforms are ghost towns.

        If you want singleplayer content, 15th Anniversary, 20th Anniversary, and Chronicle are all peak. None of these games were released outside of Japan and they're older titles you'll have to emulate, hence all my salt about the state of things today, but at least they do have fantranslation patches.

    • What a great article!!

      So, I'm a huge Game Boy fan. I'd heard about how good Puyo Puyo is, so I got a Japanese copy of Puyo Puyo Tsu. From what I can tell it's a great port. But I struggled so much getting into it! And then I read your comment...

      Puyo Puyo Tsu is hard. It’s really damn hard. I’ve witnessed many new players struggle with even basic 3- and 4-chains, nevermind making the real big chains the game mode demands of you. And unlike Tetris where casual players do not need to know fancy T-Spin setups just to get started and play, you really can’t get far at all in Puyo Puyo Tsu without at least some understanding of chaining fundamentals.

      ...and I feel justified. 😅 What do you recommend is a good way for a new player to get into the game? Something to read, a video, or something else?

      • There are some old English-language resources available on the wiki. But I've never quite liked the way we try to teach the game by just showing pictures of an idealized chain built in a frictionless vacuum, it's a very "draw the rest of the owl" approach. Nor do I know what a better approach looks like for a game this abstract.

        At one point I was working on a video where I'd build a chain step-by-step and overexplain my thought process on each piece. But that sits on a large mountain of unfinished projects and ideas. I'm retired from the game now because, well, I can't continue justifying my competitive energy towards a game that just has no future as long as its publisher hates it, so it's never going to get finished.

  • Christmas Day, we just got a PS1 years after everyone else. My brother and I are ecstatic to play. My mum and sister are smiling at our reaction, since they went to the game store and asked the guy what a good game would be to play.

    Formula One '98. We played a lap each, and then turned off the console. I can still recall the commentary "it looks like he's stuck in the kitty litter!"

    hands shake

    • I looked up some gameplay on YouTube and it doesn't look that bad. A bit slow but that's all

      What was so bad about it to counterweigh the "wowwwww it's 3d !!!11!" effect ?

      • just a super boring game for two 9 year olds to play. It would be like if she got us a golf game.

        Adult me would probably really enjoy both games

  • ..It has to be Drakengard. What a thing. I literally couldn't finish it, and I'm close to finishing Final Fantasy XIII. I have a high tolerance, but good LORD is it a slog.

  • Master of Orion III. A 4X game for PC that had had all the fun carefully eliminated during development. It was like playing a spreadsheet.

    My greatest shame is that I actually bought it twice because years later I couldn't believe it had been that bad and risked a bargain bin copy. It was exactly that bad.

  • Bubsy 3D. The controls were awkward, the platforming was horrendous, and the levels were nonsensical.

  • Cauldron 2 for C64 you start playing and find out you have no clue how to progress the game.

  • There are a couple console games and one in my steam library that absolutely come to mind. As for which I think is worse is definitely up for debate because I think I dislike these 3 equally, even if I can only remember why I dislike two of them.

    Don't remember the exact entry, but I borrowed a Dynasty Warrior game from my brother (who didn't like it as far as I'm aware) for xbox360 and something about it I just didn't like at all. Then there's Worms Blast. For a spin-off of worms, that from what I remember just feels like a worse bubble bobble style game, I was absolutely disappointed.

    The Steam game is Macbat 64. By no means is it unplayable, add riddled, or full of annoyances preventing me from playing, but I beat it in less than 50 minutes. It's a 3D platformer whose relatively small levels pay homage to other games, but it just wasn't fun for me due to lack of content I was interested in (longer levels with more going on) when it comes to 3D platformers.

  • My first thought is The Fortress of Doctor Radiaki for DOS.

    A game I never played but is still memorable is early 2000s there was a game in Babbages in my local mall called "Prison Tycoon" that had a cop beating a black man on the box.

  • Shadow Madness on PS1. Unlikable characters, incoherent story, bad graphics, and boring gameplay. It was like someone drew a better JRPG from memory.