IRC Client for Android
IRC Client for Android
What IRC client do you all recommend for Android? I'm looking for a non-paid option that will allow me to connect to a passworded host. Any suggestions?
IRC Client for Android
What IRC client do you all recommend for Android? I'm looking for a non-paid option that will allow me to connect to a passworded host. Any suggestions?
I've always used Revolution IRC, and haven't had any issues with it.
This looks like it will work well for me, thanks! Giving it a try now!
I second this, Revolution is great
I've been using Weechat-Android to connect to my self-hosted Weechat for over a decade. This is one of the killer mobile apps that keeps me on Android and I love it.
I also have a couple instances of thelounge that people use on mobile via the PWA (progressive web app).
Using a self-hosted thelounge too and, as alternative if my home connection drop or so, I have irssi in termux.
i gave up on irc clients for android and use matrix with irc bridges. elements app
Quassel server at home and Quasseldroid to connect to it.
I just copy/pasted your post onto a search engine... wow, it works.