'Muricans are so red-scared from birth they don't even know what communist means but think it's evil nonetheless... as if communists bombed Nagasaki or something.
What do you call a person that is pro-universal healthcare, pro separation of church and state, pro individual liberty, pro LGBTQ, pro education, pro women’s rights, and pro-government accountability?
A communist.
Or socialist. Or even social-democrat in some instances. "Someone from the left".
Okay. Can you point to any studies performed around performance of diverse hires causing problems in the workplace?
The "Hopefully it seldom happens (and this phenomenon predates “DEI”)." says no. There's ample coverage on discrimination in the workplace, but not specific to DEI or positive discrimination, the focus tends to be on the negative. Yes, negative is bad, but i think positive discrimination is almost just as bad.
Because a lot of workplaces I know that have had “problem hires” who argue with people or flaunt their position have generally exhibited entitlement that links to being white or male (like myself).
I'd get it if you were to link entitlement to positions of power (mostly held by white males, yes), not to race or gender.
Do HR firms ever pick people to check a box, in a rush to avoid an all-white panel? Yes, and they could do better in their practices.
Agreed. Specifically to hiring technical jobs i don't think HR should be the first interview at all.
Whenever I hear that happen, it tends to be isolated incidents - not a habit that leads to a nonfunctional workplace.
Bringing me back to the "seldom happens" as all i have are anecdotes as well.
Not whining or caring either for that matter; and for "engaging" to make sense all the parties involved would have to be ready for some constructive discussion.
"Linux is a cancer that attaches itself in an intellectual property sense to everything it touches," Ballmer said, back before Linux had metastasized into the Windows Subsystem for Linux.
The only gripe i have with DEI is when it supersedes common sense, like when hiring someone for a tech job that only ticks DEI check-boxes but has no tech skills at all. Hopefully it seldom happens (and this phenomenon predates "DEI").
Edit: wow, the echo-chamber vibes are strong on this one. 😆
You what the master terminology comes from? Master and slave.
You know who cares and makes a fuss about it? White 'murican virtue-signaling programmers.
No one else cares or gives it any other connotation. Oh no! The slave branch is being oppressed! Let's free the slave branch! is something no one ever said (except maybe the Monty Pythons).
The difference is that racism is still quite trendy in the US (suspected to make a fabulous come-back now that they reelected Mango Mussolini and his fascist side-kick); in Rest of the World™ not as much although right-wing fucks are also on the rise.
And the US was probably last abolishing slavery (but i could be wrong on that one).
Sorry, no. The freaking board is there for a single purpose – show flights. This bs just adds an extra step for information that should be immediate and, for passengers, is kinda urgent. This is just to grab datapoints for ads like any useless app.