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Has anyone else seen evidence of Robert Maxwell, Ghlisaine's father, as someone who "rescued" kids or even trafficked them?

Came across the above link (view in Desktop mode) claiming to be an article from 1990 saying that Robert Maxwell not only intervened with these children, they put them on his plane. I was trying to find more information and stumbled on this link after reading the below article which said that Maxwell "may also have helped Jews get out of Romania in the 1980s."

It struck me at the time, with how many similarities Robert Maxwell had to Epstein ...including a love of Ghilsaine, huge financial fraud concerns, and a death that many think could have been murder. And how many people who fight trafficking end up as human traffickers themselves because it allowed them access to victims. It's just so strange that THAT man would have access to these victim networks, and that it would be so difficult to find since he allegedly was doing a good thing, right? It's not even in his obituary in the Time from 1991. But that's some Nobel Peace prize stuff, right? So why is it so hard to find except in passing mentions in articles?

It would be interesting if he really was human trafficking those kids, and it would mean that Ghilsaine wasn't likely recruited by Epstein after her father died, but rather she recruited him to continue her work.

Maxwell told the 2016 deposition that after Epstein was jailed she continued to occasionally work at his properties and kept her ties with him.

“I’m a very loyal person and Jeffrey was very good to me when my father passed away,” she said in the 2016 deposition.

“I felt that it was a very thoughtful, nice thing for me to do to help in a very limited fashion.”

Maybe she was loyal to him because he was her employee.

[Giuffre] claimed that Maxwell had directed her on three occasions to have sex with Prince Andrew.

According to Forbes, Maxwell and Epstein met through her father, convicted fraudster and tabloid king, Robert Maxwell. The pair was introduced as early as 1988, with Robert Maxwell reportedly providing funds for Epstein.

The claim that Robert Maxwell introduced his beloved daughter to Epstein comes from a convicted Ponzi schemer who had dealings with the men, according to Distractify. Other sources have Ghislaine Maxwell meeting Epstein through mutual friends around 1991, the year when Robert Maxwell died after suffering a heart attack and drowning.

Finding out how those two met is likewise quite difficult, which is crazy since both of them went through several trials detailing their crimes. The Forbes article even notes that its likely they knew each other before Robert's death because of a photo of them together around 19 days after he died.

  • I don't see anything in those articles that's particularly in conflict with the stuff that was all over the press around the time of the Epstein and G. Maxwell busts. Everyone knows Robert Maxwell was an obnoxious Rupert Murdoch type who nonetheless did a lot of philanthropy. Epstein also did philanthropy. The articles don't say Robert "trafficked" kids in the sense that Epstein did. He got a bunch of them taken to Israel (per the article--I hadn't heard this story before but it doesn't seem sensational) and lent his personal plane for the operation, no big deal. The stuff about him abusing Ghislaine is new to me but I guess it fits the general picture.

    I don't particularly remember about Epstein committing financial fraud though I didn't pay much attention. It sounded to me more he had a bunch of ultra rich people investing with him and he also trafficked teenagers to them and maybe blackmailed them too. Those are very serious crimes but not financial fraud per se. The investments themselves made money, which was very easy to do in that era as financial markets in general were doing very well. I saw a news article claiming that Epstein pretended to be an investment genius and his clients treated him as a wizard, but in fact he just put everything in index funds like a common sense retail investor would. It sufficed for him to just not be an idiot in that regard. The index funds made money so the clients were happy.

    Ghislaine is of course still with us and making noise from prison, so if the questions in the article are important, they could presumably ask her. Otherwise it just comes across as a bit voyeuristic.

    • Right, this would be speculation/fact-finding to get more info on this aspect of Robert Maxwell (his connections to moving at risk people around). Imo it's super weird that he has these ties to "refugees" yet no refugee has come forward to thank him? And it's actually pretty hard to find articles about it? Yet it seems to somehow be somewhat common knowledge as referenced by people alive then.

      He named his boat after Ghislaine. Reeks of parentification/making her his spouse. He had 9 children total so it's super weird.

      Epstein is known for being a fraudster and a thief. Including by his buddy Les Wexner, who claims Epstein "misappropriated funds." And he was fired by Bear Stearns for similar issues. Although it's likely Les simply was giving Epstein that money for trafficking, which is the majority of Epstein's financial crimes - money laundering. Which is probably why he liked Trump so much, because per the 2018 documentary Active Measures, Trump specialized in money laundering.

      I think Ghilsaine would keep quiet as this information not only implicates her, but her dad and entire family. It does nothing to benefit her and may cause her to have more charges brought against her. Critical thinking and analyzing public health risks like human traffickers isn't "voyeurism."

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