Married people, where do you land?
Married people, where do you land?
Married people, where do you land?
I can't believe they didn't put warm Amber in the bottom 10
Woodworking partner: for when you want no garage space, to be frequently annoyed by loud noises, and to have half of your furniture and bowls made of epoxy. We don't need another table, Jeffrey! We already have six. Our home only has three rooms that could fit a table already! You have a sickness! I don't care that it's in the shape of a whale!
"I don't care that it's in the shape of a whale!" is now my new favorite phrase and I now plan on 3D printing that to hang on my wall
During the winter holiday season it should have a ring around it and say "Happy Saturnwhalia!"
One of my good friends got really deep into the woodworking hobby. His house looks like a cowboy resides there.
Where is Linux?! Surely it must be on the top, I be reading (manuals), "foregin" language (bash), writing (scripts). Right?
Reading the fucking manuals, no less!
I don't think Karma Sutra teaches you how to code.
Man pages count, right?
do read them though
My wife used to think that a man who knew how to work on cars was sexy until I built a racecar in the garage, and she saw the parts invoices.
She also used to think a man who cooks is sexy until she learned that I am a GOOD cook and consequently that means I don't want help, I want you the fuck out of my kitchen, don't sample the ingredients they are weighed and portioned for a damn reason and if you put sweet baby rays on a $50 cut of steak again it will be the last time I ever cook for you.
if you put sweet baby rays on a $50 cut of steak
Grabs Heinz 57
You can come over on burger night... with the mustard guy.
Yeah! You're supposed to use mustard.
You might be right, but I don't envy your wife.
Hey I’m the good cook husband with a car problem too.
My wife never wanted to help cook though, she loves that I take it on by myself most times.
And I get the kitchen mostly to myself (though I’m sharing it with my son more now, which is slower, but pretty fun).
I'm the primary cook in my family, and my wife loves it. But she also is a fantastic sous chef. She helps me out with everything.
It's awesome having an extra set of hands in the kitchen and is also great bonding time.
My wife has 3 university degrees, she is significantly smarter than I am. She also reached under the blade when I was cutting to get a piece of carrot to snack on...
I can't do a good job and teach and watch for harebrained dumbassery at the same time.
Shit, I have to ask. What in the world is Manosphere?
Andrew Tate and all that shit.
Fuck, eww. Thanks for letting me know. Happy to see its so low but better if that weren't a thing at all.
The best explanation I've heard for it, which also dips into the why, is:
Once upon a time, there was the patriarchy. For men, this meant they had the purpose of being the breadwinner, for the price of massive mental health issues, since they were never allowed to show weakness.
Nonetheless, a whole culture and identity evolved surrounding this struggle, with beards and alcohol and it being totally not an expression of missing personal closeness cool to have sex with lots of women.
Then came along feminism with the ultimate goal of fixing this. It didn't intend to take anything away from men, but it kind of requires allowing women to also be breadwinners, which slims down the purpose of men.
Suddenly, it's potentially not enough to bring home money, you need to help out in the household and not be a complete mental health wreck. You need to be able to show weakness.
And while this is great for many men, it's also where a lot of men get kind of left behind. They've lost their manly identity or their breadwinner purpose.
And that's where the whole mansophere stuff comes in.
People telling you everything is exactly like 50 years ago, and you should be wearing a beard and drinking alcohol and having sex with lots of women.
In a weird sense, this is good for men. But the whole community is also massively misogynistic, and blaming feminism rather than appreciating it as a potential proper solution, and of course, you've got right-wing "thoughtleaders", i.e. white dudes with microphones, to round it all of.
We desperately need better solutions for these men.
Patriarchy is still screwing everyone over today, including men like it always has.
My guess is listening to bro podcasts and bro websites.
Haha even porn as a hobby (wtf) wins that
If you like rabbit holes:
What are these hobbies???
Yeah my hobby is Arguing Online
Spoken like a madman
Fuck you, those can be hobbies! drains shot
Hey, pass me the hobby!
But you can combine those two hobbies, it unlocks some form of super power!
One of my hobbies is “drinking”. I love craft cocktails and craft beer. I collect craft liquors and share them with my friends. I even make my own cider and beer sometimes. Maybe home brewing doesn’t fall into the “drinking” hobby as much.
Come visit us at !
I do consider it a hobby, and would put it as a subset of cooking. I like cooking and entertaining, hospitality, making good drinks is part of that, and historically that means alcoholic drinks.
Good news, honey! I have decided to look at porn less so that I will be able to spend more time arguing online.
Why can't you just develop a drinking
problemhobby like a normal man!?
My friend, if you rephrase "arguing online" as "debating", you will see your love-life improve dramatically.
"ArguingOnline" you mean, don't you?
My husband’s main hobby is collecting baseball cards, but he also makes money buying and selling them (along with Pokémon and MTG). He was always a bit embarrassed of this hobby until he learned he has autism and it’s just his special interest. Now he understands and accepts himself better. And that’s hella attractive.
Hell yeah tell your husband to keep rocking on.
Hasn't he heard? Collecting cards are cool now with a huge community, and bonus points he has an amazing partner who loves his confidence.
He shouldn't be embarrassed even if he wasn't autistic. You don't need autism as a "free pass" to enjoy any hobby in your life no matter what it is.
Is he seeing anyone?
My takeaway is that gaming is a neutral.
The secret is couch co-op
90% think archery is an attractive hobby. Really.
Evolutionarily speaking this is attractive because people that are good archers are good hunters, can provide for a family, and also drive off marauding Mongols.
Sometimes I wish I could carry a bow and just shoot the marauders.
Or just shooting and shit with arrows is hella cool
Huh? I think archery is a pretty cool hobby. Then again I might be "slightly" biased..
It's the long shafts...
You tend to kinda get very strong doing that so...
Foreign languages, bet they mean French and Spanish. And not the weebs learning Japanese or the Dutch
Also who would call their porn watching habits a hobby? It’s just something you do to kill some time, like scrolling social media. A hobby is something you can get better in or gain deep knowledge in. Calling porn a hobby is like calling eating, or shopping a hobby. Consuming stuff is not a hobby.
Ah! I see you never did competitive porn!
Barbados Slim?
The random callout of the Dutch is pretty funny. Dodged a bullet there.
I met a guy whose hobby was painting vulvas. It was a very active hobby and his apartment was covered with his work. He seemed very proud - his gf not so much lol
Hello, my hobby is arguing online - are we a match?
I don't have any hobbies in the "least attractive", but also not many in the "most attractive" either...and the ones I do - hiking and photography (of the stuff I see while hiking) are not really things my partner is into. Oh well, I guess we make it work.
Almost all of the hobbies that I have and that are listed are in the "least attractive" column. Explains a lot, I guess.
I'm into astrophotography. Does that make me attractive to 181% of women?
Yes, because you need to be rich to do that.
I really wanted to get into that and I saw some suggestions for "starter" equipment.... $5k USD is not starter anything if you're not rich lol
Oh. I didn’t know we were doing math that way. I have 8 of these on good and 2 bad. Averages to 561% attractive! One of my bads is arguing online, prove me wrong.
ITT: people missed to poke fun at "blacksmithing"
Who on earth is blacksmithing as a hobby? Is that even possible except if your occupation is actually being blacksmith? Like, would you set up blacksmithing equipment in your garage?
Hobbyist blacksmith here.
I read a book on blacksmithing, built a small forge in the backyard, and put my tools in the garage. It's fun, fascinating, and surprisingly approachable.
To start blacksmithing you need a space to pile up some charcoal, hairdryer and a tube, a hammer and tongs + something that can be used as an anvil(i have used a piece of old railway on a log
Yeah you can easily set up a home forge.
looks at the apartment
I think my neighbours would prefer I didn't
My brother-in-law does smith knives for fun at home
I have friends that 3d print and woodwork, plus one who was setting up a forge to smith when life threw some bad stuff at him (fire, car accidents, etc). It doesn't seem strange to me. Lots of people like hobbies and smiting/knifemaking seems relatively popular, if a bit expensive.
On the other hand that woodworking friend had a whole lathe so a small forge doesn't strike me as odd. A bit of googling suggests you can get some backyard forges between $70-300, and can just DIY and make your own. By contrast my camera (OM-D Em1 Mk III) cost me somewhere between $1.5-2k, with just one of my lenses also costing $1.5k.
My GPU also cost that.
Knifemakers typically.
you should watch forged in fire. the best competition show ever
"Metal Fabrication"
Sure, people say hiking is attractive, but I can only assume there's a bias to forest hiking.
Meanwhile, I go out and do a four to five hour urban hike and people act like I have some sort of disorder.
"wHy DoN't YoU jUsT dRiVe?" Because a drive to the beer store in the town across the river is an errand, a walk to the same place is a fucking ADVENTURE, Helen!
Wait.... So the fact that I walk 5 miles a day means that I go on a hike every day?
I actually have a bias against the forest hikes. Had a gf that loved going on nature walks. I probably wouldn't have hated them so much if smartphones had existed back then, but nope just flip phones.
That means that of all the stuff on top, I don't do gardening, or travelling..... Mostly.
I mean, a hike is really just a long walk. It often refers to long walks in the country or wilderness, but that isn't a necessary component.
That said, I don't know if anyone has any real strict distance thresholds for a 'hike' (see: minimum 10 miles/16 km or something). I could maybe see adding a caveat that it should be for purely recreational purposes, rather than say walking to work or something.
Fuck it - you're an avid hiker IMO. Walks in nature are nice, don't get me wrong, but I like all the hidden gems you can find hiking in an urban environment (I count graffiti, weird posters, dilapidated buildings/infrastructure, weird shit on the side of the road, etc.)
Shouldn't she be way lower?
i'm sorry blacksmithing? I mean it's cool as fuck, don't get me wrong, but have you seen that shit? it's the LEAST sexy hobby by far.
Also, traveling is not a hobby, stop pretending it is. That's like saying veganism is a hobby.
anyway, my main hobbies consist of playing minecraft or factorio like an autist, fucking around with linux, or philosophy, so i probably score, somewhere...
I think it's more of what kind of people women are imagining as a blacksmith. They're probably imagining a rugged man in their 30s/40s with practical muscle definition and enough financial stability to have the time/land for their own personal forge.
Likewise Travelling is just a proxy for "a ton of disposable income, and willing to take their partner to nice places".
What's with the anti blacksmithing sentiment? Most people just find someone's genuine passion to be an attractive quality, wherever their interests lie.
My wife loved the idea that I was into wood cutting. What she didn't realize was when I said woodcutting, I meant I studied the blade and practiced chopping wood with my anime sword.
I've always made the distinction that traveling is just going to average tourist stuff, beaches, camping, hiking, stuff like that, while traveling as a hobby is more like actually immersing yourself in the culture
yeah i understand the difference, but like i said, i feel like it's calling veganism a hobby. If you like travel to the point where you live in various different places of the world at different times, you don't travel as a hobby, you travel as a lifestyle.
It just doesn't feel right to call that a hobby to me. Is socializing also a hobby at this point? That seems like a weird thing to consider a hobby.
"Arguing online" is unattractive? It's actually one of the more relevant signs of intelligence if one can state their points coherently. In this 3-part essay I will...
I feel like the linel between 'reading' and 'comic books' is a bit unfair.
I mean there plenty of written stuff that's demonstrably worse than anything in comics.
And comics that are absolutely amazing, like Sandman and Persepolis
My favorite lately is Bea Wolf, a retelling of Beowolf. Oh! And Pebble and Wren.
Sandman isn't flawless but it's the best stuff not by Moore. Fables (the first story that ends around 12-16 at least) was a fun read after finishing Sandman.
I think they should've polled superhero comics separately from comics in general.
My tuba playing and german lessons are to reap great benefits soon...
Why would you post detailed statistics without listing the source?
Are the 3.1% that like the manosphere okay? Do they need help?
4% margin of error, is my guess.
Maybe they didn't know what it meant
They actually have internalized misogyny.
It's pretty externalized. Saying or typing that women are "femoids" and talking about any guy who treats women like they as actual people as an inferior breed then your misogyny is fully flapping in the breeze with the rest of the dirty laundry.
Internalized implies that it's at least one step removed from cartoonishly obvious levels.
incel fetish
or "i can fix him"
or both
Had to Ctrl-F to find a comment about manosphere
So wtf is manosphere
It's vaguely divisible between Incels, Men Rights Activists of the sort that like to complain to each other about how nobody cares instead of actually going out and doing activism and Pick Up artists.
Go figure the guys who treat women like they are sex vending machines who are the root of all societies ills aren't popular with the ladies.
All the Andrew Tate stuff. Low value men/women, general sexism and misogyny. Just weird, horny grfiters mostly.
I got the top 5 of the attractive list and only arguing online from the other list, so I think that's cancelled out.
Edit: checked with wife, she says graph is accurate.
According to who?
according to women. Says so right in the graph title!
They went door to door and asked all of them.
Whom asked ;p
I need more info. What age women? Stat source?
I feel like this would work better as negative, neutral, positive instead of attractive or not. This ends up putting things that aren't attractive but not negative down at the bottom with things that are actually unattractive.
How is weed so low? I get it's not literally everyone's cup of tea but I'm my experience more people partake or are ok with it than not.
I'm not sure how the survey was phrased to participants, but to me a "hobby" is a regular thing someone does, as their way to pass the time/have fun. I've smoked before and have no problem with it, but I do think I would find it less attractive for it to be someone's hobby, as opposed to an occasional social thing they do.
Similarly I have no problem with people watching porn, but if it's gone far enough for it to be considered their hobby, then that is less attractive to me, which also matches the chart.
I might be misunderstanding the word hobby, but so might many of the survey participants.
I see this list as "things women would like to have a detailed conversation about with their partner".
Less "do you use weed" and more "am I going to have to sit here and listen to you mansplain the difference between sativa and indica for the next two hours"
It's mostly the "hobby" bit, which implies that this is one of your favorite, regular free-time activities. If you are someone who smokes weed a few times a year in social situations, that is a different situation.
A lot of people would find it difficult to be around someone who spends their time smoking unless they are really into it too. The smell especially can be really grating/annoying, and the person smoking often doesn't realize because they have become smell-blind over time (similar to tobacco smokers).
I guess it's like drinking, I don't think the casual drinking is an issue but if you start calling it your hobby it becomes more problematic.
You might want to consider stepping outside your social circle just for the sake of broadening your horizons.
Wording on second one is word, should be "bottom 15" really.
"Top 15 Least" or "Bottom 15 Most". You can't have both.
Hang on, the real story here is more than 3 in 100 find Manosphere attractive
What the actual fuck is that?
Could be similar energy to women who proudly want to be trad wives. And those who think that because they had it shitty, others should also have to go through that.
On another note, I wonder what the divide looks like for women who start with that mindset naively and then end up a) getting lucky and not getting burnt by that mindset (and stay naive about it), b) consider it a rite of passage or the way things should be (and continue supporting it despite no longer being naive about it), or c) change their mindset after enough wake-up calls. There's probably also some that start out as b) but then changes to a c) when they see the same shit happening to their daughters or nieces or other loved ones and decide that's too much. At least I'd hope so.
It's actually below the lizardman constant.
In 2013 a Public Policy Polling poll found
four percent of Americans believe lizardmen are running the Earth", which Alexander attributed to people giving a polling company an answer they did not really believe to be true, out of carelessness, politeness, anger, or amusement
Makeup? Y'all don't want a dude that likes to look good?
So I gather this not about the hobbies themselves being attractive but about what's attractive for a partner to have as a hobby, or even specifically a male partner? What was the question exactly?
For everyone curious, here is the source of the graph.
Men seem to have a pretty good idea of what women don't like them to do. Good for them, as they do not give up the things they like just to get women's attention. Unless they'd prefer to have that attention. Huh, "life's a removed and then you die".
New tinder profile: I'm a traveling blacksmith archer hiking today in your town. I'd love to cook you dinner and serve it on the portable table I handcrafted. I'd probably cook something from my own recipe book, hope you don't mind.
Meanwhile pornhub is >30% women, but only 10% ticked the 'porn' box???
As for the porn; there is a big difference in consuming porn, and having porn as a hobby. Similar to the difference of driving a car and having cars as your hobby.
I do a lot of the top attractive hobbies and my wife is hot af.
Like, pornography is a hobby?
I feel like hobbies and activities are being used interchangeably here. Both take time away from your girl, but some are ones you can enjoy together.
It seems one out of every ten women find guys who like porn attractive.
Watching? Or making?
Archery and Blacksmithing seem cool, but like quite a small niche
yeah perhaps this survey was taken at the Ren fair.
Add clubbing to the mix and you have a full party for a nice D&D quest. Elf, dwarf, and Orc make a strong squad.
So gaming is above 33%?
I took that as gaming is 0% that no women alive think gaming/gamers are attractive.
(Me making sad gamer noises).
At least I like astronomy, gardening, hiking, cooking! But my personality, appearance, and complete and utter refusal to ever live with a dog negate all that lol
I am one of the 10% of women who find having a porn hobby attractive
The most interesting bit here is the relative positions of the unattractive stuff.
Some of it I would have guessed, some not so much.
Cosplay being higher than anime is an interesting one.
Astronomy seems like the odd one out on the top buch. It’s the only pure science. Everything else has some element of art, culture or athleticism.
Hey babe. 😘 I can’t stop thinking about the other night. The scent of your hair, the brush of your hand against mine as we installed the new tracking computer. I hope we haven’t reached periapsis, because I want to get closer to you. Why don’t you come over to my place tonight? I’ve got some new toys 🔭📷 we can try out. We can get our freak on all night long; the Perseids don’t peak until 3 AM.
Anime: 27.4%
Fuck, at least I like hiking I guess.
Funko is considered a hobby?
It's maybe one step up from Beanie Babies in terms of respectability
Up? It's a plastic trinket. If anything, it should be way below Beanie Babies.
This is coming from a guy who has a Spider-Man figure in PC cabinet and would buy action figure of Death from Sandman in a heartbeat.
I had a friend with one small room dedicated entirely to them.
I didn't get into blacksmithing until after we got married, so I guess I don't know what she saw in me. I guess the fact that I'm not involved with anything in the lower chart probably has helps. Could also be my cooking.
I have every hobby, so I'm average
I read all the time, everyday. In fact, I'm reading right now. 😎
Why is makeup so low? To me that's super attractive if a guy likes wearing makeup because it shows that he is secure in his masculinity and probably isn't a misogynistic asshole, but maybe I'm just into feminine men?
(Also I'm not saying that if guys don't like wearing makeup then they're insecure, it's just that makeup is a visible thing so it's easier to tell that they're most likely more secure)
The majority of women on this earth will permanently lose her ability to like or respect a man if she ever perceives him as being too feminine. The definition of "being too feminine" varies from woman to woman but often includes crying, expressing any emotion other than anger, wearing makeup, driving a sedan, any number of fashion things, having or liking cats, liking or caring for children, so and and so forth.
I remember back in high school or college, around the time the first three Pirates of the Caribbean movies were coming out and Johnny Depp was America's heart throb, I knew exactly two girls who specifically said they liked the eye shadow he was wearing. Relatedly, I've worn my hair long a few times in my life, and those specific two girls liked playing with my hair. Most of the rest of the women I've ever been with didn't really want much to do with it.
I’ve worn my hair long a few times in my life, and those specific two girls liked playing with my hair. Most of the rest of the women I’ve ever been with didn’t really want much to do with it.
i think it depends on how you wear the hair, and how you carry yourself, there are a handful of masculine long hair styles that just don't work outside of a masculine aesthetic i think. Or at least have a perceptibly different aesthetic due to the person they're attached to.
This is a lot less common among younger generations though. People care a lot less.
Interesting, I'm wondering if that's a generational difference or if it's because I tend to hang around other queer people since I haven't really experienced that with women.
I'm a trans woman and I wasn't out when I was in highschool but I did present myself as a somewhat feminine man then and there were quite a few guys that I upset by simply existing, however women were more interested in talking to me after I started presenting more femininely. Although I think this is because they thought I was a gay man, and thus felt safer around me.
Why is makeup so low? To me that’s super attractive if a guy likes wearing makeup because it shows that he is secure in his masculinity and probably isn’t a misogynistic asshole, but maybe I’m just into feminine men?
i really hate makeup, it's nothing other than an artistic expression of what you think you look good as.
which if you want to do it, i'm not stopping you i have better things to care about. But it's also not that deep, there is no connection between men wearing makeup and being secure in their masculinity, there is a connection between men who won't wear makeup because it's bad for their masculinity and their insecurity in masculinity.
I feel like this is like saying "men who shave their faces are secure in their masculinity"
Did you see what I put in paren at the bottom?
Also I strongly disagree with the statement that there is no connection between men wearing makeup and them being secure in their masculinity.
... there is a connection between men who won't wear makeup because ... their insecurity in masculity.
This is exactly why I like men who are into makeup, because they're not going to be insecure in their masculinity most likely.
For me this comes from having lots of bad experiences with masculine presenting men and it takes me a long time to feel safe around a guy, but if they are more feminine presenting I feel much safer around them because all the feminine guys I know have never done anything to make me feel unsafe.
I'm reading comicbooks. Check potential mate!
I guess my astrophotography hobby has cancelled out my drinking and porn hobbies lol
Ok cool, so if I have no personality I can just pick a couple from the list: one to get me active and another to keep me creative.
I honestly have no idea where to start. I don't know what I like. I'm tired and I just want to sleep.
Yeah I know, I think it's a combination of a slightly rubbish diet, lack of exercise, and a possible vitamin/mineral deficiency.
Hence trying to work out what active hobby I would like that doesn't break my budget. I have never been a fan of team sports and unfortunately most of the activity groups around me are football (soccer) leagues and running clubs. Both of which I know I don't like because I have tried.
Might I suggest reading (specifically hard-copy books)? Doesn't require much energy, and if you do it in bed with a dim light chances are you will get your sleep too (+ higher potential for vivid dreams, but that may just be me, YMMV).
It's also, like, super attractive, apparently.
I don't like debating being disliked. You don't understand how fun tearing concepts apart is. I love arguing, because I feel it's a great method of learning to understand different opinions and learn more about subjects.
That being said, being a genuinely good debater is a raaaare trait. Therefore, I can see why it'd be off-putting to some. But, don't underestimate how valuable and fun a good discussion is.
This feels like one of those 90's purity tests. I'll play
PS How do women feel about infographic makers that get confused between 15 and 16?
I'll play too.
Reading, instrument, cooking, woodworking, painting - lol cars, airbrush, graphics..., writing - I have a whole sci-fi universe, gardening, photography, astronomy, I can fab nearly anything.
I'm just partially disabled, live under a rock, and need a rich girl to take care of me in exchange for a ton of love. I don't even bother looking, but if you're in SoCal, hit me up lol, I'm still a 30-something until tomorrow.