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  • Sure, people say hiking is attractive, but I can only assume there's a bias to forest hiking.

    Meanwhile, I go out and do a four to five hour urban hike and people act like I have some sort of disorder.

    "wHy DoN't YoU jUsT dRiVe?" Because a drive to the beer store in the town across the river is an errand, a walk to the same place is a fucking ADVENTURE, Helen!

  • So I gather this not about the hobbies themselves being attractive but about what's attractive for a partner to have as a hobby, or even specifically a male partner? What was the question exactly?

  • Why is makeup so low? To me that's super attractive if a guy likes wearing makeup because it shows that he is secure in his masculinity and probably isn't a misogynistic asshole, but maybe I'm just into feminine men?

    (Also I'm not saying that if guys don't like wearing makeup then they're insecure, it's just that makeup is a visible thing so it's easier to tell that they're most likely more secure)

    • The majority of women on this earth will permanently lose her ability to like or respect a man if she ever perceives him as being too feminine. The definition of "being too feminine" varies from woman to woman but often includes crying, expressing any emotion other than anger, wearing makeup, driving a sedan, any number of fashion things, having or liking cats, liking or caring for children, so and and so forth.

      I remember back in high school or college, around the time the first three Pirates of the Caribbean movies were coming out and Johnny Depp was America's heart throb, I knew exactly two girls who specifically said they liked the eye shadow he was wearing. Relatedly, I've worn my hair long a few times in my life, and those specific two girls liked playing with my hair. Most of the rest of the women I've ever been with didn't really want much to do with it.

    • Why is makeup so low? To me that’s super attractive if a guy likes wearing makeup because it shows that he is secure in his masculinity and probably isn’t a misogynistic asshole, but maybe I’m just into feminine men?

      i really hate makeup, it's nothing other than an artistic expression of what you think you look good as.

      which if you want to do it, i'm not stopping you i have better things to care about. But it's also not that deep, there is no connection between men wearing makeup and being secure in their masculinity, there is a connection between men who won't wear makeup because it's bad for their masculinity and their insecurity in masculinity.

      I feel like this is like saying "men who shave their faces are secure in their masculinity"

      • Did you see what I put in paren at the bottom?

        Also I strongly disagree with the statement that there is no connection between men wearing makeup and them being secure in their masculinity.

        ... there is a connection between men who won't wear makeup because ... their insecurity in masculity.

        This is exactly why I like men who are into makeup, because they're not going to be insecure in their masculinity most likely.

        For me this comes from having lots of bad experiences with masculine presenting men and it takes me a long time to feel safe around a guy, but if they are more feminine presenting I feel much safer around them because all the feminine guys I know have never done anything to make me feel unsafe.

  • I guess my astrophotography hobby has cancelled out my drinking and porn hobbies lol

  • This feels like one of those 90's purity tests. I'll play

    1. I read daily.
    2. I have native fluency in two languages and I'm learning a 3rd.
    3. I'm terrible at playing the violin but I can do it and I can read sheet music.
    4. My wife and I cook almost all our meals.
    5. I'm not good at woodworking but I do most of the woodworking around the house.
    6. I know next to nothing about painting. I'm bad at painting walls and my art painting looks worse than what my kids do.
    7. I'm OK at writing.
    8. No. I'll help my wife in the garden but if it's left to me, everything will die.
    9. Come on. Who doesn't like swimming.
    10. Photography is kind of meh for me. That's more my wife's hobby.
    11. I took the family to the path of totality this summer so we could see the solar prominence through a 10" Newtonian.
    12. Hiking is fun for the whole family.
    13. I fletch and put tips on my own arrows. I'm an OK shot with a bow.
    14. I made a crappy BBQ fork by making some metal really hot and hitting it with a hammer. I've been experimenting with lost PLA metal casting.
    15. We used to travel. Now we have kids.
    16. I encouraged my kids to read comic books when they were learning to read.
    17. I helped my kids make some pretty awesome costumes. My typical Halloween costume is a hat. That only counts as a costume because I don't normally wear hats.
    18. I debate too much. My wife hates it.
    19. I used to drink like a fish. I quit several years ago.
    20. There are some MTG cards somewhere in the house.
    21. I rarely watch any movies, animated or otherwise.
    22. I went to a goth club once about 20 yeas ago and the girls I was going with insisted on putting black makeup on me. Makeup is hella uncomfortable. Never doing that again.
    23. "Crypto" is a word that often means the speaker knows nothing about cryptography.
    24. Don't smoke.
    25. Seals never hurt me. Why would I club them?
    26. I once injected a marijuana and now I'm dead.
    27. What is the difference between a Funko and a boblehead? Why would either of them constitute a hobby?
    28. I'm not arguing. You're arguing.
    29. I don't watch porn. I'm a connoisseur of sophisticated erotica.
    30. I've taken way too many statistics courses to find gambling interesting.
    31. Manosphere sounds like a dumb nickname for one of your nuts.

    PS How do women feel about infographic makers that get confused between 15 and 16?

    • I'll play too.

      1. I've gotten to where I prefer audio books so I can enjoy a book while doing household chores or the more mindless tasks in the shop but yes this happens.
      2. I took enough French in high school to where I think I could successfully buy a loaf of bread in Quebec.
      3. I play 8 musical instruments, though I'm probably best at 6 string guitar.
      4. From pretzels to from scratch french onion soup I can put a decent meal on the table...
      5. ...that I built from scratch in my backyard wood shop. I've actually built a number of very nice tables and I'm not too bad at cabinetry. At some point I'm going to try my hand at turning.
      6. Sorry no I'm just outright not a painter.
      7. I'm not a bad technical writer but you'll never get a novel out of me.
      8. I grow tomatoes, peppers, okra, cucumbers, melons and beans, plus herbs like the peppermint I'm trying very hard to keep contained.
      9. Because of how my early childhood shook out I like to swim but I'm not particularly fast at it. I find floating in water to be a very comfortable thing to do.
      10. I've taken some nice pictures in my lifetime but I'm still not sure what an F stop is.
      11. I like watching space documentaries but I don't own a telescope.
      12. Hiking isn't particularly my thing; I would prefer to mountain bike than hike.
      13. I haven't so much as held a bow since high school.
      14. I would call myself a "metalworker" rather than a "blacksmith." With my background in aviation maintenance I'm more familiar with a shear and a brake than an anvil. I have done some machining and I do know how to quench harden and temper drill rod though.
      15. I've been all over the United States but I'm not that interested in traveling.
      16. I do not currently own a single comic book. I am a fan of two or three web comics that I get a few minutes of entertainment out of each day, XKCD being among them. Oh wait, does Thing Explainer by Randall Monroe count as a comic book?
      17. I've been interested in helping someone build a costume but I'm not that interested in wearing one. There's nowhere to talk about this in this list but I also like building electronics so a costume with lights or motorized components would be a project I'd like to work on.
      18. I got some debate training in public speaking class in high school, I'm perfectly comfortable discussing the merits of one plan over another but I wouldn't call it a hobby.
      19. I do not "go out drinking." I'll sip a glass of bourbon or scotch though. I also like brown beers, please put your IPAs back in the urinal from whence they came.
      20. Assuming this stands for Magic The Gathering, I've never really been into pretty much anything like that. If you invited me to play a round of any tabletop game of my choice it would be Battletech.
      21. There have been individual works of Anime I've enjoyed but you'd never mistake me for a weeb.
      22. I have no interest in makeup on my face or anyone else's. I was into wet shaving for awhile but I've gotten to where I just wear stubble.
      23. Cryptocurrency? No. Cryptography? It has been a little while since I last attended a key signing party.
      24. It's been awhile since I've had a good cigar, but I'm not really tempted to restart that particular habit.
      25. I have never set foot inside a night club and never intend to.
      26. Another thing I've never done, for much of my life I've had drug tests to pass.
      27. You mean those dumb little bobble heads some people fill their houses with? I've never actually seen one in person and hope I never do.
      28. No YOU fuck off and die!
      29. In a world where porn strives to be as depraved as possible it's actually difficult to satisfy a simple lingerie fetish. Search xvideos for "panties" and it autocorrects you to "no panties." FML.
      30. I bet a lot but I never gamble.
      31. You mean Joe Rogan's fandom? Fuck that noise.
  • Reading, instrument, cooking, woodworking, painting - lol cars, airbrush, graphics..., writing - I have a whole sci-fi universe, gardening, photography, astronomy, I can fab nearly anything.

    I'm just partially disabled, live under a rock, and need a rich girl to take care of me in exchange for a ton of love. I don't even bother looking, but if you're in SoCal, hit me up lol, I'm still a 30-something until tomorrow.