Ep 289: The Deepest I Get Is Balls Deep (BSG S1E13)
Ep 289: The Deepest I Get Is Balls Deep (BSG S1E13)
maximumfun.org Ep 289: The Deepest I Get Is Balls Deep (BSG S1E13) | Maximum Fun
When Commander Adama gets pissed at the President, their game of civilization chicken spurs a mutiny in the fleet.
When Commander Adama gets pissed at the President, their game of civilization chicken spurs a mutiny in the fleet. But while Starbuck’s side quest reveals exactly who is pregnant, the rest of season one’s interesting questions remain mostly unanswered. What type of fuel do Raptors use? When should you throw away a toaster? Who had the weirdest day? It’s the episode that‘s a little too incurious.