Do you think a community like r/TrueChristian or r/AskAChristian would be welcome on
I don't know any true Christians who are MAGA or racists or even bigots. But with the commonly used definition that if someone says something is bad they automatically are seen as hating the people doing it many people arguing in communities like that would be called haters or bigots and possibly be banned here on Even though most true Christians don't like MAGA and hardline rights they might feel the need to create communities like r/TrueChristian oad r/AskAChristian on or similar servers because they might think that their opinions are tolerated there. What do you think?
No true Christian would [heinous behavior] doesn't work very well, when [heinous behavior] is basically synonymous with the brand.
If you're asking for/requesting a soft spot for an AskAChristian community here, you should expect an abundance of difficult questions from people who came to lemmy, to get away from the wrath that is Christian love.
I'm a Bible scholar. "What the Bible teaches" eludes most Christians. "What I think the Bible teaches based on my own historical-traditional interpretation" is fine. "How I approach the Bible, taking all known context into consideration" is even better. Whenever someone says, "the Bible teaches," it's a major red flag to me.
As long as it's moderated in a way that ensures it doesn't devolve into a bunch of thinly veiled or overt jabs at the usual groups I don't see why not. Do i have faith it will succeed? Not really
Religion is as much a protected class as sexual orientation. So long as they abide by the community rules, which includes the social contract of tolerance, then they'll be just as tolerated.
What do you understand as "tolerant"? Does it have to be always affirming? Say, I state that a certain behavior is not good. You disagree. I tolerate your opinion even though I disagree. But you state that my opinion is hateful and want it to be banned. Who of us is "tolerant"?
It's not that complicated. If someone is in a protected class based on something you disagree with, keep it to yourself. If you're compelled by religious conscience to pull someone out of a protected class, this isn't the place for you.
I'm very much in favor of this! I enjoyed /r/DebateReligion and also liked to peek into religion-specific subreddits. As an anti-religious hard atheist. We can still talk and debate about ideas in a civil manner. Disagreements can be fun and intellectually beneficial.
If I were you, I would try to stay away from E-H if you don't want to give your community a bad taste. It is so easy to connect Christians and white supremacists (wether justified or not), that you probably cannot have enough distance between you and them.
There already is a surprising number of Christian communities on lemmy: Most are tiny and have yet to see some life, but in principle it seems possible and viable almost anywhere.
I surfed a little bit on E-H and I did not encounter any "white supremacist" content. You should also consider this: they did not defederate from That means they still tolerate the opinion from here. So far only defederated from them because they can't tolerate this different opinions. And it is this kind of intolerance that interprets every deviating opinion as "nazi" and "white supremacy" and everyone who doesn't approve their lifestyle as "hateful" that let's me doubt if AskAChristian can be here. I fear that certain questions could not be answered honestly without it being labeled as "hate" and being banned and silenced.
Anything that tries to stick to biblical principles, rather than bend or break to fit "modern views" is likely going to be called some sort of phobic, bigoted, racist, etc. People holding views countering the unchanging message of the bible simply cannot tolerate its unwavering stance against what it defines as sin. Terminally online people seem far more likely to be locked into their ideology and far less likely to engage in good faith discussion, because introspection and self-reflection are not possible when the person arguing refuses facts and logic.
It kills me that nobody can have an honest to goodness discussion about things anymore. It seems that if you don't agree with someone's every choice and belief these days, they see you as an enemy who MUST be silenced, by any means necessary. The world really is in a sad state, and I am ashamed to see the USA appearing to lead this charge into abject insanity. Stifling creativity, competition and speech are mainstays of this rhetoric, and yet they ignore the irony that is clearly visible when they say conservative opinion-holders are "trying to take away" someone's rights by simply disagreeing with the premise of their argument and backing it up with facts. We have a faction of grown-ass adults who literally scream, shout, and attack you for having a differing point of view.
Also, telling people that they will be tortured for etwrnity (hell) or should be outright executed (botht things religious people have done repeatedly) is ultimately bigoted and hateful. If I keep telling you that you will burn for etirnity for who you are, that is nothing short of hate.
So, should these groups be allowed to exist? Sure, I‘m all for bad arguments being publicly shared so that they can be properly scrutinized and discussed.
Just don’t expect that people will not call you out for the hateful and bigited things your holy book advocates for.
Your link has a very shallow definition of the "No true Scotsman" fallacy.
A better definition is on Wikipedia:
No true Scotsman, or appeal to purity, is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to protect their generalized statement from a falsifying counterexample by excluding the counterexample improperly. Rather than abandoning the falsified universal generalization or providing evidence that would disqualify the falsifying counterexample, a slightly modified generalization is constructed ad-hoc to definitionally exclude the undesirable specific case and similar counterexamples by appeal to rhetoric.
But I can argue that the definition of Cristian comes from the behavior and teaching of Jesus and the new testament and thus excludes bigotry hate and racism.
Also, telling people that they will be tortured for etwrnity (hell) [...] is ultimately bigoted and hateful.
Unless that is really true. Then it would be unloving to not warn people.