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Apple scaling back Vision Pro production plans

  • I'm an early VR/AR adopter. I love that shit and use it all the time. This may be an unpopular opinion in the community but I still don't think it's ready for mass adoption. It's not the price it's that there's no reason to use it. It's all fluff. We bought cell phones because we needed it to call people, then get emails and now full internet. What do we NEED AR/VR for?

  • $3500 To run regular boring Mac apps with a stupid set of goggles on your head that doesn’t bring much else. Sure, sign me up! NOT

  • no way, a $3,500 product that does the same thing your phone or computer can isn't selling well?! no way!

    • You've just attacked Apple's entire business model.

      You only forgot to mention the part where they take from open source and don't give anything back.