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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 yr. ago

  • As someone else already answered it is of course not ideal for movie consumption, since it gives you black bars top/bottom, but for productivity it is really nice. Everything from writing, spreadsheets or reading on the Internet benefits from it. Reading long horizontal sentences isn't that comfortable and often times task bars at the top and/or bottom take away some extra space. So a typical 16:9 display ends up offering very little useful working space. The taller aspect ratio isn't a massive shift, but a nice quality of life improvement.

    It also means that you have slightly more space for the keyboard or a larger track pad.

    If you are ever in a retail shop that carries Microsoft 's surface laptops you could check them out, as they are one of the few laptops that use a 3:2 aspect ratio display.

  • Haven't looked at Chromebooks in a while, but you are right that the use case would be similar.

    However I was under the impression that they are mostly competing at a lower price point. So I assume you wouldn't find nice build quality or screens.

    Beyond that I am not really familiar with how chromeOS stacks up nowadays or if it would be trivial to install Linux/windows on them. Especially if they still have EOL dates after which they aren't updated with software anymore.

    A quick search tells me that Google seems to work on a laptop and plans to merge (?) android and chromeOS more.

    So overall again products that share some aspects of what the MacBook Air makes attractive, but doesn't offer the full package.

  • Sadly doesn't seem to be fanless, which imo is a really nice feature when you dont care about high performance. Not sure if in the real world you can find good deals on the snapdragon laptops, but list price is also quite high and that keyboard with touch function keys doesn't seem great either.

    So in my book that's still no match for what a macbook air m1/2 offers, which by now are a few years old and can be found for decent prices. They might be aiming at the same market, but aren't equal.

  • A proper non-Apple Macbook Air equivalent. Because imo for the average user that just browses the internet and does some light office work it seems perfect. And with that I mean:

    • fanless
    • good screen preferably 3:2 or 16:10
    • long battery life
    • unlike the air expandable storage and ideally non soldered ram
    • solid build quality
    • priced at maybe 600-800€?
    • doesn't have to have the greatest performance

    Tbh i thought we would get it with Intels lunar lake processors, but so far no luck.

  • Yep. Weight is lost through diet, sport might help but can also make you hungry. The main benefit of exercise is better health through increased fitness.

    People should compare how much calories exercising burnes per hour compared to the simple act of e.g. switching sugary drinks for water. Especially when you aren't fit to begin with, meaning you won't for example be able to run for hours each week.

    Intermittent fasting definitely is a good method. But it varies for everyone. Imo it helps to start with changing what you groceries you buy. At least to me the further away from the plate you implement caloric reduction the easier it is.

  • I'd say their recent releases were quite mixed.

    The Battlemage GPUs have decent performance at an attractive price for many consumers. But at the same time the CPU overhead problems are a big issue at exactly that price point.

    Arrow Lake had some great efficiency gains, but that was because previously it was terrible. Now it's better, but still not even close to the likes of Apple. Great improvements on the efficiency cores and with that in some productivity tasks, but not much on the performance cores and latency seems to be a big issue. So that's pretty mixed, especially when comparing it to AMD's offerings.

    Lunar Lake seems imo is a very interesting product, but also apparently a one off. So seems like they won't "keep doing that".

    Sadly i'm not too knowledgeable in the probably more important data center space. Granite/Sierra Forest seem like quite decent products, so hopefully they'll continue to keep improving there. Gaudi 3 i really don't know much about, but i don't think they sold much of those. And they just canceled their Falcon shores release and the next Jaguar Shores is probably in 2026, so nothing new in this year?

  • I'm just an interested layman, but to me this doesn't look like what Intel needs.

    If they'd end up picking him it would confirm their focus on the foundry side, as the article suggests he has no experience with product. But Gelsinger famously already bet the company on that, and so far imo their progress there doesn't actually look too bad. So if that's the case why get rid of him in the first place.

    I guess he might bring some expertise in working with external partners on the foundry side, something i think Intel tried to gain with their failed aquisition of Tower Semiconductor in 2023. But CEO is too important of a role for this to be the main focus. You'd want someone with a vision and focused on the bigger picture there, and get the expertise to work with external partners on a lower level.

    GlobalFoundries themselves dropped out of the leading edge race and not sure if they were ever a leading innovator. So that also doesn't really look like something Intel would want to follow as an example.

  • Im vergangenen Jahr, so gab der Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels kürzlich bekannt, gab es zwar einerseits ein leichtes Umsatzplus von 0,8 Prozent – andererseits aber ging die Zahl der verkaufter Bücher um 1,7 Prozent zurück. Vereinfacht gesagt: Weniger Menschen kaufen mehr Bücher.

    Habe ich hier einen Denkfehler oder ist das absoluter Schwachsinn? Nichts hier verrät uns wieviele Bücher pro Kunde gekauft wurden. Die korrekte Schlussfolgerung ist, dass die gekauften Bücher im Schnitt teurer geworden sind.

    Wobei man nicht wissen kann ob gleiche Bücher schlicht teurer geworden sind oder sich eventuell das Kaufverhalten dahingehend geändert hat, dass andere (teurere) Buchkategorien stärker nachgefragt werden. Für letzteres würde z.B. der verstärkte Anstieg von Sachbüchern sprechen, denn ich gehe Mal davon aus, dass diese im Schnitt teurer sind.

  • I am not an Alien die hard fan, but I'd say that is definitely a factor. The movie reuses a lot of ideas from the older movies and some of the references are pretty on the nose. Still an entertaining movie though.

    As a comparison i think Prey (2022) did a better job in being a fresh entry to a similar and established franchise (predator in this case) and standing on it's own.

  • If we are talking the manufacturing side, rather than design/software i am very curious to see how SIMC develops. You are absolutely right that there is a big advantage for the second mover, since they can avoid dead ends and already know on an abstract level what is working. And diminishing returns also help make gaps be slightly less relevant.

    However i think we can't just apply the same timeline to them and say "they have 7nm now" and it took others x years to progress from there to 5nm or 3nm, because these steps include the major shift from DUV to EUV, which was in the making for a very long time. And that's a whole different beast compared to DUV, where they are also probably still relying on ASML machines for the smallest nodes (although i think producing those domestically is much more feasible). Eventually they'll get there, but i think this isn't trivial and will take more than 2 years for sure.

    On the design side vs Nvidia the hyperscalers like Alibaba/Tencent/Baidu or maybe even a smaller newcomer might be able to create something competitive for their specific usecases (like the Google TPUs). But Nvidia isn't standing still either, so i think getting close to parity will be extremely hard there aswell.

    Of course, the price gap will shrink at the same rate as ROCm matures and customers feel its safe to use AMD hardware for training.

    Well to what degree ROCm matures and closes the gap is probably the question. Like i said, i agree that their hardware seems quite capable in many ways, although my knowledge here is quite limited. But AMD so far hasn't really shown that they can compete with Nvidia on the software side.

    As far as Intel goes, being slow in my reply helps my point. Just today Intel canceled their next-generation GPU Falcon Shore, making it an internal development step only. As much as i am rooting for them, it will need a major shift in culture and talent for them to right the ship. Gaudi 3 wasn't successful (i think they didn't even meet their target of $500mio sales) and now they probably don't have any release in 2025, assuming Jaguar Lake is 2026 since Falcon Shore was slated for end of this year. In my books that is the definition of being behind more than 1 year, considering they are not even close to parity right now.

  • Dieser Zeit Artikel hat das Wahlverhalten der einzelnen Abgeordneten als Anhang.

    Somit ergab sich die nötige Mehrheit von 348 Stimmen bei 344 Gegenstimmen und zehn Enthaltungen.

    Hab mal eine Tabelle gemacht

    DafürDagegenEnthaltenNicht Abgegeben
    • Wissing und Stefan Seidler vom SSW waren die Fraktionslosen dagegen
    • Antje Tillmann von der CDU hat lobenswerter Weise als einzige dagegen gestimmt. Tritt bei der kommenden Wahl nichtmehr an (derzeit im Bundestag über die Landesliste Thüringen)
    • Der rechtsextremen Koalition von Union+AFD+FDP sind also 17 Stimmen durch nicht Abgegeben entgangen. Der Gegenseite aus SPD+Grüne+Linke 11. Wenn alle nicht abgegebenen so wie der Rest gestimmt hätten, dann hätte das hier also trotzdem nicht gereicht um den Ausgang zu verändern.
    • BSW hätte das Zünglein an der Waage sein können und versucht sich aus der Verantwortung zu stehlen. Aber Enthaltung ist auch eine bewusste Entscheidung und nicht neutral. Man muss sie mMn wohl zur "Dafür" Seite zählen und sie sind zusätzlich zu feige es zuzugeben. Ähnliches gilt für die zwei Enthaltungen der FDP.

    Edit: Abgeordnetenwatch hat das Abstimmungsverhalten ebenfalls graphisch aufgearbeitet

  • Yeah. I don’t believe market value is a great indicator in this case. In general, I would say that capital markets are rational at a macro level, but not micro. This is all speculation/gambling.

    I have to concede that point to some degree, since i guess i hold similar views with Tesla's value vs the rest of the automotive Industry. But i still think that the basic hirarchy holds true with nvidia being significantly ahead of the pack.

    My guess is that AMD and Intel are at most 1 year behind Nvidia when it comes to tech stack. “China”, maybe 2 years, probably less.

    Imo you are too optimistic with those estimations, particularly with Intel and China, although i am not an expert in the field.

    As i see it AMD seems to have a quite decent product with their instinct cards in the server market on the hardware side, but they wish they'd have something even close to CUDA and its mindshare. Which would take years to replicate. Intel wish they were only a year behind Nvidia. And i'd like to comment on China, but tbh i have little to no knowledge of their state in GPU development. If they are "2 years, probably less" behind as you say, then they should have something like the rtx 4090, which was released end of 2022. But do they have something that even rivals the 2000 or 3000 series cards?

    However, if you can make chips with 80% performance at 10% price, its a win. People can continue to tell themselves that big tech always will buy the latest and greatest whatever the cost. It does not make it true.

    But the issue is they all make their chips at the same manufacturer, TSMC, even Intel in the case of their GPUs. So they can't really differentiate much on manufacturing costs and are also competing on the same limited supply. So no one can offer 80% of performance at 10% price, or even close to it. Additionally everything around the GPU (datacenters, rack space, power useage during operation etc.) also costs, so it is only part of the overall package cost and you also want to optimize for your limited space. As i understand it datacenter building and power delivery for them is actually another limiting factor right now for the hyperscalers.

    Google, Meta and Amazon already make their own chips. That’s probably true for DeepSeek as well.

    Google yes with their TPUs, but the others all use Nvidia or AMD chips to train. Amazon has their Graviton CPUs, which are quite competitive, but i don't think they have anything on the GPU side. DeepSeek is way to small and new for custom chips, they evolved out of a hedge fund and just use nvidia GPUs as more or less everyone else.

  • Thematische und Sektor ETFs sind finde ich nochmal ein ganz eigenes Thema und könnten ja auch passiv einem Index folgen.

    Ich stimme dir aber prinzipiell absolut zu, dass der Artikel nicht kritisch genug ist. Für mich besonders was Kathie Woods angeht.

    Für Furore hat in den vergangenen Jahren die Star-Investorin Cathie Wood mit ihrem aktiven ETF, dem "ARK Innovation"-Fonds gesorgt.

    Wood investierte ab 2020 aggressiv in US-Technologieunternehmen, was den Fondskurs zunächst deutlich nach oben trieb und viele Milliarden Dollar an Anlegergeldern anzog. Immer wieder allerdings gab es auch heftige Kurseinbrüche. Und im vergangenen Jahr schnitt der Fonds schlechter ab als der US-Leitindex S&P 500.

    Dass praktisch jeder Anleger der nach der initial unglaublich guten Performance (Höhepunkt ca. Anfang 21) eingestiegen wahrscheinlich substantiell verloren hat wird nicht erwähnt. Wenn man sich die Zusammensetzung anschaut wurde der Großteil der Performance durch einige wenige Unternehmensbeteiligungen wie Tesla verursacht. Das ganze ist eigentlich näher am Investieren in Einzelaktien als an Index investieren, womit man potentiell deutlich besser gefahren wäre. Kein Wort von risk-adjusted Returns und dass man deswegen ARKK und den S&P500 nicht einfach so vergleichen sollte. Wobei wenn dann der nasdaq 100 wohl der bessere Vergleichsindex wäre, dann sähe es aber noch schlechter aus.

    Hab es mir mal kurz in Tradingview angeschaut und Kurse verglichen:

    Wenn man von Begin an Ende 2014 in ARKK investiert und bis heute gehalten hätte, dann wäre man 234% im Plus. Als Vergleich: SPY 259%, NASDAQ 416% und Tesla 2371%. Hier fehlen aber glaube ich noch die Dividenden.

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  • Hat die Bahn tatsächlich die gesamten Bahnhöfe inklusive der Bahnsteige etc verkauft? Und deshalb muss an die privaten Eigentümer Entgeld gezahlt werden?

    Für mich klingt das eher als hätte die Bahn nur die alten Bahnhofsgebäude neben den Gleisen verkauft und führt den Betrieb einfach ohne diese fort. Und das Stationspreissystem ist zwischen der DB InfraGO AG und den oft privaten Eisenbahnunternehmen die diverse Regionalbahnen und ÖPNV betreiben, also z.B. der Transdev GmbH.

  • Looking at the market cap of Nvidia vs their competitors the market belives it is, considering they just lost more than AMD/Intel and the likes are worth combined and still are valued at $2.9 billion.

    And with technology i mean both the performance of their hardware and the software stack they've created, which is a big part of their dominance.

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