Student charged with felony after pointing finger gun
Student charged with felony after pointing finger gun
Student charged with felony after pointing finger gun
Yes I'm sure this will reduce violence
I mean I'm all for stricter gun regulations, but chopping everybody's fingers off might be a bit much. Granted.
How else will they learn though?
/me makes throat slitting gesture
Oi you got a licosonse for that gesture.
I've gotta wonder if the charge is being pushed by someone who opposes the law being talked about in the video, who wants its first application to be in a case so ridiculous it'll create mass public opposition to it or something. That's the only scenario I can think of where an otherwise functioning adult may make a decision that poor.
Now I'm no judge, but I see this as a first amendment violation. The student was expressing his disdain towards the kids in a jackass sort of way, but being a jackass isn't and shouldn't be against the law.
I would be inclined to agree. Schools themselves have wide latitude to police this type of thing, much wider than general criminal law could do. So I have no problem with the kid being suspended. The criminal charge on the other hand is another matter entirely. That seems like a clear 1st Amendment violation.
Depends on context. In this case it's obvious it's not a "true threat."
In Tennessee, it's a felony for impersonating a gun. Having a real one on the other hand is perfectly acceptable.
"It's me, a 8mm Glock. I like to lie threatenly on tables and being pointed at minorities." What do you think, pretty convincing, right?
Finger guns are not covered under the 2nd amendment.
Well you see your honor: the hand is connected to the arm.... And we have the right to bear arms so...
Ah, the RFK Jr defense. Nice.
I prefer to have the right to Bear Arms, tbh.
Then ask your bear to make a finger gun
The arms are a right, the hands at the end of them are a privilege...
It’s the right to bear arms, not the right to bare arms!
But they should be covered under the 1st amendment. The problem is that children don't have many rights in the US.
Yes it does, finger guns 100% existed in the 18th century
Googling this... At the moment, the only source online is a single local newspaper, which omits numerous key details. Might turn out to be nothing.
Student with actual gun given a thumbs-up and a gentle kiss on the forehead.
We have the best High Schools, because of jail.
Anything but addressing the core issue.
you can't buy fingers from weapons manufacturers so we can't protect your right to bear fingers
Are finger guns going to become the equivalent of a middle finger in the US because of how many people die to guns?
Much like the middle finger gesture is offensive because outside the US many people die to birds.
That's one way to misunderstand the sentence. Impressive. The USA preschool reading level isn't a joke after all.
Half of U.S. adults can’t read a book written at the 8th-grade level.
Only if the French start doing it.
I can tell you that I was forbidden from doing that while playing during a vacation in Colorado, mere months before Columbine. This bullshit is ridiculous.
Clearly you weren't in a dangerous finger-standoff by yourselves.
Says an error occurred and I can't get the link, can you send it here?
More repuglican insanity
TBF, that's how I robbed Chase Bank last week.
I know I'm late to the party, but...
Ah yes, as a reliable journalistic source...
Huh? You know news organizations have YouTube channels right?