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What is the oldest (optional) element of your daily routine?

So not bathroom related tasks, but more like some arbitrary thing you must and always do daily.

For me, I watch Anton Petrov's daily white paper summary with dinner since some time in 2018. Even when New Pipe is down, I hit up Vimeo or Odyssey to watch Anton.


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  • Eating dinner with family daily. I was talking with some coworkers and apparently this isn’t something most people do anymore? I really enjoy this time with them and we’ve always had great conversations while I was growing up and now with my own family.

    • I'm very interested, would like to have family dinner tradition too when/if I start a family. I just don't have any idea how to start. Can you tell me more how does the routine go? Like, who is responsible for what? Do you cook/buy dinner? What are the do's and don'ts while having dinner? How to enforce it while making sure everyone enjoy this routine? What kind of obligations are okay as an excuse to not participate?

      I know it's too many questions, just the gist of it is fine.

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