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  • Something similar to Star Trek. A world without scarcity of resources or money.

  • I am on a beach, in a old lawn chair. the sand is grey. the sky is a deep dark blue. The sun has not risen. It is cold but not freezing. There is no wind.

    I am aware of the long dead remains of the other beach goers around me. But I choose not to acknowledge them. I know peace in this moment.

    I close my eyes as the sun begins to rise. Though does nothing against the blinding light. I do not see my final moment. I see nothing.

    ... either that or I dream of eating a big pizza.

  • I want to find a job that isn't too much for me and pays well. The search has been on for ages and goes on.

  • Being able to afford to the medical care I need, or to just die and get it over with.

  • For Bitcoin to go on another bull run and hit $1m. Hell, I'll take $100k at this point.