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People from Italy, Czechia, Poland, Hungary and others, how are you dealing with the Boris storm?

This storm looks scary

  • I cound myself lucky as I was not affected at all. Weather was shitty, 4 days of non stop raining, but nothing more. No storms, no winds, just rain, rain, rain. I live at the top of a hill, so no problem.

    My colleague was scared, though. She lives near river and her (ground level) flat was already flooded once 25ish years ago. This time the water risen flooded some of her neighbouring gardens, but stopped few steps from her door.

    The worst effect was on place I work at. There's ongoing reconstruction of the building and while the roof is supposed to be finished, it definitely did not look like it inside. There were multiple places where water went through, so wet walls, ruined drywall ceilings, water in cables, etc. Nothing devastating, but really inconvenient.

    Still nothing compared to those poor souls who lost everything in a heartbeat.

  • The flood just arrived to Budapest, lower embankments were closed on Monday, Danube will reach it's highest level on Saturday or Sunday. It won't reach the levels of the highest modern flood from 2013, so noone is really afraid. Weather is nice, no rain.

    Edit: nice article with images on today's situatuon:

    Some images of the closed roads from r*ddit:

    Every politician is posting pictures with shovels in wellington boots, some actually helps. They disassembled a temporary dyke already under water so Orbán could pose in the flood, see the background in this image:

  • Italian here. Luckily it seems like the place I live now has been barely touched by Boris, but my wife's parents are stuck at home with flooded streets and whatnot. Hope it's not going to be as bad as last year.