Ep 291: Femur Confidence (Film Fest: Jurassic Park)
Ep 291: Femur Confidence (Film Fest: Jurassic Park)
maximumfun.org Ep 291: Femur Confidence (Film Fest: Jurassic Park 1993) | Maximum Fun
When the guys need to select a second movie for their film festival Adam forgets the one rule he set for himself, no blockbusters, and chooses a T-Rex sized smash hit.
When the guys need to select a second movie for their film festival Adam forgets the one rule he set for himself, no blockbusters, and chooses a T-Rex sized smash hit. But when the special effects start jangling its keys, Ben and Adam are so distracted by shiny jeeps and dinosaurs that they forget all their movie mandates. Is the flutter real? Who said it best, Muldoon or Lecter? Did Jeff Goldblum get to take the excess chest oil home? It’s the episode that has golf time written into its contract.