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Meet the 7 Corporations Doing the Most to Undermine Democracy Worldwide Meet the 7 Corporations Doing the Most to Undermine Democracy Worldwide | Common Dreams

The International Trade Union Confederation has labeled seven major companies as "corporate underminers of democracy" because they lobby against government attempts to hold them accountable and are headed by super-rich individuals who fund right-wing political movements and leaders.

Meet the 7 Corporations Doing the Most to Undermine Democracy Worldwide | Common Dreams

The "corporate underminers of democracy" are:

1 Amazon dot com, Inc.

2 Blackstone Group

3 ExxonMobil

4 Glencore-Swiss

5 Meta

6 Tesla

7 The Vanguard Group

ITUC chose the seven companies based on preexisting reporting and research, as well as talks with allied groups like the Council of Global Unions and the Reactionary International Research Consortium. The seven companies were "emblematic" of a broader trend, and the confederation said it would continue to add "market-leading" companies to the list.

"While these seven corporations are among the most egregious underminers of democracy, they are hardly alone," ITUC said. "Whether state-owned enterprises in China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia; private sector military contractors; or regulation-busting tech startups, the ITUC and its partners will continue to identify and track corporate underminers of democracy and their links to the far-right."