Ep 292: Zero-G Long Balls (Film Fest: Supernova 2000)
Ep 292: Zero-G Long Balls (Film Fest: Supernova 2000)
maximumfun.org Ep 292: Zero-G Long Balls (Film Fest: Supernova 2000) | Maximum Fun
When an emergency medical spaceship receives a distress call, James Spader’s boring deep-space work release job turns into a sexy color-timed adventure.
When an emergency medical spaceship receives a distress call, James Spader’s boring deep-space work release job turns into a sexy color-timed adventure. But when the crew’s Captain dies in a freak nude-tube accident, taking over command means defeating the universe’s most basic villain. Who was the luckiest cast member? Why will Ben be a big hit at the senior home? What is this horror movie trying to ruin? It’s the episode that’s notable as an artifact of its time.