Pizza in oven. Beer in hand..planning to watch the game here at home and maybe potter around cleaning in between quarters.
I did want to go down to the local for the atmosphere but damn I am in pretty urgent need of introvert time. Went out this morning and managed to lose my favourite shopping bags on the bus among other brainfog disasters. Internet friends could someone tell me that's ok to stay here on my own and it doesn't make me a loser?
Busy week coming up, so I’m introverting in advance knowing that it’s not going to stop for about the next eight days once it starts. I feel okay with this
As an ME/CFS long hauler, I speak from my own experience in strongly suspecting that with that amount of brain fog, if you went down the local you'd be hiding in the loo to get away from the noise by the first goal.
Better to stay home and enjoy than go out and not enjoy.