A sorcerer appears and states that they will erase any one song from existence - which song would you choose?
This ability of the sorcerer will wipe any one song of your choosing from the pages of history, as if it never existed! Gone from our reality. They were going to do it anyway, but they're making you choose.
Which song would you pick?
(If you really can't narrow it down to one, then try narrowing to three)
The boys are back in town. I never liked the sing to begin with, but when I first started my apprenticeship I was working in a valley that only had a couple of radio stations and the only one I liked was a classic rock station. Apparently one of their DJs loved it though. They would play it every day at the same time, just when I was getting out of work and getting on the highway to head home. It ruined my afternoon for about a week until I realised they were going to play it everyday, and I just started my ride home in silence. It still irritates the shit out of me when I hear it now.
Oh! I got a similar story. My first roommate in college had a Police CD, Every time you got in it started at the first song, Roxanne... He NEVER changed the CD.
I never was a big fan but by the end of the year I hated that song.