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beginner here

I'm a beginner, and I am looking to self host mostly everything.

Like, what I planned for so long is to, get a rpi4 b+ or le potato, and connect it to a 5 TB hard disk (initially) and dump all my data into it, and degoogle (because I'm not in any proprietary platforms). I wish to have it as my personal server, which I can Access from anywhere. And put upload and download data. And expand it whenever required. I also want to self-host my lemmy and invidious instances (from seperate setup like this). Is this what you all call self-hosting? Or it's too basic and there are lot more advanced stuff that I'm unaware of? Also how to start? Where to start? Is there any guide for a beginner like me?

  • connect it to a 5 TB hard disk (initially) and dump all my data into it

    Don't forget about backups! That 5TB drive can die at any random moment.

  • work yourself up to 5tbx4 and configure redundant raid. Also worth reading about 3-2-1 backups

  • I would get a powered USB hub for your hard drive, then plug in the hub into your RPI4. The usb ports on the pi cannot handle a lot of power(from what I remember).

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