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Is all my privacy effectively gone if I visit China or South Korea?
  • And they are going to know the differences between my flagship loaded with creds and the base model i just bought and loaded just the travel apps? I didn't say don't bring anything, I said don't bring anything with real access.

    I don't care about privacy more than I care about having my gear confiscated and it taking months to return should they decide to make me thier day.

  • Deleted
    Is all my privacy effectively gone if I visit China or South Korea?
  • if I was travelling abroad I would not be bringing anything that has universal access to my accounts or data (primary phone for example). I would most likely get a new device loaded only with what I needed to get things done using a new account I transferred money into. For the most part I would not expect any issues but the laws at most borders, even US international borders generally say they can clean you out of all your data and force you to log into any devices you have with you. So the 2 countries mentioned are only part of the story when it comes to privacy when travelling international.

  • Removed
    is the lemmyverse dying already?
  • plenty of content on my screen, I do admit Im posting less everywhere right now while hunting for a job.

  • Teaching with AI
  • You still use data stores for that, either token databases or classic ones. Using the model itself for datamining is mostly novelty at this point due to the error.

  • Teaching with AI Teaching with AI

    We’re releasing a guide for teachers using ChatGPT in their classroom—including suggested prompts, an explanation of how ChatGPT works and its limitations, the efficacy of AI detectors, and bias.

    Teaching with AI
    Artificial Intelligence - Ethics | Law | Philsophy manitcor
    Dr Stephen Wolfram on Technical and Philosophical Aspects of AI Risk
    Skibidi Romper
  • its spreading quickly, like butt bacteria.

  • spaCy · Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing in Python spaCy · Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing in Python

    spaCy is a free open-source library for Natural Language Processing in Python. It features NER, POS tagging, dependency parsing, word vectors and more.

    spaCy · Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing in Python
    Bleeding edge tech
  • the computer wrote the 2nd one on accident when someone asked it to bake a cake.

  • Will Lemmy ever add federated delete?
  • updates are federated so really its just a matter of the client changing behavior a bit.

  • Agent Protocol
  • bound to happen, though AFAIK, this is the first attempt

    know of others?

  • Agent Protocol Agent Protocol

    Agent Protocol - The open source communication protocol for AI agents.

    Raspberry Pi 4 replacement
  • switching to a khadas vim4 myself.

  • George Hotz and Eliezer Yudkowsky AI Safety Debate - 8/15/23 5pm ET

    cross-posted from:


    Artificial Intelligence - Ethics | Law | Philsophy manitcor
    George Hotz and Eliezer Yudkowsky AI Safety Debate - 8/15/23 5pm ET

    Introducing ONNX Script: Authoring ONNX with the ease of Python - Microsoft Open Source Blog

    cross-posted from:

    > Blog Post:

    HashiCorp changes license from Mozilla Public License 2.0 to Business Source License 1.1 on their products
  • was about to include it in my stack, guess i wont be now.

  • raspberry pi 4 cooling
  • should be fine, if you don't like how warm it gets a set of small heatsinks for amplifiers will run you a few bucks and takes all of 10 seconds to install.

  • raspberry pi 4 cooling
  • i like both the argon and the simple heatsink setups, either work great. i did end up adding an additional heatsink to the argon, the flat case does not provide great heat exchange in an enclosed space.

    you can do passive cooling as well, just all depends on how hot the location gets.

  • Artificial Intelligence - Ethics | Law | Philsophy manitcor
    Experts want to give AI human ‘souls’ so they don’t kill us all Experts want to give AI human ‘souls’ so they don’t kill us all

    Some experts believe the alignment problem can be fixed by making AIs more human — but others say that will just make things much worse.

    Experts want to give AI human ‘souls’ so they don’t kill us all
    GitHub - geekan/MetaGPT: 🌟 The Multi-Agent Framework: Given one line Requirement, return PRD, Design, Tasks, Repo GitHub - geekan/MetaGPT: 🌟 The Multi-Agent Framework: Given one line Requirement, return PRD, Design, Tasks, Repo

    🌟 The Multi-Agent Framework: Given one line Requirement, return PRD, Design, Tasks, Repo - GitHub - geekan/MetaGPT: 🌟 The Multi-Agent Framework: Given one line Requirement, return PRD, Design, Task...

    GitHub - geekan/MetaGPT: 🌟 The Multi-Agent Framework: Given one line Requirement, return PRD, Design, Tasks, Repo
    Anyone know what this is?
  • old floppy disks of different sizes. the bottom looks like 5 1/4" the ones on top with the metal centers are all 3 1/2". Both standards needed sleeves to be read. Many of these are likely trash now but that wouldn't stop me from trying to load them.

  • NSFW Locked
    Whats up with my little pony?
  • why do this to yourself?

  • Artificial Intelligence - Ethics | Law | Philsophy manitcor
    “AI” Hurts Consumers and Workers -- and Isn’t Intelligent “AI” Hurts Consumers and Workers -- and Isn’t Intelligent

    Researchers Alex Hanna and Emily M. Bender call on businesses not to succumb to this artificial “intelligence” hype.

    “AI” Hurts Consumers and Workers -- and Isn’t Intelligent

    cross-posted from:

    > "We view this moment of hype around generative AI as dangerous. There is a pack mentality in rushing to invest in these tools, while overlooking the fact that they threaten workers and impact consumers by creating lesser quality products and allowing more erroneous outputs. For example, earlier this year America’s National Eating Disorders Association fired helpline workers and attempted to replace them with a chatbot. The bot was then shut down after its responses actively encouraged disordered eating behaviors. "

    *LLMs and AI art stepping over the corpse of NFTs*
  • this one changes entirely depending on if you know what the image is from or not.

  • What's the fundamental difference between Fediverse/ActivityPub/Lemmy and the Usenet?
  • as time goes on i think techs that mark human made content will be more practical.

    the only reason that read as "off" is because the poster did not put any time into it, prob just a simple question in a default chat somewhere. well made systems tuned to thier use are going to be surprisingly effective.

  • What's the fundamental difference between Fediverse/ActivityPub/Lemmy and the Usenet?
  • i think it may have been. might as well, even if you put in time writing its likely to be assumed AI anyway, esp as it improves.

  • We’re rolling out a bunch of small updates to improve the ChatGPT experience. Shipping over the next week
  • pretty sure bing picked it up from one of the many apps that was doing it first like POE.

  • We’re rolling out a bunch of small updates to improve the ChatGPT experience. Shipping over the next week

    cross-posted from:

    > We’re rolling out a bunch of small updates to improve the ChatGPT experience. Shipping over the next week: > > 1. Prompt examples: A blank page can be intimidating. At the beginning of a new chat, you’ll now see examples to help you get started. > 2. Suggested replies: Go deeper with a click. ChatGPT now suggests relevant ways to continue your conversation. > 3. GPT-4 by default, finally: When starting a new chat as a Plus user, ChatGPT will remember your previously selected model — no more defaulting back to GPT-3.5. > 4. Upload multiple files: You can now ask ChatGPT to analyze data and generate insights across multiple files. This is available with the Code Interpreter beta for all Plus users. > 5. Stay logged in: You’ll no longer be logged out every 2 weeks! When you do need to log in, you’ll be greeted with a much more welcoming page. > 6. Keyboard shortcuts: Work faster with shortcuts, like ⌘ (Ctrl) + Shift + ; to copy last code block. Try ⌘ (Ctrl) + / to see the complete list. > > > !

    Natural Language Programming | Prompting (chatGPT) manitcor
    We’re rolling out a bunch of small updates to improve the ChatGPT experience. Shipping over the next week

    We’re rolling out a bunch of small updates to improve the ChatGPT experience. Shipping over the next week:

    1. Prompt examples: A blank page can be intimidating. At the beginning of a new chat, you’ll now see examples to help you get started.
    2. Suggested replies: Go deeper with a click. ChatGPT now suggests relevant ways to continue your conversation.
    3. GPT-4 by default, finally: When starting a new chat as a Plus user, ChatGPT will remember your previously selected model — no more defaulting back to GPT-3.5.
    4. Upload multiple files: You can now ask ChatGPT to analyze data and generate insights across multiple files. This is available with the Code Interpreter beta for all Plus users.
    5. Stay logged in: You’ll no longer be logged out every 2 weeks! When you do need to log in, you’ll be greeted with a much more welcoming page.
    6. Keyboard shortcuts: Work faster with shortcuts, like ⌘ (Ctrl) + Shift + ; to copy last code block. Try ⌘ (Ctrl) + / to see the complete list.


    Natural Language Programming | Prompting (chatGPT) manitcor
    Code-only output with GPT

    no global system message

    command in system message (you can play with this but its often best in the system message)

    I've managed this with and without roles but it seems to work better with them.

    0613 required a minor tweak



    this is harder with chatGPT but can still be found, then OAI changes the system message and breaks it.

    I got one of my email addresses banned from OpenAI... 👀
  • just start asking to talk to the "iron momma"

  • Machine Learning - Learning/Language Models manitcor
    Med-PaLM Med-PaLM

    Med-PaLM is a large language model from Google Research that has been adapted for medical purposes.

    Med-PaLM is a large language model (LLM) designed to provide high quality answers to medical questions.

    Med-PaLM harnesses the power of Google’s large language models, which we have aligned to the medical domain and evaluated using medical exams, medical research, and consumer queries. Our first version of Med-PaLM, preprinted in late 2022 and published in Nature in July 2023, was the first AI system to surpass the pass mark on US Medical License Exam (USMLE) style questions. Med-PaLM also generates accurate, helpful long-form answers to consumer health questions, as judged by panels of physicians and users.

    We introduced our latest model, Med-PaLM 2, at Google Health’s annual health event The Check Up, in March, 2023. Med-PaLM 2 achieves an accuracy of 86.5% on USMLE-style questions, a 19% leap over our own state of the art results from Med-PaLM. According to physicians, the model's long-form answers to consumer medical questions improved substantially. In the coming months, Med-PaLM 2 will also be made available to a select group of Google Cloud customers for limited testing, to explore use cases and share feedback, as we investigate safe, responsible, and meaningful ways to use this technology.

    claude2 is apparently competent with XML

    cross-posted from:

    > tweet > > github

    claude2 is apparently competent with XML

    cross-posted from:

    > tweet > > github

    manitcor manitcor
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