What's something that you were surprised to find out a lot of people hate?
What's something that you were surprised to find out a lot of people hate?
What's something that you were surprised to find out a lot of people hate?
Systemd apparently. Every time someone brings it up, the thread devolves into a religious flame war.
I've never got this either. I've been using Linux exclusively for over 4 years, multiple devices, tested dozens of distros, almost all Systemd-based and I havent ever experienced any problems that the anti-systemd folks talk about.
Or at least, they were so rare and minimal that I didn't notice.
Coming from an IT background dealing with 99% Windows machines and Microsoft products, maybe my bar was on the floor, but Linux has been soooo much more stable and dependable than Windows.
fUcK sYsTeMd ItS fAsCiSt BuLlShIt If ThEAy PuT iT iN lInUx AnD tAkE oUr FrEeDoM i WiLl SwItCh To BsD uMmM IdK wHaT iT dOeS rEaLlY sOmEtHiNg WiTh SeRvIcEs I gUeSs FuCk SyStEmD!!11!!
I used Linux (and some Unix) before systemd was a thing and init scripts are jank. So much boilerplate and that was before things like proper isolation existed and other more modern features.
I don't understand why anyone would want that back.
A replacement of systemd with something else would be fine, but please no more init scripts and pointless run levels.
Was a little bit of a hassle initially to convert various custom init scripts into systemd unit files, but it was worth it IMO. Now the init scripts feel kinda jank in comparison lol.
On a barebones or embedded system I can see a lightweight init having a very big appeal though
Systemd is awesome. I used to use init.d and was annoyed when I had to learn systemd instead, but once I did I’m so glad it exists. Declarative is the way to go.
Cilantro and onions. Y'all wouldn't last a day in Mexico.
Cilantro is one of the best things in life.
There's a generic thing with cilantro that makes some people think it tastes like soap. I don't have it, but my wife does. I hardly notice cilantro, but even a little ruins a dish for her.
I have it. It makes eating at Chipotle impossible.
What we taste is a specific chemical that you can't taste. There are a handful of these chemicals that can be tasteless or not based on your genetics. Drinking alcohols all have a chemical like that. If you ever see anyone hold their nose while taking a shot, it means they're a taster of that chemical, and trying nor to taste it.
For the longest time I didn't even know what cilantro tasted like. I thought maybe it tasted like nothing to me. The reason for this was once when my wife and I were at a Mexican restaurant, I got some green salsa. I dipped my chip in and complained to my wife that it tasted like nothing. She dipped a chip in and started gagging. She said it tasted like pure liquid cilantro.
One day I was cutting some cilantro for some tacos I was making at home, and I took a big bite. It didn't taste like nothing to me. I just always associated the flavor with lime because anytime I have something with cilantro, I always squeeze a lime over it.
I always thought that was mildly interesting.
lol I have the opposite, anything with lime tastes like cilantro now. not complaining though, it’s a great combo.
im pretty sure i could eat an onion like an apple. i LOVE them
Red onion has the sharpest flavor raw.
I hate both, and I lasted a week in Mexico city, but learned how to request those things off, if I could.
Oh I'm quite aware, tomatoes too.
Every little bit I eat them to see if I like them (or can force myself to) but I just haven't been able to yet. I really wish I could just get over my dislike but I can't seem to enjoy the taste.
I saw someone commenting how they specifically don't like "raw tomatoes". I was wondering why you'd be eating raw tomatoes to begin with but they just meant like regular tomatoes, ones you haven't cooked since for them the cooked ones were the norm. And it had so many people agreeing with them about how "raw tomatoes" are disgusting.
It's a weird world out there.
Streaming videos on my phone using speaker for audio while at the restaurant eating lunch. I figured for sure, everyone would want to get in on that awesome stand-up comedy action or zany talk show that I enjoy with my meal. It turns out that (gasp!) some people even think it's rude...LOL.
I'd rather a hundred of those than some kid with mommy's iPhone watching brainrotting Youtube Kids videos all day with the sound on. At least then I won't feel bad for the kid.
JFC. Sometimes people visit us with kids and it's just arrive > open youtube > commence rot > spice it up 9yo twerking.
My partner is pregnant with our first child. I get the convenience of free child distraction, I also get that I might find myself doing exactly this in several years, but honestly I really hope I can find ways to at least minimise this. It just seems so Orwellian or... wall-e-ian.
I swear my kids are probably going to hate me because I'll be the most boring dad around that forces kids to play outside instead of doing all the fun stuff.
I'm sure they only do this while "mummy is visiting" and it doesn't happen at home.
Pineapple pizza.
Fucking war criminal
Canadian Bacon and Pineapple is my favorite!
The Italians will find you, your days are numbered
I'll fight them with my noodles with poppy seeds and sugar.
Is it much different from other savory food that comes with a sweet side dish? Just as cranberry fits to venison, the taste of pineapple fits the ham those pizze typically are covered with.
Works well with some salty ingredients. Chicken is specifically good
Yes it's too sweet to fit a regular type pizza.
Of course people can have whatever they want, but it's not a traditional pizza combination for the same reason why no other fruits are found in a pizza except for tomatoes!
Pineappe raclette.
I played like 40hours of Cyberpunk 2077 before going on social media. I Thought it was going to get "mid" reviews, but I guess I got really lucky to not hit any serious bugs. Lesson being: If you wanna enjoy a game, don't look at any marketing materials, and don't seek out social media about it until you've had time to form your own opinions.
I read reviews before buying on day 2, basically. Sure, I expected some bugs, as the reviewers warned. I barely got any, just some visual glitches during cutscenes. Still, I would give the game a solid 8/10.
Came out of my playthrough to everyone raging about everything about the game. Couldn't even give an honest opinion about the game without being downvoted to oblivion because people who never even played the game refused to believe the game was playable at all.
The hype backlash was a serious issue for that game. People expected it to be something it never could have been.
It would be one thing if people were just overhyping things, but a lot of the outrage was over how much they just blatantly lied while marketing the game. They promised a lot of specific things and then released something that was aesthetically impressive but ultimately outdone in just about every other category by sometimes decades old games, and lacked all of the groundbreaking features they marketed.
Personally, even coming back to it much later and trying to enjoy it at face value with all of its updates, it still felt like a boring and shallow GTA clone with a neon glaze. That's not to mention the fact that it's still frustratingly buggy.
Yeah I think the same thing is happening with starfield as well. People expected skyrim x elite dangerous x the good parts of no man's sky and I think that just isn't realistic. That said I find starfield pretty meh in it's current state, I am waiting for the QOL mods to stabilize before I play much as I just ran into way too many issues.
Might be because they marketed it as such and then the devs failed to live up to the marketing.
I still laugh thinking about how it ran "surprisingly well" on PS4. Lmao
Same. I played it on stadia and it was pretty stable. When I went to that other site to see what people were saying I was absolutely shocked at the amount of bugs and hate it was getting.
I borrowed it from a library for a PS4. It was genuinely unplayable if you actually wanted to play it, but for laughing at the bugs and whatnot it was great.
Would've been pissed if I had paid anything for it.
I played it on Stadia, completed it within like two months after the release, never encountered any bug
To be it was truly bad, but not in a rage-y way, only in a "Wow, this is it?! All this hype, all this wait, and this tepid fart is all we're getting at the end?"-way.
I finished it - which granted isn't difficult given how brief the main quest is - then went through some specific side quests. I will give it credit, some of the side quests have really cool characters and are overall really well done. And the graphics can be pretty as hell in some if not most areas. But ~everything else, the main quest, the writing, the story, the city in itself, the software quality, the combat system, the upgrade system, it's all there, it's largely functional, but just barely so.
So yeah, just massively disappointing given how much work must have been behind it. I don't even want to know how often management yanked the team around and made them re-do massive parts of it, the bugginess and tonal disjointedness of the finished game hints at it plenty.
Special shoutout to the driving, which highlights how the game was clearly not meant to have this until relatively late in development.
Electric Vehicles.
I just want an 06 Prius. These new ones are huge....
fucking despise them, its disgusting that investing in renewables or green only became attractive to governments when it meant sending more money to fucking car manufacturers
There's this strange resentment the rest of Germany has for Bavaria that I didnt realize was serious until I moved to Hesse.
My wife and I lived in Germany for 2 years. We went to Munich for a weekend and had an excellent historical walking tour across the city, provided for free by our hostel.
During that tour, we learned that pretty much every stereotype Americans have for Germans (lederhosen, yodeling, beer and brats, etc.) are actually Bavarian culture, not German. And Germans are actually quite offended at the confusion we have between their culture and Bavarian culture.
We also learned that Bavaria used to be quite wealthy and powerful, and intended to split off into their own independent nation at one time. But then Hitler set up shop there and made it his headquarters for the Third Reich. The city was absolutely decimated during WWII, and when the war was over, they not only had to rebuild from scratch, but also had to contribute to rebuilding the rest of Germany, as well as paying for war damages for Europe and all Allied nations, etc. Their wealth was pretty much depleted and their hope of being an independent nation was gone.
Bavaria was a very agricultural heavy state, that made a few things right in the last few hounded years. Bavaria has like every over German state a long and rich independent history. Only Bavarian nationalists dream of an independent Bavaria. Hitler joined the NSDAP in Munich and it was one of it's early strongholds. Most German cities were destroyed in WWII. Germany did not "pay" reparations, because they still had a lot of open dept from WWI. They paid with land, factories, infrastructure and forced labor. What the guide meant was probably the so-called "soli". It is a special tax that was levied from former Westgerman states to support former GDR states, which did not develop as much under the socialist rule. That tax was and is controversial and was changed to nowadays only applie to richer people.
Bavaria was always a big state in german, that tries to play a special role. Especially their main party the CSU participated in German politics, while enforcing predominantly Bavarian Interests. These methodes were obviously anti democratic but only borderline illegal and forced the government to restructure the parliament.
So yea. I grew up in Bavaria and I get why most Germans are quite annoyed with bavarians.
It is the German Texas.
During that tour, we learned that pretty much every stereotype Americans have for Germans (lederhosen, yodeling, beer and brats, etc.) are actually Bavarian culture, not German.
So for lederhosen, it's mostly true, although they're traditional in Austria too. Yodeling is Alpine culture and not specifically Bavarian, meaning it exists in Bavaria, in Austria and Switzerland. For beer, only weissbier is truly Bavarian; e.g. pilsener originated from Czechia, lager originated from Austria [til!]. And although there are Bavarian bratwurst variants, bratwursts are not specifically Bavarian. However, veal sausage (weisswurst) is exclusively Bavarian.
And Germans are actually quite offended at the confusion we have between their culture and Bavarian culture.
That is true. I think to some degree this confusion comes from the fact that so many Americans were stationed in Bavaria after WWII, so they only got to experience this part of German culture.
[...] when the war was over, they not only had to rebuild from scratch, but also had to contribute to rebuilding the rest of Germany, as well as paying for war damages for Europe and all Allied nations, etc. Their wealth was pretty much depleted and their hope of being an independent nation was gone.
I am not particularly versed in Bavarian history, but note that some Bavarians have developed a bit of a fetish portraying themselves as victims of injust decisions from on high. I would take that info with a grain of salt.
At least it isn't Bielefeld, amirite?
Until I started working for a bavarian company (I live in Hamburg), I didn't realize how warranted much of this resentment is. 😅
Antisemite Aiwanger, extensive preventative jail, attempts on dismantling state equalisation payments, lack of secularisation, decades-long opposition to queer legalisation, abortion, social security, asylum in general et cetera
Nah, those are too recent or too political, the resentment feels more cultural. Maybe the CSU fuckery when fielding ministerial positions counts.
1991 Hook with Robin Williams. I love that movie, but it seems that most people I encounter that didn't grow up with it think it's lame and boring.
So maybe not hate, but not love either.
Didn't realize people didn't like it.
This is news to me. I was too cool for everything at the time and still enjoyed it.
For those of us who grew up with it, it was amazing! I saw it in the theater on release.
"I've had an idea... Lightning has just struck my brain..." "Oh, that must of hurt!"
It's in that part of my brain that was written before I understood media being 'good' and 'bad', so my memory of it just is, I've never stopped to think about its quality.
This is one that I liked as a kid but doesn't hold up as an adult.
Creepy Tinkerbell was very, very weird.
Large Language Models (such as GPT) and AI image generators.
I follow certain AI related post tags on Tumblr and sometimes I see people expressing pure hatred towards these tools, as they only see the AIs as content thieves.
I don't mind the tool itself if you use it as such. I do mind when people use its output as the final product. See: the lawyer who used chatgpt for a legal brief
The lawyer fuck up is what happens when someone doesn't know or understand the limitations of a LLM.
If you want a GPT model tailored and specialized for a specific task, you have to train it with custom data, fine tune it and tweak the model's parameters. You cannot do that from the ChatGPT web/app, you need a custom implementation coded in Python or some other language.
they only see the AIs as content thieves.
AI is a method of content theft, it takes other people's work and pieces it together in a way that resembles other works, without any actual coherency.
I don't like that it churns out slop that displaces actual content.
I also don't like the way it's sped up enshitification of google and news sites. I didn't think it could get worse than pages of listicles written by disinterested journalists paid fuckall to churn out 10 a day, but now you have chatGPT churning out 100 completely useless articles a day.
content theft
abolish intellectual property
LLMs just automates and does faster certain things that a person could do on their own if they invested way more effort and time. If a human being takes people's work and pieces it together in a way that resembles other works without using any LLM/AI or automation tool, is the final result content theft too?
I agree with the content enshitification, but I disagree about the coherency.
Usually, implementations like the ChatGPT web/app will generate different outputs for the same prompt/input. You can also ask it to tweak a previous output, make it shorter, more concise, exclude parts, etc. And if you're making API calls through a script you can tweak parameters like the Temperature, Top P, Presence Penalty or Frequence Penaly, which affect things like the coherence, randomness or repetitiveness of the output.
There's also fine tunning using embeddings, which can help training a model to fit one's specific needs and expectations, but I haven't got to try it yet.
As an artist I think it's a more complicated issue than a lot of people are making it out to be, and all the fearmongering some popular artists are promoting really doesn't help.
I think it's a more complicated issue than a lot of people are making it out to be
Also. People are pissed that what they have taken years to master others can now get close to replicate with little effort and time.
I've just realized that although they call the AIs "content thieves", what they really feel is that as AIs are able to replicate their skills quickly, it makes them feel their own merit diminished.
If an artist creates artwork inspired on some other artist eveyone's cool; if an AI does the same, then it's stolen work even if the generated image is a unique new one.
Using AI is feeding bullshit into a bullshit generator that's handing back a synthesis of stolen art.
It's a bullshit tool for hacks and grifters to pretend they're "artists" so they can exploit another avenue for the grind.
This is not a debate. I don't give a shit what your excuses are. Shout at a wall for all I care.
It's not that I hate it, but like, chatGPT sucks.
There was this uber hype around it, then we started using it ... and it just makes so many errors, it's literally just generating more work. Scrapped it after less than a week. It's modern snakeoil.
What did you use it for? I helps me a lot with coding, scripting, translations, terminologies... Sometimes it makes mistakes, but other times it produces working code that accomplishes what I asked for.
In any case, ChatGPT is just a demo that uses the GPT-3.5 Turbo model. Many people is being misled assuming that the ChatGPT research preview is all that the model has to offer. You can also try the improved model GPT-4, but it's not free.
If you really want to get its full potential you need a custom implementation in Python that works against the API and do things like fine tune the model, embeddings, feed it custom data or give it access to tools with LangChain.
Of course that's not something easy to do, but don't think that the ChatGPT web/app is GPT models' full potential.
What! I have the opposite experience.
Im a tabletop roleplaying gamemaster and it has helped me immensely with translations, formatting of text, compiling and keeping track of my players character backgrounds and even coming up with plots and scenes that are suited for each player.
LLM is way overhyped. So if your boss bought into that hype you're gonna have a certain amount of animosity towards it. I'm a developer and it can be helpful at times, but managers seem to think it can write software on its own.
It's basically an iterative improvement over a search engine, but unlike a search engine it cuts off the people creating the content it's scraping from any kind of revenue stream.
And yeah there's some real problems with it stealing content. Which isn't being addressed at all. And bringing up these issues tend to get treated like Luddites by those that have bought into the hype.
I wouldn't say "hate", to me it's more... so what? They're really bad at what they do, only impressive at first glance. Not bad for some brainstorming, but then you end up with a facsimile of what the actual result would be, and now have to use that as a guideline to create the result.
IMO they're not bad, but they require a lot of tweaking and trial and error.
I've learnt some Python thanks to ChatGPT's help. When I say "some" I mean that I was able to create a custom implementation that uses a web interface and custom tools. The more lI learnt, the less I needed ChatGPT, but I always require some more coding help.
However, these LLMs are not sentient super smart AIs.
I like them as non-profit tools for personal use, but the hatred is justified IMO because we’re already seeing people with writing jobs lose that job and get replaced by an LLM and an “editor” who is paid less than the writer was.
That's capitalism in all of its glory. People never mattered to the ones who want to make money; they just want want to as much profit as possible with the minimal investment. Someone at work created a tool that turns a work day of painstating tasks into a 5 minute wait? Fire the people, keep the tool. You may call LLMs or AIs enablers, but it's like hating baseball bats because some use them to crack open skulls instead of hitting baseballs.
Regarding the verification of AI-generated content, I just can say I agree, but it's going to be hard to detect.
Snap on Ubuntu. I totally did not comprehend that it was proprietary; I just thought it was convenient, like apt.
Wait it's also proprietary in addition to being slower, more annoying and much more intrusive than Flatpaks let alone just native packages? That not only makes it heavily obsolete but is even more against the whole point of Linux than Windows' winget (if the open source community repo is used instead of msstore), as snap is hardcoded to use the closed Servers from Canonical. That's just bad on another level honestly.
Yeah :/ I just found out about it yesterday.
Snap as a format is not proprietary but Canonical's Snap Store is. And Canonical's Snap Store is basically the only one in existence and (semi?) hard-coded into all the tools.
In any case, on a fresh install I usually throw out all the Snap stuff and go for Flatpak, because for some apps, these two formats tend to be the only options anymore.
I didn't know that, but I already disliked it because installed apps don't really integrate in the system (eg: file system access, themes).
Even Ubuntu installs this way something as basic as Firefox, what the fuck? At least I managed to get rid of the snap version and install it properly.
Ahh, I hate Snap so much. It actually what drove me to switch to Arch (btw). It was just so annoying going to install something and having it try to pull in snap and all its dependencies... And of course, if you don't want Snap you have to deal with the inconvenience of finding another way to install the app.
There are reasons to dislike Snap on principle and also very practical reasons. It liked randomly preventing the system from shutting down. Installing a new OS on a slow or unreliable internet connection and want a browser? How about we install Snap and then tell to download that thing and maybe a bunch of random internal dependencies with no visible progress and unreliable error handling? Get it away from me.
The third Alien movie, Alien 3.
I love the first one as a proper horror film, and love the second one as a great action film. Alien 3 always seemed to stand well with the other two by returning to the horror genre, and expanding on Ripley.
In the third film, Ripley has lost everything that she fought so hard for in second film, and it’s her against this alien that has taken everything and she knows it’s finally going to take her life in total.
The setting in Alien 3 was very original as a penal colony that’s just hot and dark, and the design of the alien is entirely different since it burst from a dog (or, a bull if you watch the Director’s Cut). The alien moves faster and more haphazardly and the cinematography reflects this as well. The final scene with Ripley’s sacrifice is the fitting end to what was a trilogy at that point.
I don’t know whether people confuse Alien 3 with the 4th one or what, but Alien 3 is a fantastic film that holds up well decades later. I’m always confused by the fact that people slam it so often, and it wasn’t until I saw people crapping on it online that I realized that there was even a consensus that it was bad.
holds up well decades later
Agreed... except for the cgi at the end 😬
Agreed. It's in 2nd place behind the orginal, in my opinion.
Alien 3 is decent, alien 4 is an atrocity
Alien 4 is an atrocity
Fucking what!?!
I was shocked to discover the hatred the old live action Mario movie gets. I enjoyed it when it came out when I was a kid. I rewatched it as an adult to see if my memory was faulty… still enjoyed it. It’s a little campy, but it’s a fun romp! I unironically enjoy it, as a good movie and not as a “so-bad-it’s-good” movie. And yet it gets so much hate…
I'm kinda with you. I didn't hate it as a kid. However, if you were expecting a MARIO AND LUIGI movie it just didn't come even close to delivering. I wish they'd just made that movie as something else, because it wasn't Mario.
While it's true that the writers made a point to learn nothing about the franchise before writing it, there's an argument to be made that at that point there wasn't really much lore from the games. It came out in 93. If today they made a game where Mario and Luigi from our world follow Princess peach through a portal to save her from being kidnapped by Goombas, only to find Dinosaur New York and get jump powers from technology, then you find out Bowser has usurped the Mushroom Kingdom power structure by de-evolving the king to the point of him now being a fungus who spends the entire game gently helping Mario occasionally... That would be an amazing modern day Mario game. Forget Galaxy, that would be the most complex and interesting game in the franchise.
Plus, it's got the funniest joke I've heard in any movie.
Desk Sergeant: Name?
Mario: Mario.
Desk Sergeant: Last name?
Mario: Mario.
Desk Sergeant: (rolls eyes) Okay, what's your name?
Luigi: Luigi.
Desk Sergeant: (exasperated) Luigi Luigi?
Luigi: No. Luigi Mario.
The whole movie is a masterpiece and the twist that the king was the fungus that's been choking the city is great, and on re-watches you notice all the times the Marios are saved or helped by the fungus. It also implies that the convergent evolution of this parallel world includes both dinosaurs and fungus turning into basically identical people, and the mushroom people managed to become the ruling class.
I was an older teen when it came out and didn't see it until just a few months ago. I don't think it's great but I was more entertained watching it than the new animated movie. It's totally bonkers.
Transition Lenses for blocking out sun. So helpful but people think they're nerdy 🤷 with the right frames they look good imo
Look into magnetic sunglasses, Zenni sells a few pairs if you buy online. Best decision I've ever made.
No longer do I have to yolo changing glasses while going 120km down the highway to work during that stupid 2 month period where it goes from pitch black to blinding sun during my commute.
I've had them for about 3 years now and I wish they would catch on faster so I could get new styles. The sunglass part is pretty thin but I've yet to break it in 3 years of accidentally leaving it in my back pocket while sitting down.
Huh?! I've only discovered transition lenses a handful of years ago, but once I tried them, I've never looked back. I used to have a problem with glare and too much sunlight when out and about. I can't wear sunglasses either (since I already wear prescription eyeglasses), and thus transition lenses were a great help.
Maybe the technology is better these days, but I've never seen any that completely clear indoors.
Mine clear perfectly, youd never know they were also sunglasses
I had a pair in high school and loved them, but they don't really darken enough when driving, which is unfortunate
They always look dirty.
How so?
Ready Player One. It wasn't the best book I've ever read but I enjoyed it.
My take on that was it made pedantry about nostalgia into a superpower and I knew too many people that act like it's that way IRL to like the characters.
I loved the book and the movie. It's one of the few times I was glad the movie changed a lot from the book. It wouldn't have translated well and they were aware of that. They both stand well on their own. I'm looking forward to part 2.
The book wasn't horrible. It was cliche, although that was sortof the point. I think there's a reason people had issues with representation or something in it too, but I don't remember. It's been a while. The movie was aweful.
The movie was aweful [sic]
Yeah, that was the movie trying to sell that Olivia Cooke was not attractive because she has a small birthmark in one eye.
Same. It's clearly by an inexperienced author but the story and moment-to-moment storytelling was neat.
Even the movie was great IMO, clever way of modernizing the components of the novel for the audience the movie was intended for.
The novel is already fairly modern, and they just totally reworked the story in ways it didn't need to be while also making the protagonists get into trouble by doing stupid shit instead of making the villains more intelligent or one step ahead, so that's always a net loss for me.
If you haven't already go get Reamde by Neil Stephenson. Slightly similar but less campy vibe - also enjoyed.
Didn’t like the movie but I actually enjoyed the book and all the 80-90’s references in it.
I enjoyed the references, but there was virtually nothing besides them.
It was a hollow book.
Ready Player One is, without a doubt my favourite book of all time.
Ready Player Two, however...
Hawaiian pizza
Polyamory. I knew a lot of people didn't understand, but the visceral disgust at the idea that a lot of people have is surprising.
Well, granted my sample size is extremely small, but I've only ever known 2 polyamorous groups of people well enough to visit their home. And in both cases, there was always 1 person who wasn't as happy as the other two and was tolerating the scenario due to pressure from the person they considered their 'significant other'.
The dynamic was: A & B would be considered spouses to each other, A wants to bring in additional person C and create a trio under the banner of "polyamory" and B consents (because they are willing to accommodate anything A wants to make A happy). So person C enters the relationship and they form a polyamorous-trio, but instead of it being a true trio, it's more like A & B still have their relationship (now burdened) and A & C have a relationship, but B & C don't engage much. This is the exact scenario I have witnessed in the only 2 households I've ever known doing it.
That's given me the impression that arrangements like that usually serve the needs of one or two people but often leave at least one party secretly unhappy. Maybe if more people actually witnessed polyamory working as it's been proclaimed, there would be higher opinions of arrangements like that. But I sure haven't seen it - my current conclusion is that it's just not within the bounds of human nature for this kind of relationship to work.
I think they can work, the problem tends to be people going into it not realizing that it's more demanding than monogamy, one person feeling pressured into it especially when the relationship started as monogamous, and/or it being done as an attempt to "fix" a relationship that clearly isn't working out, the latter of which happened with someone I know.
I think there's a bit of thing where the less toxic the people, the more discreet they tend to be. I certainly wouldn't let anyone who had only visited my house a handful of times know I'm poly. That's only something people I would call friends would know. I also have pretty strong boundaries around not having secondary partners who aren't specifically looking to be a secondary partner (usually because they already have a nesting partner themselves).
It's also one of those things where most of the people I interact with IRL are all cool chill and reasonable people and then I go to nearly any online space and everyone is freaking insane with really toxic dynamics.
I've been in poly relationships most of my adult life, around 15 years now. I'm certainly familiar with the type of relationship you describe, but the long term, stable poly relationships are the ones that have been poly from the get go.
I don't tend to date people who are "opening things up" in a previously monogamous relationship, because being someone's learning experience is a bummer.
So person C enters the relationship and they form a polyamorous-trio, but instead of it being a true trio, it’s more like A & B still have their relationship (now burdened) and A & C have a relationship, but B & C don’t engage much. This is the exact scenario I have witnessed in the only 2 households I’ve ever known doing it.
That is in fact common, but would also not result in "moving in" or "forming a polyamorous trio". That's exactly not the point, it's just one person having two relationships and - hopefully - each of the partners is fine with not having 100% of their partner. Which many people actively enjoy mind you, not spending all the time sitting on top of one another.
In fact I would say that from all the poly couples I've know over the years, very few are trouples and want to move in together.
I just don’t get it. Having a relationship with one person is hard work (anyone that says otherwise is either very lucky or their partner is making all the effort). Why on earth would you want to make your life even more difficult?
For some of us at some times in our lives, having a relationship with two people is less work. It requires much more communication, better scheduling, and much more attention to your partners' feelings ... but that might be a good investment of time anyhow, and often gets overlooked.
I find that having multiple partners helps me appreciate each partner much more, for themselves -- it's easy to mix up how much you love just having a partner and being loved, with how you actually feel about that person. Poly gives you the distance and contrast to see your partners clearly, and that can be really special.
Tbh, my wife and I have been together for so long and through so much that is has become easy. We've been together more than fifteen years, and both of us consider our childhoods of abuse to be the hardest periods of our lives. We know and trust each other deeply and implicitly. She's had an increasingly serious second partner for more than five years now, and it's become pretty easy. I'm casually looking for a boyfriend, and she's excited for me. It's the foundational strength of our relationship that makes this lifestyle possible. We've built a big, full life together, and we have enough love and space in our lives to share <3
Yeah that's indeed something. I had a sex partner on top of my romantic partner for a few years, and that worked okay - since you only meet for shagging - but wow would two romantic partners be too much for me. Still, I was perfectly fine with my romantic partner also having another partner in addition to me. They could handle it fine!
"Or their partner is making all the effort"
OR their partners aren't super needy and insecure ;)
Is it really surprising? Monogamy has been essentially socially enforced for millenia at this point.
Yeah but if you see monogamy as bad and immoral and try to explain why ... somehow I expected at least some understanding. I thought other people were afraid to say what they really think.
Edit: it was a while ago, I was young and naive
I've been in poly relationships for years. They work really well for me and my significant others, but we are pretty discreet about it because folks tend to be huge assholes about it.
Generally, you don't see the poly relationships that work great; mostly, people see the type of scenario one of your other commenters described because the stable relationships are less visible.
This is so strange to me. Not the polyamory, the weird hate of it. I'm in a monogamous relationship and polyamory just doesn't appeal to me. But I don't really give a shit about what other people do or who they fuck as long as it's consentual.
To me it always feels as if people are just loudly signaling their own unhappiness in their existing relationship when they hate on polyamory. It's a weird form of surpressed and internalized envy.
No hate from me but two is almost too many people for me. I love my SO, I just have a really hard time being around anyone for any length of time. Different strokes for different folks.
I've not met many poly groups but my experience was strained. First time meeting these people and the only thing they spoke about was them being poly and how much sex they were having. It was a bit odd for a first meeting with strangers. Not usual dinner conversation I felt.
Yeah, the polycules I've met have all been hot messes that caused a lot of pain for everyone involved (and adjacent). At least a few have this attitude of "Monogamous people are prudes and need to open up, polyamory is HoW hUmAnS sHoUlD lIvE". Maybe it's just bad luck, but as a result I generally keep a bit more distance with my poly friends.
Here I am surprised that a person is surprised that non-preferred sexual acts would trigger visceral disgust.
I mean, sex is actively disgusting unless your partner just happens to have the right combination of signals to transform it into something non-disgusting.
The wonder is that any sex ever is seen as non-disgusting.
Rush. The band. Almost nobody in my high school liked them. In the 80s even.
I tried to like Rush. I like a lot of similar artists and thought it was a sure thing. I can appreciate their skill. Their music just does nothing for me :/
I may or may not own most of the Rush records. I'm that weird millennial with a vinyl collection/system you could buy a decent car with.....
All Rush. All the time. No exceptions.
I couldn't stand Rush in the 80's as I was listening to Zeppelin and Hendrix and they seemed pop-py to me. Then I started listening to them again in the 00s and really enjoyed them. Tastes change I guess.
I got teased like I think I still have PTSD. They just weren’t cool or too nerdy in my hometown. Stuff like Motley Crüe and Poison and Guns N' Roses. That’s where it was at, which wasn’t my thing. I was into Yes and Tull and Crimson.
I absolutely hate rush. Their songs all sound like they're trying way too hard and they're all playing a different song.
I see zero appeal in any of their stuff. There are no real hooks and everything is just some ultra deep vibe that I can never get into.
Name the last time you couldn't get a rush song out of ur head...
I really can't stand Geddy Lee's voice. So, for me, their best song is YYZ 😅
The 2016 Feig-directed Ghostbusters film. Like, it's not a masterpiece but it's still an enjoyable film.
It has a 49% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes, so about half of people seem to agree with you.
As a stand-alone film, it is probably fine. As an entry in the Ghostbusters franchise, I did not enjoy the film.
Same. I thought it was actually quite enjoyable. Too long in the opening parts in particular, but once it gets going it has a lot of really funny moments.
Plus, as much as I could say "It could have been better", I will also have to concede that given the modern Ghostbusters, fuck could it have been worse. 😅 Overall, pretty damn good.
That was such a weird one to me. I think partly they leaned too hard into trying to leverage controversy for attention, but still, the movie was fine. Like... except for the first one, they've all just been "okay" movies, in that context it's probably one of the better ones.
VR headsets with an external battery pack and/or other heavy components on a cable to put in the pocket (as is now a feature of the Apple Vision Pro).
The first time I tried any VR headset I immediately thought why on earth do they not put all the heavy lifting electronics out of this device into my pocket. That would be way more comfortable. But for some reason it was never done and when it was rumored that the Apple headset would do that I noticed people apparently hated the idea. Everyone keeps saying modern headsets are well balanced it’s not a problem, but my experience is different and it’s one of the reasons for me why I don’t like to use it often.
My current headset is the PS VR2 which everyone says is so comfortable and balanced. I just find it annoying after a few minutes.
The Last Jedi.
I left the theater on opening night thrilled with what I saw. I couldn't wait to go online and read all the positive reactions and theories for the next one... Whelp.
I mean... opinions can be wrong...
Same. I've found it helps to just not look at what general purpose "fans" have to say about pretty much anything. It's always gonna be a hatefest.
In my experience the most hateful fans are the TLJ fans. The whole "people that don't like this brilliant masterpiece are stupid idiots" thing is rampant.
Ever try to have a conversation about Rise of Skywalker on the internet? Most interesting of all of the Star Wars movie and conversation about it gets jammed by non-stop hateful spam.
i commented the same exact thing then saw this comment lol. was very polarizing to see. its still my top 3 star wars films
Was scrolling for this comment. I spent a few nights excitedly going over it with my friends before I learned about the internet meltdown, it was utterly baffling. I still can't really fathom it, it's one of the best SW movies ever made imo.
I can't fathom why you can't fathom why people didn't like. But sure, I'll bite.
It didn't have a story. It's unoriginal, basically the plots of ESB and RotJ thrown into a blender with the point of everything removed and little to no connection between any of the various plots.
The name Star Wars is synonymous with action adventure and TLJ didn't have any satisfying action scenes. Rey is relegated to a support role, she does more meaningful action in the trailer to RoS than she does in all of TLJ.
Luke Skywalker represents hope and in TLJ hope dies because Disney didn't want to pay Mark Hamill for more than one movie. Cameos should be enough for the fans, right? Think of the money the Disney coporation saved by killing hope!
There's many more reasons it didn't work for a lot of people but those are the big ones.
I was thoroughly disappointed by that movie. I think after that I sorta lost the taste for most Star Wars stuff. Baby Yoda Show was good when it came out though. And Andor.
It remains one of my favorite SW movies.
Tonic water
What really surprised me is learning how much people hate it when I drink tonic water. I'm not going to spit it directly in your mouth, friendo. I just want a drink of interesting water.
Yeah I get what you mean. It feels like Here, look! They've shown their true colors! They're the reason this thing is for sale, here, we found one, right here!
People in general are so weird about other people eating stuff they don't like.
Listen Karen, you don't have to have a slice of my pizza.
Same. I'm surprised when people hate me because I expect to be completely ignored. I have a very mild version of self loathing. I think I'm boring, unremarkable, etc. So, when people hate me (or are interested in me) it surprises me.
I don't really mind if people don't like me though I do kind of find it interesting as I keep to myself and not cause conflict with others.
I am completely thrown if someone takes interest in me though. It's like, why? Does your lack of information about me make me mysterious or something? Because what you see here is what I am.
I was surprised to find out that Patchy the Pirate is pretty hated, which is what inspired this thread.
I didn't like those bits as a kid, but I do find them nostalgic now
I didn't know people hated it either
I had to look him up. I know the character (live-action pirate from SpongeBob SquarePants), but I didn't know he had a name. I was barely an adult when that show started airing, so I haven't seen much of it.
I also found out that the actor who voices SpongeBob plays Patchy. Had no clue it was the same guy. I've never heard of any hatred for Patchy, though. Is there any reason in particular people hate him? Or is it just "enough with the live-action; let's get back to my cartoons!" mentality?
Some people found him and his segments annoying. I thought they were fun and iconic.
Non white people,sadly.
In line with the inspiration for the question: Cars 2
I liked the first one and thought the second one was also lots of fun. I liked the visuals / in-universe elements, and thought it was decent for a kid's spy movie. It was one of my favourite family movies at the time.
Turns out almost everyone hates it?
I never got this either. My niece would rather run around and play games while it was on so we never really sat and watched it all the way through, but she would play it on repeat and I thought it was fun
I maintain that Cars 3 is a better sequel to Cars, but Cars 2 is such a good movie.
I can agree with that :)
Cars 2 does feel more like a spinoff movie
The fries at In-N-Out Burger. I really like them. They actually taste like potatoes, which are delicious.
I won't order them any way but animal style. They're just not as good as they could be, IMO.
Soggy cold fries are gross.
Interesting. Tell me, what other potato-flavored items do you enjoy?
The ending of How I Met Your Mother. Like, it was certainly no cinematic masterpiece, but I felt like it was a very logical build-up and delivery. I don't get the impression that they really stretched the story for more seasons either (yes I know they did add more things to stretch it, I just mean I think it doesn't show story-wise). But even a few days ago I saw people complaining about how bad the ending was, and it's a rhetoric I see almost every time the show is mentioned. And, again, it is not a cinematic masterpiece by any stretch, but I wouldn't expect that from a sitcom anyway.
The movie Licorice Pizza.
Yeah I’m on the other side of that… as a PTA fan I didn’t feel it was his best.
I thought it was good.
I did, too. Solidly in the middle of my PTA rankings.