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anti-communists in cuba

This is a very sensitive topic as i am not cuban and therefore have no first-hand experience of the situation there. I was watching a video on cuban democracy by comrade azureScapegoat and it was good, good video but then i watched the comments and while many of them were supportive and complementing cubas democratic system, there were some self-proclaimed "born and raised in cuba" cubans who would tell stuff like the "the municipal assemblies has no political power, its all in the hands of the communist party" and "not true, i am born and raised cuban and can confirm that this is not true, cuba is one-party and therefore totalitarian" the "one party= totalitarian" is bullshit but i can understand why struggling cubans would fall into the myth of totalitarianism where basically anything that does not have atleast two neo-liberal parties is considered Nazi-soviet-Reich-empire 2.0. Its just sad to be honest, i understand why cubans might give their government the fault regarding the misery the US puts them in and i just hope they wont loose their revolutionary spirit. America will torture and haunt cuba until eternity until the people's revolutionary spirit is broken and they will return to being a casino and brothel dominated sugar colony. I hate the US with every cell in my body for spending so much of its valuable resources and money into worsening people's conditions and life quality from countries who do not obey its order. Im sick of it and the cubans and every country trapped under the boot of this lump of corporate oligarchy hidden behind a thin veil of governance deserves better. The day will come where the american empire will be served justice and the world will be free from its chains. I can just wish the cubans to stay strong and to keep conscious about the US' role in modern geo-politics and how it keeps poor countries poor so they obey their master. Same goes to people in every socialist country and more generally the global south.

  • Bro our commie party ruled for 34 years democratically with the help of numerous organizations and massive unions. After all these years when it lost the 2011 election, people hate the commie party the most. 1st , a socialist country or a state doesn't mean everyone is mentally socialist. A sizeable population will be anti communist it is just how human brains are wired into. There are only fewer people who really understand the theory of socialism and mostly the applied socialism. The lower strata of population supports any particular party due to numerous reasons, if they see their wages and particular field is not respected they ditch the government or the party. Similarly in Cuba, bourgeois related jobs like hookers, prostitution in Havana was banned, music was made revolutionary and private jobs were made into public one. Some liked the luxurious life in the Batista era.... But many loved the revolutionary consciousness of Fidel era.. That's all. Take for example, Ana de Armas loves cuba and she is in touch with her family while the rapper Pitbull hates it.

    • i understand, ofcourse i dont expect everybody who lives in a socialist country to be fully blown theory reading tankies nor do i believe that cuba is a socialist utopia free of criticism. The cubans should have the right to criticize their country but ofcourse, for many that includes criticizing the ideology the party follows, especially a party that has been in power since such long time. I didnt want my post to seem as if i dont support the opinions of cubans or their right to criticize their governement...what i wanted the focus to be on was more how many (not all ofcourse) of cubas problems stem form embargos and sactions emposed on it by the US and how they practically foster anti-socialist sentiment among the people rather than the people organically opposing a government that atleast had the chance to develop in its own pace without a imperialist force right next to them making life hell. Again, i apologize if i said something derogatory about the cuban people or cuba

    • After all these years when it lost the 2011 election, people hate the commie party the most

      Don't you think there's also a sense of betrayal? It seems to be often the case in Russia with regards to USSR. People feel they've been "led astray" by the socialists, who only ever wanted power. And this idea is seemingly supported by the number of party and Komsomol activists/officials that went on to be oligarchs and/or government officials in the current capitalist federation

  • two examples out of a pool of likely many, many more classified ones:ón_Martí

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