Pathologic 3 Announce Trailer
Pathologic 3 Announce Trailer
Pathologic 3 Announce Trailer
MandaloreGaming noises
Damn, and here I thought they were still only 1/3 done with Pathologic 2
I used to lurk on the Pathologic subreddit, the overwhelming consensus there was people recommending they do exactly this and that Pathologic 2 already has enough content to be considered a complete game. I may peek in to see what they think now that it's actually happened though.
EDIT: apparently IPL has announced on Twitter that anyone who backed the P2 Kickstarter is getting P3 for free. And clearly this is different enough to justify a whole new game rather than, say, a paid DLC (and without charging for the Bachelor route they flat out won't have enough money to make the Changeling route).
I'm 100% in agreeance, making each character's storyline its own game is the best move, it'll get more attention than a Bachelor DLC. I was more surprised to learn that the Bachelor's route wasn't a dead project! And also very cool that kickstarter people get the game for free.
This was not on my Bingo card.
Looks great, I can't wait!