FC660C - full disassembly - how bad is it?
FC660C - full disassembly - how bad is it?
I have an FC660C which I love, and really has been my endgame board. I have literally not bought another keyboard since picking this up however many years ago. (Well, technically not true, but the only thing I bought after that was an FC980C to use at work, and that was because I wanted something as nice as the 660C to use while I was there.)
However, it hasn't been thoroughly cleaned in all the time I've owned it. I've taken most of the caps off and cleaned under them a couple times, and I've opened the bottom of the case once or twice, but I haven't done a full disassembly, haven't even considered lube, haven't pulled caps for the stabilizer keys, etc.
Some things are getting a little squeaky, and I really want to give it a deep clean. (and maybe a lube)
My fears are: Screwing up the stabilizers (I have fully disassembled a couple cherry MX boards before, but I'm not clear how different or more delicate this is likely to be, and it's been awhile), and screwing up/losing all (or any of) those little springs and the domes.
I've checked out a few videos over the years, but am still just a little nervous about doing it.
Can anyone who has done it convince me it's not that bad, or warn me away from trying? 😁
Bonus question: If I end up in there anyway, any recommended extra steps to take?