Holy shit. I haven't been particularly interested in shooters since I became older than thirteen but damn those visuals are an experience. I'll probably try it anyways. I'd be losing my shit if it was a horror survivalcraft though. I'm sure it would really fuck me up if it was vr too.
The camera angles and movement present in the trailer are definitely reminiscent of VR.
I'm an avid VR player / enthusiast and I think I might be making a pass on this one, I'm not sure. Given the depth and immersion of a properly fitted helmet, I've had moments that were "too close for comfort" and photorealistic games like this can definitely impact your psychology.
Most people are just like "Oh, but it's simulated violence, and there's lots of Call of Duty" - but there's a huge difference between those games and VR.
You are yourself in VR, even when playing a character, and it's almost impossible to divorce that, even with mirrors.
Guarantee you this game will cause some controversy upon early release, and I think that's the point/intention.