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Asking for current recommended settings for TotK

Hi there, been out of the scene for a few weeks, any significant changes in settings I should do, or all the same as weeks ago?

  • Well, I think the best source is likely to be this GitHub, description has a recommended settings thing:

  • SteamDeck Settings:

    1. 60fpsBlackscreenfix
    2. DynamixFPS++30_totk
    3. Graphics - Disable LOD Quality Reduction
    4. Graphics - Shadows - 512x - performance boost
    • Yuzu settings under totk properties
    1. CPU - Unsafe (leave all boxes checked)
    2. Graphics -
    • api: vulkan
    • Use Disk pipline, Use asynch GPU, and Accelerate ASTC all enabled
    • Window Adapting = Bilinear
    • AA method = none
    1. Adv Graphics
    • Accuracy = normal

    • Only items enabled on mine = Reactive flushing, use asynch shader block, and use vulkan pipeline cache