The "cult following" Android phone starter pack
The "cult following" Android phone starter pack
The "cult following" Android phone starter pack
Bring back the IR blaster. No one apparently misses it but me.
Some Xiaomi phones still have them
Yeah. I have one, I don't really use it ever.
Forgot that. Actually, the Redmi Note 12 that I'm typing this on actually has one! But in the US, yeah.
I was not missing it for about a couple years but now I'm missing it again, it was just so damn good and like why can't our monitors and PCs get IR receiver then we would be about to use a remote to play/pause, control volume, and forward and rewind things on it (yes you can also use wifi based apps, but I don't want to set up an ad hoc network every time I need it or connect to an open WiFi)
P.S. I'm aware my idea isn't the best, but it's just the perfect mix of convenience and usability for me
I was annoyed when they removed it but a lot of electronics did add apps for the electronics so it wasn’t a huge deal then. But between the poor performance and privacy issues of the apps, I really miss the IR blaster.
Shouldn't it be possible to just use one of the cameras or even the light sensor as receiver and the screen as sender? At that point, you only need software support.
I still have mine on my phone, one of many reasons I haven't "upgraded".
I just hooked up a CD burner diode to my phone (also a DVD but thats a red laser)
How to kill IR receivers (fast)
Is that you FlossyCarter? 😂
Just get yourself a flipper
If you really want to control your TV from your phone, why not just use an app to control it over the local network that’s probably available if your TV has been released in the past 10 years or so? Doesn’t even have to be in line of sight for that.
In my experience, the apps are extremely spotty. That’s besides privacy concerns.
I just bought a USB C adapter two weekends ago. Lives on my keychain for when I'm somewhere with a TV that's a little too loud.
The "bare minimum for a non-disposable, consumer friendly, half environmentally responsible phone" starter pack.
Also the custom ROM ability should not be merely a bonus. IMO it needs to be legally mandatory even above standardised charging connectors. It costs effectively nothing to implement because the base OS and general architecture supports it by default, the manufacturer simply needs to not disable it, and it is by far the most important thing for keeping a device from becoming unusable and possibly even a cybersecurity risk with age. Also just in principle, I paid for the hardware I should be able to put my own software on it.
Samsung did NOT like reading this
Remember when Samsung used to advertise repairibility, storage expansion, replaceable battery as selling points over the iPhone? iFixit used to have them as a gold example of a high end and repairible smartphone back in like 2014/2015, and they were the most popular CyanogenMod devices other than the OnePlus One for quite a while, and even then only because the OnePlus One came with it while Samsung phones were the most popular for users separately installing the ROM. Then they basically went and made the Android iPhone smh
yup imagine not being able to run anything you want on your own device. it should be mandatory
I want my notification light back so badly!
I agree! And it flashed different colors for different notifications! Things were awesome!
Wait, aren't most phones OLED? Wouldn't it be trivial to light up a few pixels in the corner of the screen when it's off? Do phones not do this (I'm still running my S7 into the ground so I have a dedicated LED)?
It's not trivial. An LED only needs power to light up, an OLED Pixel always needs the GPU to be powered on and it would be a significant power loss to implement a pixel sadly
I have my always on display which gives me icons of the notifications in a predictable place on screen all the time.
My battery still lasts a full day so power concerns not an issue
OLED does see significant power benefits for black pixels but it's no where close to lighting just a single LED
yeah samsung has a feature for this in good look
The Xperia Z2 had a notification light bar, I miss that one especially.
I saw a comment on lemmy some time ago about a foss app that mostly brings it back, but I can't find it anymore.
It's not the one I saw, but a quick google search led to this:
I remember reading about AODnotify on here recently. I'm not sure if it's FOSS, but it was a very cool app!
Why do you need it with an OLED screen?
I just use the camera notification circle. It works just fine. I can set it to use a notification dot but the circle is cooler
I miss being able to hold my phone comfortably in one hand.
This stupid propping it up with you pink sucks ass and isn't natural.
I get that they're basically super computers in your hand, but fuck man
That's literally my first requirement for a phone, that it be small and actually fit inside my hand without any straining. It gets harder everytime I need a replacement - like, dudes, if I wanted aa small tablet, I'd buy a small tablet. I want a phone.
Yeah, same here. Except it didn't get "harder" but simply impossible. There is not a single compact android phone on the market. You could get the iPhone se or the iPhone 13 Mini, but the compact iPhones are discontinued as well, so you'd switch ecosystems for a single generation of devices just to then be stranded again.
Zenfone 10 proves that you can fit a lot of phone in a small place and none if its problems are from its size.
Try a pop socket. Wife got me one and it gets rid of this issue for me.
Personally I don't have tiny baby hands, so I dont need to worry about that... but it would definitely be nice if there were more options to choose from.
Pop sockets. I never do the pinky thing.
Dude literally described a perfect phone
Pretty much.
I'd kill for a notification LED again...
I've been working on notifications the last few days and noticed I still had some legacy code there to set the notification LED orange. Broke my heart to remove it...
Aren't there phones which still have led? Though I guess you can't test it
I'm sure they still exist, and I know there are apps that can emulate one on an AMOLED display.
Mine does, but then it also has a built-in thermal imaging camera, which is definitely not normal.
Still got one on my Sony Xperia 1 IV
Recently shot myself in the foot after buying a flagship sony, only to find they do not support bootloader unlock specifically on the US variant. It feels like a conspiracy, since it is practically the same hardware and software otherwise.
Still a great phone but I literally purchased it specifically because I thought it had all of these features and an unlockable bootloader
Time to trade in the pixel
Dozens of us, dozens.
So hard when sarcasm describes exactly what I’d want in a phone.
I'm just suggesting this, I don't actually own one, yet. I'll probably be buying my next phone from them in the next few years when my current Samsung Galaxy S10e dies.
Is there a phone that still has all these features?
If a phone hit all of these, and added 6 years of guaranteed (timely) OEM OS updates, I would pay upwards of $2,000+.
OEMs hit me up - I’ve got a credit card ready to go right now.
Asus zenfone unfortunately doesn't have a removable battery but good to go on everything else
Turns out the galaxy S4 WAS the best phone ever created.
Oneplus one. Hands down. It was as good as S5 with exynos that was thrice the price, allowed custom roms (came with inbuilt cyanogen os) and the sandstone finish was amazing.
And if you want to consider longevity: my Oneplus One is still working. I got it in 2014. How many "great" phones can last 9years these days??
I would say it was OnePlus 3. When they finally added an OLED screen
The Samsung Galaxy S4 made me a meme at my local network provider store between 2013 and 2015. That model just kept on breaking for no discernible reason.
My first S4 (S4 0), the one that I actually bought with my new service plan, held up nicely for about half a year. Then, it started to randomly power off. Using my phone as my alarm in the morning, I overslept several times due to this. It also just randomly turned off in my pocket, and later even in my hand. I was able to replicate the error in the store. They replaced the phone with a new one (S4 1).
The entirely brand-new phone had a swelling battery after three months, which I replaced out of pocket with a new original one. This one, too, bulged up soon. A third, off-brand battery did the same. Back to the shop I went. Of course, they told me it ought to be user error, which I couldn't disprove on the spot. So I offered to insert one of their brand new batteries and leave my phone with them for two weeks, using a loaner. They accepted and, lo and behold, the phone inflated that battery, too, just lying in their shop drawer being charged. This got me my second replacement device (S4 2).
This phone had no electronic problems. The screen, however, sat visibly snuck between the bezels. I applied a then-novel glass screen protector to the screen instead of the usual adhesive films. The screen developed tension cracks below the screen protector. Back in I went and got the screen replaced under warranty (to my own surprise). I even had them apply a new protector screen which had a little bubble around a speck of dust at the bottom. We were on first name basis at this point, so we laughed about it, arguing that the bubble needn't annoy me too, since I'd be back soon anyway.
I was back soon, anyway. The screen cracked again. They remembered the bubble, saw I hadn't dabbled with the protector, and surmised that the fault needed to be this phones faulty manufacturing. I got the third replacement (S4 3). It'd be my last one, too.
The Samsung Galaxy S4 was a great phone, in and of itself. It had great features at a competitive price point, was really slim and offered good performance while not entirely buying into the whole phablet trend. I liked it, in concept. The people at "my" cellular shop assured me that it was, in fact, freaky how often I had problems with the model. They were said to be as reliable as the current iPhones.
My last Galaxy S4 started to show the known power-off issue a few months shy of 2 years since my original purchase, meaning the EU-mandated warranty was about to run out. I sold it as partly defect and got a different brand phone.
Either I've had good luck or you've had shit luck with the S4 lol
My s4 still sits in a drawer by my desk and works perfectly and I got it when it was released.
Ugh I hate how true this comment was.
Honorary commendation for the lg v20 as well.
Truly a legendary phone, just like the Nexus 6P
I miss the notification LED
I don't understand why that one has gone away. Like, the 3mm audio jack made waterproofing difficult and was big. But that doesn't apply to the notification LED, does it?
I really miss that feature because now I have no indicator of a notification, short of the major battery drain of setting the screen to always be on. I remember even customizing the colour so that I could tell when I had important notifications. Now I often have to double tap my phone just to check if I have any notifications. So dumb.
Even the water resistance thing is a lie
IIRC Sprint required phones to have them at one point to be on their network. Might be misremembering though.
RIP power user geared phones
Everything Android is now tooled for the hyper casual iPhone leaning demographic since they are the majority.
Oh look, phones from circa 2017!
TIL: I am a cultist.
Same. Apparently demanding the bare minimum of user modifications, and tried and true technology, is being a cultist?
I'd apply that label to the iEcosystem users than us android bois.
My Fairphone 3 ticks all these boxes lol
I wanted a FairPhone, but they have yet to sell officially in the US and I couldn't afford to deal with the potential difficulties involved with not having the right bands.
To me its a no brainer for them to start selling in the US. Brands like Framework are getting a lot of hype for their reparability and longevity. Being a mobile brand stepping in to offer a smartphone to compliment Framework's laptops could be fantastic. Plus there's a wave of people demanding right to repair legislation in the US, Fairphone would do well to harness that I think.
Custom ROMs should be first on the list
Just ordered the 5 despite them removing the audio jack... Yeah I'm a bit salty about that
My ultimate phone would be a fairphone with audio jack, fingerprint reader, sd slot, and support for custom roms like calyxos. I would buy that in an instant.
Yeah I know what you mean. At the very least, you can get a dongle and use aux headphones that way, but we shouldn't have to ffs
Samsung's industrial smartphone line checks all boxes still
Oh yea. Even has Android 13!
I just upgraded to it the other day from /e/OS which was on Android 11 I think.
Unfortunately, 1080p 60fps LCD display is way too bad for me to consider it.
Is it the LCD display? I don't even have a monitor on my PC that's better than 1080p 60Hz should be fine for a phone
Fairphone 5 has 1224x2700 90 Hz
Bruh what kind of extra special eyes do you have 😳
As a sidenote I do find it funny that my FP3 can record at 120fps... more than the built in display's framerate lol
man, i wish i had one
I think “discontinued after one year” would be a fun punchline here, like the “perfect r/cars car” being a “brown, manual transmission, V8 wagon that’s used from the factory”
My Xperia phone has all of these except the removable battery. I think the EU is legislating removable batteries be brought back to phones so given another year or two I'd expect to start seeing them again.
More than anything I want a hardware keyboard.
No, not Bluetooth, not tacked on, not in a case, not vibrating emulation of buttons, not a half kilo Linux phone for terminal use, just a regular vertical phone with a keypad ffs.
Don't tell me it's difficult, when we get a dozen new gaming handhelds a month. They have buttons and Android. Don't tell me it's too expensive if Chinese factories can make a phone or handheld under 100€. Don't tell me there are no suitable displays, when there clearly are displays of all shapes and sizes. Don't tell me there's no interest when there are thousands of phone models on the market and everyone is fighting to find any niche to squeeze into. It's clearly absolutely doable, it's been done both well and cheap, just the phone vendors are absolutely dense.
I heard it had something to do with Blackberry owning a patent/copyright/trademark (don't know which), so phone makers would have to lease the right to do it from them. And Blackberry just... isn't interested, I guess?
I heard the same, but that doesn't explain how there's been phone models with keypads both before and after BB.
Also, I doubt Chinese phone makers give a fuck about patents. There was a cheap qwerty phone with KaiOS sold only in India, and I suspect it wasn't sold anywhere else exactly to avoid worldwide patent problems. But honestly who cares, just make it and people will import it.
I used to use a phone by Siemens that had a hardware keyboard, and an HTC after that. If they have something blocking, they must license it out. However, I doubt they do.
I just realized a folding phone would be a great platform for a keyboard. When closed, the keyboard would be on the back, with a screen on the front. Open it to reveal the big screen on the inside, flip over to type on the keyboard using the front screen.
That could work on a flip-style foldable. Actually you don't even need it to be foldable, just a regular screen on one side and screen+keypad on the other side. I wonder if that's less or more likely to happen, since in the past few years we've had more phones with multiple displays than with keypads, and phone makers are obsessed with displays.
A problem is that we "have" to have those gigantic cameras with 15 lenses that take up half of the back, so with that mindset there's not enough space for both a screen and keypad.
Particularly for work, geez.
I kept my old-ass text- only BBerry with the keyboard and side scroll wheel as long as IT let me have it, they made me go to a touch screen which, frankly, sucks for handling correspondence.
For my own phone, yes more screen real estate for videos and pics.
yeah maybe 6 or 7 years ago
I mean the ones that people still try to use today, but they can be from that era.
Does apple phone not have a notification LED? I like it. I can tell whos messaging me from it. Blue is txt message (probably mum) purple is whatsapp, probably dank memes in the group chat, green is probaly my autistic cousin on instagram sending me cat pictures, white is signal, probably my dealer.
I like the distinction, nice
I had a different reaction to the notification led. I don't like my electronics glowing or blinking in the dark. I still liked my old android tablet, but it had to sleep face down because I could not turn the LED off.
You realize that there is a built in android setting to silence notifications if you lay your phone screen down. It's my favorite feature! No vibes no blinking lights. Silence.
I can't tell if you mean you slept face down or you slept with the tablet face down haha
I've covered the lights on several of my devices with black nail polish. It works pretty well. Some of them have angles that it won't adhere to very well, but even then it's a lot less obnoxious.
One coat to dim slightly, 3-4 to block light effectively.
On my phone the notification LED works as a charging/low-battery light. I can't use my phone in the dark when the LED is on, because it's so blindingly bright I can hardly see the screen.
Yeh, I thought I wanted a notification led again but once you have it you realise it's pointless. So many things can notify you about stuff you don't care about.
Nice to have and disable if you don't like it though.
Some of my fav features:
The only things I wish I could change are:
The only phone that can beat this in features is the Sony Xperia line at ~ 5x the price. Broke my first one and immediately grabbed a second one off swappa.
5kAh battery
Do you mean 5 Ah or 5000 mAh? A 5kAh 3.7V battery would get you across most of the US on an ebike or run an electric car for 80 km. Or a phone for much of its lifetime.
I wish that LG could have gotten their shit together. The V series was fantastic. Even with my shitty car speakers, you could hear the difference between the V20 DAC and that of a regular phone.
Plus the secondary screen was fantastic and stupid useful.
Nexus One
where do I get one of these bad boys
FYI: I did not expect this to pick up so much traction. First few days on Lemmy seem to be a success!
Guess who just got a Zenfone 10?
Dang it! So close to what I want. Just needed a micro SD card slot.
Oh, yes.
Idk if it is an unpopular opinion or not but I want a camera which can also work as a phone. Like cameras are already the main focus of most flagships, might as well put in a proper camera with one lens and use it. Maybe going thicker will also help reduce the size of the phone in other dimensions.
TBH I would rather just use apps on my windows tablet, if the good apps were on it but then I would also rather Linux which has even fewer tablet apps
Why not just get a "lensless" camera and pair it to your phone? Imo smartphones still have a way to go to be as fast as they need to be.
Still, if you're dead set, it seems a number of phones with 1 inch sensors are coming out, although it doesn't look like they're compatible with attachable lenses.
Agreed. I want someone to step up and build a photography-centric phone like the Nokia Lumia 1020 again. I know lots of flagships can take good pictures nowadays, but that's something different from building an actual camera first phone.
Lol. My Samsung galaxy S3 did all this!
That's damn near a BlackBerry!
Time to go back!
They had amazing keyboards. I could type sooo fast on my curve.
I miss my notification LED going disco mode courtesy of BBM lol
That was the note 3 for me except for the compact size. I had a 10,000 mah upgraded battery in it. Thing was a brick but could last a 2-3 days on a full charge, cant get even one fully day on my oneplus 8t :/
My regular OnePlus 8 goes for over a day. Are you on OOS or a custom ROM? I use LineageOS with a basic ACC setup and get good battery life.
I am on pixel experience, it is stable and has the features I like. Battery is good enough, but can't compete with my note 3 lol
God I miss my note 3
except for the compact size.
Ironically, a 5.7" screen is smaller than anything available on the market now. The note 3 would actually tick that box today. It's insane.
I bought the wrong android it seems
A recent flagship Samsung it was then.
1-0 for you, lol
Oh man. That sounds fucking awful.
My phone checks all these boxes, but it does not run android
Come on, don't leave us hanging
My guess is KaiOS
Ummm I'd go with closed garden , Steve jobs worshipping iPhone adherents as the cultists.
My s10e was fantastic. But then I went the opposite direction with a S22U for the camera.
My phone has all of these, except for the removable battery.☺️
If the EU has their way it will come back and if some company decides to be good, maybe it'll be back in a better form
I miss the notification LED the most.
Don't forget to the FM radio... It's a life saver!
since when are SD card slots not standard?
I don't like the 3.5mm headphone jack only because I find the default manufacture DACamp to be pretty mid usually
The battery would be nice, I don't care about the 3.5 honestly especially with usb c headphones, I don't really want "compact" just a little smaller than my current pixel 7 pro, the notification dot was neat but it's not really a necessity imo, and the SD card is really only helpful for shit tons of video
Almost all of the people I know who bitch about these features being gone never really utilized them in the first place. Quite frankly I think it’s more about being contrarian than anything.
Virtually no one I know carried around multiple batteries or needed more storage. The only people I knew who carried around multiple batteries were people who worked in carriers where easy access to charging wasn’t available. Phone storage is so large now it’s not really believable really anyone needs expandable storage. Hell, I have a 128gb iPhone with literally thousands of pictures and videos going all the way back to 2012, audio books, and digital books on it and still have room to spare. Sure there’s going to be the rare exception, but those people are the outliers not everyone else.
Wired headphones, I literally can’t tell the difference in sound quality between my AirPods and wired earbuds, and again, neither can most people. Bluetooth earbuds are SO convenient. They literally make some things so much easier and in some scenarios safer.
There is absolutely no sense here. We should remove options for all people based on what your experience is? It's almost like giving options is painful? And I'd carry batteries if it was an option, and I did when it was an option a looooooong time ago. I have a bunch of storage on my phone and and sd card and google drive and my own nas. I'd use a headphone jack every single day if I had one, but I don't have one.
You speak as if giving people options would take something away from you. Wouldn't it be best if we could all get what we want? Anyway, this is all done so apple and android manufacturers can make more money. Literally none of these changes were done so you could live a better life
Battery: I don't want to carry around a spare bit I want to be able to easily replace one at the and off is life. I bought an ifixit replacement kit for my S10+ and still didn't find the courage to try it.
Storage: I don't want to use cloud storage for my pictures so I have a large SD card just for images and videos. If I switch phones I just switch the card.
Headphone jack: I lose bt earpieces. Had three pairs up to now and all I have left is one piece of each. I lose wired headphones sometimes to but not as frequent and they are way cheaper. Also ease of use I think bt never really matured, yes it got way better but still had it's quirks. Wired headphones, just plug then in.
"Virtually no one I know carried around multiple batteries or needed more storage"
Removable batteries are less about being able to Cary multiple and more about being able to swap them out with ease when they go bad. People that keep their phones for longer then a year or two will notice the decrease in battery life that can only be fixed with a new battery.
Phone storage has improved a lot and I kindof agree with you on this one, though having the option would still be nice. I also often used them for rooting phones and flashing an OS. That's edge case though.
Bluetooth costs more and is another thing that you need to charge. I'm so tired of needing to charge everything.
Yes, but batteries break, so do headphones. You shouldn't advocate for less options, just makes you seem like a shill.
notification LED
but why?
I think it is useful when you don't have an OLED screen. Else you can just have an AOD
I remember mentioning the LED on a reply, then one person replied to that saying that they miss the LED. Several people upvoted that.