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  • I was deployed to Iraq in 2007, at Kirkuk Regional Air Base. I served in the US Air Force and my job was essentially an IT technician, so I was maintaining our base's computer servers.

    Our base was half Air Force (Airmen) and half Army (Soldiers). About 90% of our ticket queue came from the Army side, because they didn't respect equipment or security practices as much as we did, so they were always breaking our things.

    One day, I got a ticket from a small Army supply depot. Someone's computer wasn't powering on. So I hopped in our truck and drove over to the Army side of base. The supply depot was literally a shack, maybe about 20x15 ft. I went inside and was greeted by 3 soldiers.

    While troubleshooting the broken computer, I tipped it and sand poured out the back. This was common, as we had a lot of sand in Iraq. It collected like super-aggressive dust everywhere and we had to clean our offices at least weekly to keep it at bay. Soldiers rarely cleaned their offices, so there was always a layer of sand on everything. I told them I was going to grab a can of compressed air from my truck, so I could blow out all the sand and then see if there was anything else broken within the computer.

    The shack was next to a larger building that had a parking lot in front of it. I had parked in the lot and was rummaging around in the bed of the truck for a can of compressed air...

    ...The next thing I know, I'm lying on my back on the pavement, staring at the blue sky. I'm thinking how beautiful and peaceful the sky looks, but I feel like something's off. I'm trying to remember why I'm lying there, staring at the sky.

    I tried to get up, but my whole body ached, like I had spent an entire day in the gym, beating up every muscle group. It was a struggle, but I eventually managed to sit up. My hearing suddenly came back to me and I heard a commotion going on in the direction of the shack. I struggled to stand up, using the tailgate of my truck, and I walked around the corner of the larger building to see what's going on.

    There was a small crater in the ground, next to the shack. One wall and its section of roof was almost completely blown off. A mortar had landed, just outside the shack. A bunch of people were scrambling around the wreckage.

    I did a spot-check of myself and despite being full-body sore, I didn't have any holes anywhere. No blood, I could move all my limbs and digits. Somehow, I seemed okay. I must have been hit by the shock wave from the impact while around the corner from the shack. Which was lucky, as this particular mortar seemed to have scattered little molten balls of metal everywhere when it exploded.

    Emergency crews arrived and they started excavating the ruins of the shack. Two of the soldiers had died instantly; the third was rushed to the hospital with limbs barely attached. He died a few hours later on the operating table. If I had been responsible and brought all my tools inside; if I didn't have to go back to my truck to grab supplies for the job, I would've been in that shack with those guys. That was the closest I ever came to dying.

    Since I didn't appear to be injured, I just went back to work. No sense in me being in the way of everyone else. But little did I know that I had suffered a mild concussion. I was kind of dazed for about a week, just staring blankly at my computer screen. I eventually snapped out of it and continued on with my life. Never went to the hospital about it because it never occured to me while I was dazed, and when I snapped out of it, I felt like I was all better anyway and there was no reason to be examined. I was young and dumb.

    At the time of the incident, you could only earn a Purple Heart medal by being injured while in direct combat with OpFor (opposing forces; a.k.a the enemy). So I didn't qualify, as they had just launched a random mortar at our base and I was unlucky enough to be in its vicinity when it blew up. I was a victim of circumstance, not in an actual battle.

    A few years later, they expanded the award to cover any injury sustained indirectly from OpFor's actions. Also, they included mental injuries. Used to be, only physical damage counted, but PTSD was starting to become more commonly recognized, so mental injuries became a qualifier for the Purple Heart. So I qualified for it, but when I applied, I realized I had no evidence of my injuries from OpFor specifically, because I never went to the hospital afterward. I went to get checked out, but the hospital said I had no residual trace of mental damage that they could see. Brain scans looked fine. So I never earned the Purple Heart, even though I technically qualified for it.

  • My parents sent me to Jesus camp when I was in high school. This particular camp was one where kids would go on week long excursions. I didn't jive with the jesus stuff, but a week of camping and swimming in lakes was great.

    This particular year I did a week of biking and climbing. We practiced at the rock wall and got our bearings and we were signed off by some climbing instructor. We then went on the road. Six days later, we arrived at the rock face we were to climb. We started at the top, dropped our gear, then half of us hiked down and our belays hung out on top to help us back up.

    I did my climb. It was uneventful but fun. Then it was my turn to belay.

    We did everything with just climbing ropes and carabiners. No additional equipment. We were to tie off onto a tree or boulder on the summit and make a particular kind of loop around ourselves that wouldn't allow it to constrict and hurt us if we were hauling the person below up the face. Nbd I get it all set up and we move on.

    Well, my climbing buddy was picked randomly and it was the fat girl with homesickness. She finally stopped moaning and decided to give it a shot. I was happy for her and got ready. She hiked down and got herself ready.

    "On belay!" I check my stuff, see it's good "Belay on!"

    She starts climbing. But she couldn't get past the first major rock and she decided to quit. Oh well.

    Then I turned around and found my support rope wasn't tied around the tree and I would've been yanked off of a 60 foot rock face the first time she slipped.

  • When I was a kid, my family took a tour bus of many sights. I think this was near Stonehenge though it's all kind of blurred together into so many various monuments and settlements.

    The bus stopped for people to get out and stretch their legs but gave us just 5 min. I desperately, desperately needed to piss. I was like seconds away from wetting myself so I gladly took the opportunity to go pee.

    It was open ground everywhere, the tourists from the bus were all around and I didn't want to pee in front of everyone. There was a field nearby of tallish grass just about up to my waist. I thought that might offer some privacy but as I walked in I realised it was still pretty public so I began running further in since my bladder was about to explode. I ran and ran and ran until I decided it was enough and came to a sudden halt.

    I looked down as I prepared to unzip and saw that the spot I'd randomly chosen to stop running was one footstep away from a deep, open concrete shaft full of some kind of agricultural slurry at the bottom. Completely impossible to see through the grass, no signage and no protective grating, no obvious way to have climbed out. At the distance I was from the tour group no one would have heard me yelling for help.

    After recognising how close this stupid shaft had come to claiming my life, I duly pissed in it. The tour group were already getting in the bus after barely 3 min had passed and I had to run back. I couldn't quite accurately describe what had happened or how close things had come so no one seemed that perturbed by my dice with death in a pit of slurry.

  • Probably five or six years ago when I was around 20 I went with my Uncle and his family to the beach. After we were finished and the sun began to go down, we washed off in our swimsuits in the outdoor showers.

    Nearby they had some benches to sit on that were made out of the same concrete as the ground, smoothly sloping up out of it to form each bench. I was walking across one of these waiting for the rest of the family to finish rinsing off, and extremely stupidly walked down the end, down the slope, which, of course, was completely slick wet from being near the showers.

    As soon as my first foot touches the slope, I slip backwards, with just enough time before impact to think "I really fucked up, this might not be good at all..."

    The back of my head impacted the concrete slope of the bench, and it hurt like a mother fucker, but I didn't lose consciousness or awareness. After gripping my head and cursing for a few seconds my Uncle arrived at me and found my head to be bleeding, but the cut was not so wide as to need stitches.

    We returned to his house nearby and after my head clotted up, i realized I needed to drive myself home, 40 minutes away on the freeway, and I felt... a bit dazed after the impact. I didn't feel sleepy at all, and after waiting for about half an hour, I decided I had to go home. I felt a little foggy until the next day, or maybe I'm just that foggy now and Im used to it.

    There's a scar where hair doesn't grow, and sometimes I wonder if my universe forked to keep me alive somehow and I was supposed to just die instead, because it was entirely created by my idiocy and if seems silly I got that lucky. Sometimes I have dreams still where I'll slip on something and relive the sequence of slipping, accepting the imminent possibility of death, and everything sort of slows down increasingly until I fade to white and wake up.

  • I hit a deer while riding my motorcycle. I saw it crossing the road from my left, tried to evade it, heard the bang of my fairing hit it, and next thing I knew I was lying on my back looking up at the sky. I ended up with a shattered collarbone, broken ribs, and some road rash on my left side. I have absolutely no memory of falling or sliding at all (and I'm okay with that).

    The most likely explanation for why I survived was that I was only going 30 mph (50 kph). That same day another rider wasn't so lucky. There was a husband and wife in one of the cars behind me that were both EMTs and I got experienced care right away. Plus, I was wearing boots, gloves, a leather jacket, and a full-face helmet. The road rash was from my jeans wearing through during the slide.

    • I was riding at night on an unlit rural road when I came right up to a black cow standing sideways across the road. I would have hit it except I was rolling very slowly through the area looking for my bookbag that had come out of the seat bungie.

      The bookbag was also black but I found it a few minutes later because a buckle reflected from the headlight.

    • Reason #5010285 why I won't ever ride a motorcycle.

      • I don't anymore. Besides an (unrelated) injury I no longer enjoyed it. Too many distracted drivers and it's only getting worse.

  • My brother tore down old grain elevators when I was young. Where the trucks dump there is a pit about 15 feet deep with augers at the bottom. I was about 14 helping him and we had the grates off the pit. My brother had an older partner who happened to be on site that day. Anyhow I had my back turn to the pit and stupidly was stepping back to look at something. I had just placed my foot over the empty air when my brother's partner grabbed me. I wasn't even falling yet.

    Anyhow at the moment I didn't even think about it. Was bit dangerous work overall. We worked with dynamite and heavy equipment after all. Was not till a few days later I woke at night in a start and just realized how close I came to being dead or at best in a wheel chair.

    This was about 30 years past. I had only in my life meet his partner maybe 4 times but he happened to be on site that day. I had never told anyone this story as it was a non event at the time but I thought about it lots. My brother had informed me few years back that he had died. Natural causes. Certainly brought back that day and fully explained to my brother how he had literally saved my life.

    Ernie if you are reading this, I do not know how to thank you enough. Wish I had mentioned it to my brother while you were still alive as I am sure he would have brought it up in polite conversation.

  • What's the closest you have ever been to actually dying?

    There are a few stories. Since we are in public I'll pick one that won't freak out onlookers.


    I was drawn down on by two soldiers from my own unit because I was unexpectedly left alone in a place where single actors were not allowed. Cold War stuff.

    full version

    I was working with a [redacted] which had a 2m "dead man zone" around it in this context, demarcated by a paint stripe. SOP was for the guards1 to shoot anyone who entered the zone solo; the assumption being someone would only do that for sabotage.

    When maintenance or other operations were required, we would

    • team up with another person of equal knowledge of the operation
    • coordinate to enter the zone simultaneously
    • perform the operation. maintaining line of sight with them and their hands
    • coordinate to exit simultaneously

    I got assigned to do some maint with a squadmate who was both highly intelligent and also a fscking idiot. We entered together, started the task, and then he unexpectedly walked out.2 I snapped my head around and saw him passing over the line. The idiot had left me alone in the Dead Man Zone and things were turning to shit. The guards chambered rounds and were yelling at me to get away from the [redacted].

    I'd already put my arms up and had started backpedaling out. I don't remember the immediate aftermath clearly because my stressmeter was pegged at aneurysm / this isn't happening. Through some miracle I did not download into my drawers.

    I never saw him working in the Zone again so I suppose he was blacklisted from that duty. And no one else ever got left alone in there AFAIK.

    1 our unit were also providing the guard rotation; no one else had the clearance required to be that close to the [redacted]. So the guards in this story were my buddies and were abso-fscking-lutely willing to shoot. We all were; it was part of the job. We did have infantry support on the outer perimeter but they were so far outside the razorwire fences we never saw them working. Perhaps it was just as well; they told us they hated us every chance they got. They thought we were [insert homophobic slur here] and [insert MOS-specific slur here] because we rarely carried rifles and did not engage in recreational fistfighting. But we were grateful for their protection, however begrudgingly provided.

    2 IIRC he walked out to get a torque wrench or similar

  • On April Fools Day 2006, I woke up to what I later found out was a spontaneously collapsed lung.

    Anyone who's experienced a collapsed lung can assure you the treatment is brutal. They basically cut open your chest between two of your ribs (on the affected side), insert a tube and sew it in place, then apply a light vacuum on that tube to suck out the air and fluid between your chest cavity and lung, causing your lung to re-inflate. You also go through a powerful round of antibiotics and are put on oxygen to make up for your 50% reduced lung function. The suction process takes about a week, and the pain is excruciating and immune to powerful pain killers.

    I would have died from this without the emergency surgery and treatment, and if it had been just 60 years earlier, a collapsed lung would have been a death sentence.

    • I had 4 of these in a 3 month span before I got the full treatment which was the most awful experience that I've ever had. And I'm including when I had cancer in that. 1/10 do not recommend.

  • I never got very close to death but my dad did. Four times.

    (The first two were before I was born, so I can only tell from what he told us.)

    First one was when he was 4. He fell into a big hole in a circus. He lost audition from his right ear in the accidentt. To this day, he still can only hear from his left ear.

    Second one was after graduating high school. Excited from his graduation, he crossed a road on the way back home without paying attention and got hit by a car. Thankfully he hasn't got any long-term sequel from this one. But this served as a lesson, always pay attention when crossing the road.

    Third one was during a holiday with all the family 7-8 years ago. He was paragliding when he hit a tree and fell from the height of the tree. Broke an arm and couldn't use it for months after that. He was supposed to drive us back home at the end of the holiday, instead we got back home by taxi. No long-term sequel for him after either.

    Fourth one was at the beginning of 2019. It was late in the evening when his vision from the left eye started getting blurry. He called the emergency service and, as during the call he had struggle finding his words, they sent an ambulance. It turned out he had a stroke. Had he thought he was just getting tired and gone to sleep that night, he might not have seen the next day. The day after we tried talking to him, but he was only responding with gibberish. He eventually mostly recovered, but is still sleepier than before his stroke to this day.

  • Surgery complications. I had just had an eye socket taken apart and put back together, with plastic clips and metal to hold it together so it could heal properly. I was in the recovery room waking up from the anesthesia when my new internal stitches started to hemorrhage. I had blood pouring down my face, but it was under a heavy layer of surgical dressings. I could feel it, though, so I said that my face hurt. My mom believed me and so did one of the recovery nurses, who had the guts to ignore another nurse, who was wrong, then go straight to the surgeon and say something's not right. Do you know how you get a surgeon to clean a surgery suite that he just rolled out of successfully? He will even pick up a mop and re sanitize it! Thanks, Tina!

  • When I was 9, I think, I felt off a pool slider, hit by head agaisnt the floor and then felt into the pool.

    I was at a birthday party so I they pulled me out and called an ambulance. There's one entire year of my life that I cant remember.

    I can so tell the time I was at a protest and the police was shooting at us.

  • When I was a kid I fell out of a tree, I was easily at least 20 feet up, probably more, but I was lucky enough to hit a bunch of branches and landed on a rotten log. That was probably the closest: If I landed on a rock or something I definitely could've died.

    I was using a home-made grappling hook made out of laundry line, bent wire hangars, and electrical tape.

    Yes, I know, I was not always the wisest.

  • I crossed the street by myself in downtown Manila during rush hour. I froze right before the center island when a Jeepney got a little too close. After my heart started again I looked at the driver and he was laughing his ass off. This dumb American didn't know how to cross streets.

  • Driving down the main road from my village to the nearest supermarket and as I was coming around a corner my rear tire clipped a puddle that was in the shadow of a tree and my car started to spin, somehow I managed to recover after fishtailing down the road for about 50 metres but it was terrifying. If I had been slower to react or if I’d hit the brakes at any point I would’ve ended up either in a fence or in someone’s barn.

  • I was going 45 mph on a main road, when an 18 year old trying to show off for his girlfriend, blew threw a stop sign on a residential road and t-boned me going 80 mph. I was one of the luckier victims, with emergency surgery, fractures and breaks everywhere, loss of use of two fingers, and nerve damage in all of my limbs.

    The driver's girlfriend did not survive, and my coworker, who was in the car with me, had every rib shatter and his spine broken. 3 years later, he's still on oxy (he had to get special approval and prove that it wasn't addiction).

    I don't remember the crash itself, but I remember a fire and waking up to my coworker covered in blood, screaming and delirious. I remember falling in and out of conciousness while I was moved from room to room to get emergency care for the next 3 days. Most of all, I remember the relief at hearing my coworker's voice after 4 days, now knowing that he was still alive.

  • To make a very long story (as it is a long, but boring story) short, my health had deteriorated due to a health condition of mine. I waited almost too long to go to the ER (which the "why" is a long rant that I'll save for another day). I'd lost about 70 pounds in the span of maybe two or three(?) months, and was just skin and bones. Ended up needing surgery to repair some major damage that had occurred, and was in the hospital for a month due to all of it.

    When I was originally admitted from the ER to the hospital, the doctor had told me that if I had waited any longer I probably would've been dead as the damage would've not been reversible.

    I'm certainly no stranger to my condition causing my health to decline a lot, but that was definitely the first (and thankfully only) time that it had gotten that close to killing me.

  • Probably when I had covid and my blood oxygen (as measured on the at home fingertip reader) went down in the 80s. Came back by the time I got seen at the ER both times though.

  • I fell on my neck after taking a swing too big on a hammock. I wasn't close at all, but it hurt like heck and I didn't feel good for a few days. Pain was comparable to getting hit in the balls.