DNC Announces Plans to Learn Nothing from This
DNC Announces Plans to Learn Nothing from This

DNC Announces Plans to Learn Nothing from This

DNC Announces Plans to Learn Nothing from This
DNC Announces Plans to Learn Nothing from This
So angry this isn’t even satire.
I think it counts as satire, even if the headline is a completely true statement.
Colbert was satire when he just copied what Republicans were saying, with the obvious intentions of "Jesus Christ, do they even hear themselves?"
The Onion can be satire now, and when "No way to prevent this, says the only country where this happens on a regular basis."
seriously. they'll have a LOT more believable articles for the next few years.
The reality is even worse. They're going to "learn" all the wrong lessons. They will shift further to the right, like they always do.
Yep, every time Dems can't get enough votes from the left to win, because they aren't "left/pure enough" for them, what they learn is to shift to the right to find votes.
Whereas since voters on the right will always vote for the one with the R by their name even if they don't think the candidate is "right enough", their party learns that it doesn't have to move to the left to find enough votes and stays to the right or moves even further to the right.
...you don't win over conservatives by offering light-conservatism, but the democratic party have run the same playbook since 1992...
Mindless sheep sycophant party that abuses the system to stay relivent VS super-diverse big tent party than "takes the high road" and it is still almost 50/50....tells you where the people actually stand and how badly the broken system empowers the shitty minority. Oh, before "huurrrrddduuuurrrrr but popular vote dduuurrrrrrr"...that is how many people of each ideology VOTED not how many there are. Glad I could clarify the obvious for you smooth brain twits that think you have a point.
Yep, every time Dems can’t get enough votes from the left to win, because they aren’t “left/pure enough” for them, what they learn is to shift to the right to find votes.
And can you blame them? Who do you think is more efficient catering to, the right-wing idiot who went to vote for a rapist felon or the self-proclaimed leftist that didn’t vote to stop fascism because they didn’t like the alternative enough?
These last elections were already “right vs far right”, following ones are 100% going to be even worse. When the right wins, shifting left makes no logical sense.
And this is one of the reasons why people shifted Republican in this last election.
If the Democratic party won't represent Democratic ideals, then out of either anger or apathy, their base will vote for the party that can do it better, Republicans, or not vote at all.
I agree with a lot of people on Lemmy that the average American is an idiot, and our shortening attention spans coupled with our changing media diets isn't helping with that, but I see these as features not bugs.
Americans in general like their shiny toys, and one of the best ways to capture their attention is by politicians giving concessions and offering things that will benefit their lives. Think carrots on sticks more than sticks themselves.
I will never stop hanging most of the blame on the Democratic party for leading us to today conclusion after Tuesday.
And you'll be the bad guy for not wanting to vote for a right wing party.
The only ones that need to learn are the vile pieces of shit that chose to throw their vote away or not even vote. A politician doesnt give them all they want so they sacrifice the planet. Lowest of the low. Same kind of trash as maga
Every single third party protest vote could have gone to Harris and she still would have heavily lost. She managed to even lose the damn popular vote by five million votes, despite Trump having a lower turnout than 2020.
This wasn’t because people voted third party, this was because at a time when incumbents have seen massive pushback across the globe from Covid inflation and Biden was unpopular across the board she ran as completely the same as Biden but even more Right on the border.
At a time when the politically disconnected working class families that make up the record trunout in 2020 were struggling with wage stagnation, erosion of Covid gains, and greedflation eroding their savings and pensions, four more years of the same but we’ll adopt even more Republican policies and look how many rich Republicans like us was never going to get the everperson off the damn couch.
More of the same is not a good platform for ‘progressives’ during economic hardship, even if it was out of their control and less hardship than most peer nations.
Even though Trump is a disaster for many of us, most people got though his first four years just fine, and don’t understand just how much damage he did or how much more he could do if the guardrails failed.
Getting the general public out to vote requires giving them something they want to vote for, and when the biggest thing you can point to doing or wanting to do more of is some clean energy related tax breaks that is a major problem.
Had the Dems impeached Clarence Thomas for his and his wife’s role in Jan 6, had Biden improved the immigration system like promised, had he provided free National Guard abortion clinics on federal land, had he made the FDA make puberty blockers and abortion medicine available by teleheath and mail, or indeed had any major victories in the last half of his term to show, we would not be here. Had they run AOC, Bernie, Waltz, or anyone at all who could articulate a platform beyond four more years of the same, we would not be here. Had Harris focused on how she could use left wing policy to fight the effects of late stage capitalism, we would not be here.
This election was an unforced error of the highest consequences, and one brought about by a political party that was so confident that until he dies of old age every politically disinterested Amarican would be so scared by the threat of Trump that they would maintain an unprecedented level of voter turnout without them having to actually do or promise anything.
Which do you think is better? Dems giving people what they want to earn their vote or trump winning?
Would you prefer they DID vote for Trump? I voted for Harris because she was the only real option but after what the DNC keeps doing (see: fucking Bernie in the primaries and then not even having a primary this year) I really can’t blame anyone for not voting. The Dems need to have their come to Jesus and remember that the people don’t owe them anything.
Oh c’mon, Kamala was pretty far from Jesus, and Trump and co. are no political masterminds. This was the dems race to lose and they brilliantly pulled it off by exhibiting what can only be described as an active disdain for anything that even smelled like progressive politics. Turns out you can’t win on “the other guy is worse.” They fucked up and lost fair and square.
Look, the Democrats are not good at running campaigns, but I will never let that obscure the fact that OVER 75 MILLION Americans were ready, willing, and able to vote for a proven rapist, convicted criminal, openly racist, riot-starting adult crybaby. Not grudgingly -- they went to the polls with a song in their hearts and blood in their eyes! The fucking Democrats didn't cause that -- 12 years of Fox News telling people that DJT was God, and four years of blaming COVID and inflation on desperate economic migrants did that.
Even IF the Democrats have enough of a base to overwhelm those +75m hateboner-stroking bigots, well they knew what's at stake and STILL stayed home. (No doubt smirking at how cleverly they avoided any moral contagion via the brilliant gambit of continuing to pay taxes but not casting a vote 🙄 .) Regardless of all that, I don't blame them for Trump's win either, because there shouldn't have been +75 million Trump-lovers to overwhelm in the first fucking place.
Its not even the dems. Its the dnc. Who actually voted for biden or kamala as the person, of all democrats, to be the representative? The two party system has literally led to the death of America.
Which is crazy. In most countries, all parties are despised. In US, it is more like sports team.
We gotta, otherwise we'll see that one team openly hates the game, and the other team is still kicking around the ball and acting like moving 10 inches solves the game from falling apart.
We also want to congratulate our friends in the Republican party, they played a great game and we can’t wait to work with them more.
Republican National Committee Chair Michael Whatley is excited to see his colleagues at the DNC make the same mistakes over and over.
This is amazing.
“I saw how the DNC ignored voters, I saw how they talked down to people, and that just made my job easy. I go in and say ‘Democrats think you’re dumb, but Republicans think you’re a genius’ and these dopes eat it up like the slop they feed their pigs.
Holy fuck is this even satire anymore? I can literally see a GOP campaign official say that in private.
In private? I can see them saying it on TV and the rubes still voting for them since all they watch is Fox News and they'd never run it.
Trump won Michigan by doing the absolute bare minimum of pretending to care about the core issues Harris actively ignored (cough genocide).
And also paying probably like 50 bucks to spam send this image for two weeks.
“To all those growing skeptical of this party’s strategies and overall agenda, let me just say we hear you loud and clear. Rest assured we will be doing everything short of interpreting that sound into words and responding to those words in any way shape or form.”
This is an all-timer.
And remember, you gotta start repaying the student loans you never used!
100% Spot-On article. The Hard Times nails it again.
I literally see voters saying the Democrats were too left leaning, jfc.
With parties like this, painful collapse is the only way to avoid multigenerational destitution.
There is no saving the United States as a framework. It is far too compromised, with too many methods installed to keep the people willfully ignorant and infighting as the owners suck their life forces dry for profit.
We can limp along and pretend that isn't the case, but climate change, aka the reality that doesn't give a shit about our self-delusion and greed worship, will force that collapse sooner rather than later. Reality can't be bribed, deluded, disappeared, or discredited.
Enjoy living in delusion that a society can function in capitalist competition against itself, the ability to do so is coming to an end.
I literally see voters saying the Democrats were too left leaning, jfc.
I think its important to ask the people saying that to name specific examples of HOW they were too left leaning. People just want to hurt someone now because they are hurt - it doesn't matter if they are punching left or right, if they perceive something as landing, it makes them feel better.
I am seeing Liberals online blaming minorities for not showing up when the reality is, across the board Dem voters didn't show up.
The most I've seen anyone able to manifest is that she wasn't an old white man, and instead, she was too radical, because she was black, indian, and a woman. I have seen milquetoast liberals saying this, black people saying this, indians saying this, and women saying this. I don't really know how true it is, and I guess I never will know because she really didn't run a good enough campaign for me to actually run any sort of postmortem analysis relative to someone else's real turnout, because she wasn't even a baseline democrat, she ran below the baseline in terms of promises. She campaigned with dick "killed a million people" cheney and his wife. I dunno. somehow I don't believe that it's because democrat voters are just super racist or sexist or whatever.
I think its important to ask the people saying that to name specific examples of HOW they were too left leaning.
They'll usually blame one of those marginalized groups they claim you hate if you don't support them. Joe Scarborough blamed Democrats' support of trans rights. After months of being told that I needed to back the Democrats for the safety of LGBTQ+ community, it was amazing to see how quickly he threw them under the bus.
I think its important to ask the people saying that to name specific examples of HOW they were too left leaning.
When I do I get nonsense about hope and change and how leftists didn't show up when they should have to prevent fascism.
Thats why Im blaming all the dem voters who didnt show for not showing
If only the consequences only applied to the people causing the issue. We're all in the blast radius. I hope I live long enough to see hope returning. So far it's just been a constant decline.
I literally see voters saying the Democrats were too left leaning
Could you elaborate on this? I'm confused as to what those voters mean. Polling suggests that actual left wing ideas (universal health cares, higher minimum wage, etc etc) enjoy broad popular support. For example, Missouri (a deeply red state) passed a higher minimum wage and paid sick leave by ballot measure. Are these voters unaware of what "left wing" means, or are they unaware of public opinion?
I've seen a couple of things in this direction as well. Joe Scarborough was complaining that the democrats are too woke, and that that's why they lost the election. He was clearly advocating for throwing trans people under the bus next cycle. I've also heard a liberal buddy of mine say that democrats are moving with the American public, i.e., their right wing policies are a reflection of what the American public wants.
Here on lemmy.world I see it more indirectly. The predominant sentiment is to blame the voters ("you didn't show up", "oh you just had to care about the genocide", "look what you've done"). This operates on the false assumption that if the party changes their position to be more left wing (pro-peace, pro-healthcare, whatever) to woo the lost voters, they'd lose even more votes because the American public is so right wing.
Where are you seeing it?
I think they're making a distinction between policy issues and social issues. The policy issues are popular but the social issues not so much. I read that R's ran a huge ad buy with an anti-trans ad that was very effective in swinging lots of male voters over to them. That's one example of what they mean by the "woke" stuff. It scares conservatives and moderate dems--not the objective reality of the policies as much as messaging spin they put on it, designed to create fear and loathing. Like it or not, it's effective.
They tried tacking right and they not only lost percentages of their base every day, they lost the election by a landslide. Theres nothing to gain on the right. Thats just a way to stay irrelevant.
Local opinion piece:
I read it because of the title, but it's just some shithead that wants them to move further right:
This red wave wasn’t as much about embracing Donald Trump as it was repudiating far-left progressivism.
[...], and then foisted upon us an equally unqualified and unpalatable hard left alternative.
They are already creating the groundwork for sucking more corporate dick.
How can this be a rejection of the far left when Harris campaigned as a moderate (e.g. Cheney)? If republican voters are going to think Democrats are communist regardless of how moderate the Democrats are, maybe moderating isn't a good strategy. If the only choice is between right-wing and lite right-wing, right-wing voters will choose the real thing. Even then, Trumpists will still call democrats communists.
Many left polices are popular when they aren't labelled as left
Thats the fun part, people consider dems "far left" because...... Reasons, I guess? This country is so far right just the idea of building more housing counts as communist.
Exactly. Every Democrat ever nominated is on the radical left, or is one of the “most liberal,” according to the Republican propaganda machine.
But their base is generally super ignorant of the rest of the world so it works. They have no frame of reference for what left and right really are, or how other societies function and get better results.
But that is asking a lot of them. These are the people who lined up to vote for the ticket with the VP that previously called the nominee America’s Hitler. Asking them to consider the finer points of leftist policies improving human lives on the other side of the world is like getting your dog to switch to Linux. There are just so many basic pieces missing that it’s hard to choose where to start.
Reminds me of that joke about how there are only two races: White, and political. It's disheartening to see folks (some here on Lemmy) confusing listening to the concerns of brown-skinned people with leftism. The Arab-Americans in Michigan, for a relevant example, are just people with a range of political opinions like the rest of us.
Holy shit. They really think Harris was "far left"??
Wait, there was nothing progressive about this campaign except for paying a little lip service to legalizing weed.
Hardly surprising coming from the Star Trib these days... I knew it was bad when they refused to even endorse a candidate.
Oh they learned their lessons:
Have they tried committing multiple felonies ? Are they even watching and learning ?
They just vowed not to!
Vowed? Wow.
It’s going to be really fun to see them dust off the same exact playbook next time around, I already have two copies of it, I use one to even out the table in my kitchen, and the other I use the pages to pick up my dogs shit in the yard.”
Oh they know how to win. They just don't want to. The policy decisions that would lock in Dem control for generations to come run counter to the goals of DNC Services Corp. Because they're a corp.
Theyre not the ones that need to learn. Voters need to learn DNC is a bunch of wealthy moderates grifting voters.
What if the DNC privately wins by making sure their candidate loses?
nah pelosi is crying her eyes out as she will have to pay less taxes on all those millions she earns from insider trading & lobbying for big tech.
its a win win for them.
They ran Harris thinking she would win based on her demographics. The DNC needs to learn that not everyone wants a black/LGBTQ/woman/etc candidate that just runs on their race/gender/sexuality.
They want someone that's competent that will campaign on policies that will make their lives better. The DNC has moved so far away from the working class that the RNC, the party of wealthy creeps, has them.
They ran Harris because she was the only candidate they could justify shoehorning in without a primary, since she's VP.
Why they didn't want to run a primary is a great question. Probably cost and time, and name recognition. Studies show that often the candidate with the most name recognition wins. There's wasn't enough time to tell every person in America a brand new person's name.
But usually VPs don't do well when they run as president. Imo Dems are just trying to avoid another Bernie Sanders situation - a leftist with an authentic campaign and people who genuinely like them. More than anything, they gotta stop real progress in this country.
Imo Dems are just trying to avoid another Bernie Sanders situation - a leftist with an authentic campaign and people who genuinely like them
100% this is why. They didn't want any internal pressure for progressive policies or a public platform to voice them.
They lost the general because they refused to hold a legitimate primary. This wouldn’t of happened. They haven’t run a real primary since 2008 and look at how hard Obama won in a landslide after competing in a deep field of qualified and competent candidates.
They had no platform other than fear mongering about Trump.
The difference between Harris and Obama was that while Obama was biracial that wasn't the focus of his campaign, his platform was, and he articulated it well. That's the real lesson to take away from Obama's success at the polls not let's run a black person and hope we win.
Obama also competed against a deep field of qualified candidates in 2008. He went into the general with momentum of a popular mandate and then won in a landslide.
He would of done nearly as good if he was a white man.
On the flip side, when the republicans lost with Romney in 2012 they did a whole lot of soul searching (rather than blaming the electorate and moving closer to the center to court mythical ‘moderates’ which is the ongoing failed strategy of the democrats), and in 2016 they had an extremely competitive primary where trump came out on top with a mandate as popular with the base as Obama in 2008.
They ran Harris because she was the only viable option when it was clear that Biden was not. They did not run Harris thinking she would win at all, they ran her out of desperation because the incumbent was flatlining. It was not a choice, and it certainly was not one based on demographics. It was a “Hail Mary” and it failed as it was likely to do from the outset, and everyone who was paying attention knew that, yet had no choice but to hope for the best.
She quite specifically DIDNT run on those things, like Hillary did...so....
So every racist and misogynist will say she did anyways.
Including the ones on Lemmy.
I think she, and to a greater extent the policies of the Democratic Party since Carter just cost America the Republic but there is literally nothing a black woman could do to convince some people she's competent in her own right.
Competent at neoliberal corporate cronyism, mind you. But Harris's qualifications by herself are rock solid.
running token candidates beholden to them is very shady but brilliant strategy by the superpacs :
if they loose: blame it on sexism, racism bigotry to divert the attention from reforms in dnc for progressive leadership. and even if they pretend to be sad about it, the megarich elites and donors get taxcuts and endless price gouging from republicans.
if they win: token candidate passes some token laws which gets either blocked in senate or so poorly implemented that they actually end up giving billions to megacorps for no visible benefit to people. case in point: https://www.atr.org/kamalas-broadband-bust-42-billion-996-days-zero-homes-connected/
She quite specifically DIDNT run on those things, like Hillary did...so....
The funniest part of this is the idea that there will be an opposition party in anything but a token way after this.
...was there one before?..
Was there a party that did not install SCOTUS justices that were so ideologically conservative that they did things like end national legal abortion and gut the ability of government regulation agencies to regulate?
Yes there was. But that party is not coming back except as a token now because people just didn't think stopping the rapist fascist dictator was a good enough reason to vote.
Bernie has it right. The DNC represents the rich left leaning right.
The only "The Onion" rather than "Not The Onion" part of this is the idea that they would announce it.
I'd say "The Onion" part of this is that the democratic party doesn't need to learn any lessons because it's doing exactly what they want to do. The people who will refuse to learn from this are the people who still put faith in them and the democratic system in general.
Sure democrats would prefer to win but the most important thing to them is making sure that policies to the left of the republican party are never a serious threat to the donors they both share. That's pretty obvious at this point, right?
Ding ding ding
Also the idea of future free and fair elections appears unlikely.
So far what I have learned about what Kamala has learned is:
It is now the darkest night in America.
There are billions of stars you can only see at night!
You know, faint, distant glimmers from long, long ago, that you can squint at and imagine they form coherent, stable, meaningful structures... which are not, and never really were there at all.
I do not know if she was intentionally attempting to invert/reference Reagan's 'Morning in America' and HW's 'Thousand points of light', or if she somehow thought this was an original, meaningful metaphor.
Either would be pathetic and disgusting.
Anyway, quite literally that may have been how democracy in America died, to another speech of meaningless platitudes, ending with thunderous applause, congratulating that a failed struggle was worth it, because even though it failed, it played by the rules and was gracious in defeat.
End scene! Bravo!
did she wrote “rings of power” or payne&mckay wrote her speeches ?
What's the thing that will send you websites at a set date in the future? Wanna take bets and look at this 4 years from now to the day?
No idea but just use email schedule send to yourself. No need to rely on something that might stop working then, unless you use some dodgy email that's likely to close down.
you could use the futureme website
TBH I'd be afraid of them learning anything with headlines telling them to blame Palestine supporters and Minorities.
Aren't most of DNC rich AF? I can only see them benefiting from Trump.
Now they can just sit and do fuck all, because they lost everything. I'd say that makes their dayjob easier.
Oddly enough, Biden, Harris, and especially Walz are among the least rich politicians in DC. They are still way better off than middle class Americans though.
They're rich enough to think the economy is doing great
Pffft!!! If your idea of "learning" is to copy any of the fascist ideas of trump, then yes, they should NOT learn anything. Did Jews after Hitler go fascist...... Oh wait.
What trump does well is saying things that people want to hear. Obama was good at that as well when he first ran. That is what all good candidates do and it's what the dems should do regardless if they learn it from trump or not
Then again, most of what trump says is lies lies lies designed to scapegoat immigrants, and trans folks. Obama did not do that. And Obama won cos folks were tired of Repukes, and he was a feelgood candidate for some whites who could now say to themselves: "See? Imma conservative, kinda but I'm still a good guy cos I voted for the black dude with the cute little girls". I doubt Obama would've won against a young white man with pretty blonde kids. It would've been a lot closer. This time around, we can't exclude some hacking took place, given the size of trumps win. Since he won so convincingly ALL swingstates, not just the ones he needed, is a thing which makes that likely. Either hacking or the Putin paid influencers Men, young men, just do NOT vote in those numbers. It's all very unlikely.
I love how the left has adopted casual racism and anti Semitism from the right. Way to go
They still address Republicans as their friends and collages. Once that work shift is over, they don't care. They will run someone like Pete and have the same issues next election.
Then they can call us homophobic when people don't vote for him
They will run whoever wins in the primaries, which means that voting in the primaries is where you have much more power. Start early on supporting candidates who you think can win and help them win the primaries.
This works much better in down-ballot races than at the POTUS-level, but even there if you get a big enough movement going it can work. That's how Trump got the R nomination in 2016 after all--the R establishment hated him and didn't want him to win but he got the votes.
On the DNC side, after outcry about what happened with Bernie in 2016, they changed the rules to limit the power of the superdelegates to rig things like they did it 2016, by preventing them from voting on the first ballot and other rules on what they can do. Whether those reforms are enough has not yet been tested.
One reason it hasn't been tested is that we didn't hold primaries this year.
Sure, it's not (very) illegal to offer the rest of the candidates cabinet positions to drop out, so that you can 1v1 the progressive and prevent the him from winning the way Trump did. But "we're a private entity and can pick the nominee however we want" will not exactly endear you to your base, or give them very much respect for the primary process.
I assume you mean you have more power if you live in Iowa, New Hampshire or South Carolina. If your state votes after "super Tuesday" things will be pretty decided before you have a chance to weigh in.
As a leftist, I feel pretty unrepresented by the Democrats. "Vote in the primaries then support whoever is the nominee" would feel a lot more palatable if I wasn't so sure the DNC will do everything they can to prevent a progressive from getting nominated.
This is unironically true, unfortunately.
Democrats have to be deft and diplomatic and do the right things all the time that somehow appeal to all the Americans (including Americans on opposite sides like Palestine supporters and Israel supporters) and they lose if they fumble even a little bit.
Unlike the MAGA party of bigots who can't lose no matter how much of dipshits they are.
Bro BFFR Dems had Dick and Liz Cheney endorsing her, exactly what part of their base is a war criminal and his nepo baby supposed to appeal to?
Edit to add: this is who they sent to stump for Harris in Michigan and other swing states btw
That tiny minority of never trumpers
She also had Taylor Swift, Bernie Sanders, Obama, Mark Cuban, multple military generals endorsing her, among others.
But sure, it was the Cheneys that outweighed everyone else. That's the problem, not American voters who didn't think 'holy shit everyone across the sociopolitical landscape is coming together supporting her, trump is that much of a serious threat'.
Great work👍
exactly what part of their base is a war criminal and his nepo baby supposed to appeal to?
Centrists. There was a reason that when Democrats took the House and Senate in 2006, they didn't stop being a rubber stamp for Cheney's war.
I disagree. At the risk of oversimplifying, American voters tend to respect strength of conviction, even if they don't always agree with the policy, over milquetoast candidates. That's why Sanders attracted so many voters who went on to vote for the other party's candidate in the general election. Democrats need to decide what they believe in, and say it long, loud, and proud.
They did seem quite unsure of what their values should be. I think thats a negative for some people that a persons values seem to change to match the audience. The pre-planned replies didnt help either. Kept hearing the same points almost to a word.
Why's it so hard to speak like a human being for the democrats? Make fun of trump all we want, his McDonalds video was not a bad look, it was personable.
Well, there isn't going to be a Palestine in not too much longer after Bibi ethnically cleanses it and annexes it to Greater Israel.
That was one example. It easily could've been access to abortion, recreational marijuana, affirmative action or any other issue.
And when they lose they take the high road of blaming themselves. It's en exercise in self flagellation.
64 percent of native americans voting trump was an eye opening stat for me. They are done w the status quo. 2020 it was 54 percent.
wouldnt matter if they did learn from it if the crap trump campaigned on goes through and he becomes a "king" in this country
Pokémon God save us!
It's totally crazy to me that Trump and crew are planning who to use the full power of the United States to murder and the Democratic Party is trying to figure out who to blame for it.
We need them to fight or what good are they?
The outside perspective has been wild. Everyone's blaming the dem party for not winning, as if trump didn't have 73 million plus fuckers voting for him.
Does make you wonder how different America's political system is to Russia's if a little more subtle about it
saw someone on Lemmy say late stage capitalism is exactly like the propaganda they taught you about communism where the rich and important people live in luxury and the working people are essentially slaves, only this time they have cars.
The US is also a one party state but, with typical American extravagance, they have two of them. -Julius Nyerere
What should they really learn? I'm sick of the blame being placed on decent people not doing enough.
How about we blame the pieces of crap that support Trump who has too many disgusting qualities to list.
The blame still stops at the leading Democrats.
Consider this. How could so many people vote for someone who is such a clear threat to democracy?
Simple. Because despite everything they said, his opponents never actually treated him as a threat to democracy.
Biden appointed a Republican to run the Department of Justice, and that Republican sat on his hands, refusing to do any investigation of Trump until he was forced to do so by House investigative committees. It took TWO YEARS before an investigation even began. This delay allowed Trump to eventually run out the clock.
Trump should have been in chains on the day Biden took office. He should have faced trial in a military tribunal. Any attempt by SCOTUS to protect him should have been declared "a coup from the bench" and seen those justices charged as accomplices after the fact.
THAT is how you need to handle an actual threat to democracy. Trump should have been put on trial, through whatever means necessary. Hell, ideally he should have received a capital sentence for his crimes against the republic. He betrayed his country. He is guilty of treason. The man should have hanged for his crimes.
But that wasn't how Biden treated it. Trump was an EPOCHAL THREAT TO DEMOCRACY, but not enough to risk angering conservative white voters in suburban Philadelphia. He was THE NEXT INCARNATION OF HITLER, but not so Hitlerian as to justify any kind of dubious legal maneuvers that a fascist like Trump would have no problem pulling off.
Biden and co have been shouting that Trump is a threat do democracy for the better part of a decade at this point. But they never actually treated him like one. Actions speak louder than words. Democrats said Trump was a threat to democracy, but they never actually treated him like one. The Democrats, through their actions, made it clear that they didn't think Trump was a real threat to democracy, so the voters acted accordingly.
If Democrats were actually serious about the threat, Trump would have been tried by military tribunal, sentenced, and been locked away or put in the ground two years ago.
They should learn how to win, for one.
You know what they need more of? Bernie's populist rhetoric. A promise that something will actually be different. Obama won on that promise, and then did nothing with it.
15 million people don't go missing unless your party is dead.
And bare in mind, I'm not saying anyone should have voted 3rd party; we can't do that without at least RCV. But something needs to reanimate the Democrats' corpse or we will all die at the hands of the next Mussolini.
Blaming them does nothing to help us.
Okay you blamed them. What next?
Revolution? /s
I mean, we can blame the DNC some. But we should definitely be blaming Trump voters and non-voters.
The reverse side of this (that the Onion should do next) is:
"Oh yeah. I didn't go out and vote. Surely the 30th time in a row means the DNC will learn their lesson and then promote leftist policy like I want!"
OK, let's blame Trump voters. Sounds good. Now what? Replace the voters?
Trump voters are a symptom of a cultural and economic situation created entirely by neoliberals. Blame the voters all you want, but I don't see how that's supposed to get us anywhere.
Off topic, by why in god do people refer to the democrats as the DNC as if it's the acronym for the democratic party?
It's a bit like someone calling every piece in chess a "pawn". It's not right technically, and it sounds dumb.
Democratic National Committee. It's a good shorthand for the establishment fucks who run everything.
Also, I recently learned that the Democratic party was founded before the Grand Old Party. That annoys me more.
Because you guys all fall in line with whatever they say. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
So yeah, Democrats ARE the DNC.
I mean, folks on this site automatically label anyone who says they are Republican, conservative, or even just take issue with one single thing about the Democratic nominee as "racist, misogynist, xenophobic Nazi MAGA pieces of dog shit that deserve death"
I think you guys got the easier end of the bargain.
Just as an aside: I find it a bit funny that you used the "pawn" example with not one hint of irony.
Really? I've always seen them labeled as the GOP which makes a lot more sense than the DNC cause it actually stands for something.
What I would like to know the most is why 14 million registered Democrats failed to vote in this election, especially given what is at stake. Because if it was for some stupid, single issue, then fark them, good and hard.
it's because the dems tacked hard right to appeal to the mythical "moderate conservative" while telling everyone to the left of them to fuck off for months and months on end. people were shouting from the rooftops that this was going to cost them the election, and damn wouldn't you know it, it looks like it did! will they learn from it? probably not!
Just commenting to say I love your name lmfaooo
Why would they learn? They'll be fine.
This is what people don't seem to understand. This is not some mythical "huge force." Democrats elect their people through primaries and they rise. Same as ever.
But all the people who don't participate? YOU are the ones that have to suffer. Harris was a fine candidate. Sure she wasn't Santa Claus on Christmas but she was fine and a million ways better than Trump. But people said "eh, I'm ok with Trump then" and didn't vote for her.
She isn't gonna suffer. The DNC isn't going to suffer. YOU and I are. This is what we call an "own goal." And all the people wanting more left policy? Well good fucking luck when they stack the SCOTUS with 40 year old right wing fucks, stack the rest of the courts, and move everything back another 20 years progress-wise. Think you're getting better healthcare soon? Think again. It got a ton harder now. Worried about the climate? Great! Because it was fucked before and it'll be fucked a fuck more now. What little we were doing is going up in smoke.
Besides that- two things can be right. The Dems need to refocus AND shithead lazy ass nonvoters need to get off the fucking couch and vote no matter what. Well, if they can still vote in a free and fair election in 2/4 years.
Having fake primaries sure didn't help.
Dick riding dick Cheney might have something to do with it. Fucking embarrassing.
The electoral college did a great job once again. Everyone please raise your butts as they come out fucking. We want them to enjoy this moment. And let's all look and act terrified as they penetrate us once more. Let's trust that they will vote for the candidate they think we need next time too.
You do realize that Trump is in the lead for the popular vote, currently. Right?
You do realize that he is a racist, sexist asshole. But yeah I'm aware. The guy basically lied to everyone and everyone bought it again. So here we go again. But remember that the popular vote doesn't elect Presidents. It was the electoral college's job to keep this asshole out of office and they failed once again.
Exactly what is it they're supposed to learn? I’m tired of this generic self-flagellation and blame game that says exactly the same thing every loss, but gets rounds of back slapping when the exact same tactics net a win.
What is it exactly that should be done differently?
The reason we lost is because people didn’t vote. Not because they voted for trump. So some apathetic MFs handed trump the win. We should ask them why they allowed that to happen.
E: y’all downvoting a legit question and position? Pretty hypocritical to push aside someone asking a real question about change so the question doesn’t get seen. We want change, but we don’t want anyone to ask us what it should be?
What is it exactly that should be done differently?
Don't campaign on maintaining the status quo when the status quo sucks
The reason we lost is because people didn’t vote
Do you think the dems should learn anything from this or should they do the same thing again next time and pray the apathetic people change on their own?
If dems want to win they have to find a way to motivate those apathetic people instead of just telling them they are stupid.
What dems should learn is that they need to offer something that clearly improves people's lives. Universal healthcare or Medicare for all would be a great position to run on and 16 years ago I thought the dems were going to move in that direction but now it seems they've given up on the idea.
..."baby steps" they called that corporate handout, fomented by a groundswell of apologists that patience would be rewarded in due course...
I feel like you answered your own question there: they should have run a better candidate. A more appropriate candidate, one who appeals more to the needs of those apathetic Americans, would naturally have resulted in higher turnout.
What is it exactly that should be done differently?
The first thing that comes to mind is that Democratic politicians should remember who their core voting block is. They need to give up on the triangulation nonsense. Republicans already have their Anointed One and will never vote for a shoddy imitation, and that very act of imitation is driving away the progressive vote.
State level electoral reform will allow a bigger spectrum of political parties to represent those unengaged voters. It will also allow those voters to make the democrats their backup pick if their preference didn't win.
More people represented means more voters. More voters means more democratic votes. Why is the democratic party saying no to these easy votes?
Because the dnc exists to keep left leaning parties from ever gaining traction in this country
The leftists here are absolutely convinced that the Dems just need to run a left platform and it'll be a landslide. What actually happens is that every time the Dems rely on the left they lose.
Next election the Dems will go hard center and likely win.
...when was the last time the democratic party ran a legitimately progressive platform?..i'm not talking about vacuous platitudes, i'm talking about articulated commitment backed up by tangible, substantive, follow-through changing the nature of established paradigm?..
Next election.
What actually happens is that every time the Dems rely on the left they lose.
Obama says what the fuck are you—oh it's that guy again. Just do your thing.
To those suggesting the solution is to go farther left, you're delusional
The best thing you can hope for, is the farthest left, electable candidate
Based on the state of play, the winning ticket in 2028 I would project to be Manchin/Witmer
AOC is never going to be prez (unfortunately) in her lifetime. The country is not ready for that
In case you are doubting reality, note that a far-right populist just won the popular vote in a landslide, bury your head in the sand all you like, its not going to move your agenda forward
No, the path to an election win isn't to appeal to the far right cult and hope that enough of them switch sides. They appealed to people switching sides this election and it failed miserably.
Some ways needs to be found to energise your own base, and find a crisis to run on, real or exaggerated.
There are many other things too of course, but this isn't an essay. Last thing I'd say is that just because one side embraced lunacy, it doesn't mean the other side has to
A populist won the election, yes, and that's much more relevant than left or right.
The solution is absolutely for the democrats to move left, but not because it's left, because people want to hear things about how their lives are going to improve.
Instead of blathering about an "opportunity economy" and more fuel for the war machine, they should be talking about higher wages, cheaper healthcare, cheaper housing, and cheaper eggs.
People who want to vote for the right wing already have a party to vote for, they're not going to switch. This strategy just alienates people whose lives suck.
Here's an example of a deeply red state passing very left wing policies by ballot measure. Left wing ideas enjoy broad popular support, the democrats would do well adopting some of them. I strongly suggest you look at some reputable polling sources to test your views regarding the American electorate.
Sorry, you're in an echo chamber saying the wrong thing. Smells like reddit in here.
you played YOURSELVES. You're the one that's gonna suffer not the party. It's like you shot yourself just to spite Democrats, and you don't realize that it's you who is fucked, not the Democratic party
Also the campaign was bad. Not a soul here on lemmy or anywhere else is going to personally out-message a national campaign. People are obviously more enthusiastic to vote for something than to vote against something else, and that's what it came down to.
Be mad at your party, they threw this election right before your eyes and you plugged your ears and went "lalalala! trump voter says what!" when we tried to tell you that you needed to pressure them to do more or they were going to lose anyways.
They want progressives to be both a small minority they can ignore, but also 17 million people?!
That would make them 20% of the party...
If 20% of your own party can out message your own campaign, then it's a shit campaign. Even before factoring in the billion plus dollars you compromised the party platform to raise and the fact that the opponent is trump.
We can't keep letting the DNC be the only other option. They're clearly not capable of it.
You aren't going to like this, but there just isn't a reason to vote for Democrats if they aren't going to oppose the Republicans on anything but the personality of Donald Trump.
Sure, they give us lip service, they even throw in goodies once in a while! You get all warm and fuzzy imagining all the things you can "move them" on, but even if they do "listen" to you, (seriously, you guys didn't even like their platform, and you're the ones loyal to them. Whose votes are they earning if not yours??) they get challenged and they throw their hands up and say "guess there's nothing that could be done" and Republicans get whatever they want anyways.
It's the same outcome, this one just makes you feel bad and dare I say it might actually move you to act.
Really felt the need to embody that headline huh.
The voters must come to the party, not the other way around.
So you're saying we should all make our own party? With blackjack and hookers?
With that attitude you can enjoy losing 2028 as well. The fucking entitlement.
If standing against fascism doesn't bring the leftists to vote, you're doomed. And AGAIN, you only fucked yourselves. The Democratic party isn't gonna suffer, YOU are.
I can’t in good consciousness vote for genociders, so I voted third party, my only anti genocide option.
Lol the third party candidates are also anti Palestine. That's why you should not make another country's war, your one issue election in your own country. Especially when every candidate is against you. All you did was allow the worse one to win, insuring the destruction of Palestine which is now on your hands. Way to support genocide
They'll learn the left never shows up, even when their human fucking rights are at stake. Next election the Dems will go hard center, to get the voters that actually show up. *We're going to see them go hard on Clinton's "It's the economy, stupid".
She was on a rocketship trajectory before getting Cheney on and focusing on old ex-R endorsements. There aren't enough voters in the center and you can't switch any magats is the takeaway.
Well that and before going super war hawk in her nomination acceptance speech.
She was on a rocketship trajectory before getting Cheney
That's what we thought but apparently not. All this time a large chunk of Americans were getting brainwashed by social media algorithms that she's going to start WW3, or going to let all the illegal immigrants in, or she is going to make gas even more expensive, or round up Christians or some other bullshit.
The DNC didn't have a chance because the voters are fucking morons.
There are literally shit tons of voters in the center, that is the big fat juicy center that decides elections. Plus those voters are worth double, because it's a vote for you and a vote taken away from the other party.
That's a bold statement only a day after a campaign based on going hard-center crashed and burned.
They’ll learn the left never shows up, even when their human fucking rights are at stake.
The right didn't show up either, but you lot were gung-ho about getting their fucking approval. You showed the left everything you are.
If the left are not important enough to court, they're not important enough to blame, even though that means your strategy was shit and you moved to the right for nothing but the sheer joy of it.
If the left are not important enough to court, they're not important enough to blame
This election showed either 1) the left will literally never show up, or 2) the left doesn't exist. Take your pick, either way the left is done. No one's going to rely on the left or run a left platform for fucking decades.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or a colossal idiot who learned nothing from the satirical article about the fact that the people you're deflecting blame off of learning nothing.
If it's the former, well done I guess? 🤷
If it's the latter, please wake the fuck up and smell the malignant incompetence.
Edit: just realized that you're the "Hillary 2016 was further left than Obama 2008" weirdo, so it's DEFINITELY the latter. Please abandon your ridiculous pet hypothesis and get a fucking clue.
As a non-American I wanna ask: Is the American left blaming Harris and the DNC for this or is it all "Americans are so sexist" and "leftists suck" nonsense like I'm seeing here? Idk where to get this information and I wanna know if I get to have some faith in humanity.
"Hillary 2016 was further left than Obama 2008"
Ad hom
Ya, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills with all these posts blaming democrats for losing when billionaires are literally buying votes to stop Harris.
I mean Harris also had billionaire support. She wasn't exactly a revolutionary. And you put "billionaires" but that was Elon Musk's incompetent ass.
According to Fox news Harris had more Billionaires on her side
A new report shows the Harris-Walz campaign and its Democratic allies spent nearly $1.4 billion on aired political ads in their failed bid to defeat President-elect Trump, outspending the 45th president and Republicans by nearly $460 million.
It is Fox so take it with a grain of salt. But it would not be surprising.