Complementary shaders + BetterF3 - How to get both working
Complementary shaders + BetterF3 - How to get both working
Hello everyone!
So I installed BetterF3 using their .jar all-in-one installer and tweaked some of the settings to get my F3 to look how I want it, but after when I installed Complementary Shaders using their all-in-one .jar installer, it created a separate Iris & Sodium option in my minecraft launcher. I didnt think much of it as it is also installing fabric, so I thought my BetterF3 mod in my .minecraft/mods directory would be loaded automatically, but thats not the case.
The game looks amazing with the shader so I want to keep that on, but I also want my nice looking F3 menu back. How can i do that?
Thanks in advance!
P.s. In the image I attached, 1 is the fabric installation made with the BetterF3 installer, and 2 is the one made with the Complementary Shaders installer.