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Git Commit Creation

This is an article in which I explore the details and thinking that goes into how you should create git commits, and why. I like to think of it as the article I wish existed when I was just starting out over 20 years ago.

I wanted to cover all the things that you should think about at a high level. That way it at least could work as an entry point to deeper exploration of the particular areas if the reader isn’t completely sold or they want to just gain a deeper understanding. While at the same time trying to provide enough details to show why and how these choices are valuable. This is always a tricky balance.

Anyways, I would love any feedback on thoughts on how this could be improved.


  • Given that it is high level, I assume you did not want to include this. I'll mention it here in a comment either way. Text form in the commit message.

    I really like using conventional commit messages and introduced it in my projects. We defined a few types, and more leniently choose optional scopes. It's very useful for categorizing and skimming through commit lists, and for generating changelogs/release notes. `fix(account): Use correct hasing xy"

    Consistent imperative form is important to me too. The commit message examples talks about "Summary of changes", which has no verb, and so, may mislead to a different undesirable form of summarizing changes. ("Change xy" instead of "changed xy" or "[now] does xy [at runtime]" or "did z".)

    I didn't fully read it, only skimmed, so excuse me if I missed mentions of the commit message text form. It seems very elaborate otherwise.

  • My browser has a default font size of 18 set. The site overrides that with a default base font size of 12px, then increases it to 13px for content text. That's way too small for me on my screen. At least to read it comfortably. Or for people who need more accessible text/font.

    • You saved me a click, thanks.

      Importing esthetic preferences over accessibility tells me a lot about the content…