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Remove code from your website immediately • The Register
  • This is not a supply chain attack, it is sudden extreme enshitification. according to the article, the attacker also bought the GitHub repo

    I don't see how buying the GitHub repo as well makes it not a supply chain attack but enshitification.

    They bought into the supply chain. It's a supply chain attack.

  • New JavaScript Set methods
  • Where would/should the mapping happen? Probably not the Set constructor. JSON.parseSet()?

    JSON.parseSet = json => new Set(JSON.parse(json));
    JSON.parseSet('["A", "B", "C", "A", "B"]'); // Set(3) [ "A", "B", "C" ]

    /edit: JSON.parseMap()

    JSON.parseMap = json => new Map(Object.entries(JSON.parse(json)));
    JSON.parseMap('{"a":1,"b": 2}'); // Map { a → 1, b → 2 }
  • A Logical Way to Split Long Lines
  • In my Firefox I get a NS_BINDING_ABORTED error on the Google Fonts font request.

    And they didn't specify a font fallback, only their external web font. It would have worked if they had added monospace as a fallback.

  • What do you think of this explanation of why not going Open Source?
  • No readily-compilable project is still a worthwhile barrier. So I don't think it's a bad argument.

    If it's about open-source licenses, it typically allows that kind of repackaging. Which is not the case for closed-source/proprietary.

  • Goofy Godot Animation Celebrating 4.0 Release (2020) when godot 4.0 finally releases

    #shorts--- Social ---Discord: the discord server has been shut down, sorry!Twitter: Links ---Github:

    when godot 4.0 finally releases
    Password must match the following
  • generate 32-char-pw -> "Must not be longer than 20" 🤨

    generate 32-char-pw -> "you must include a specific special character" 🤨

    below 10 characters is truly atrocious - and thankfully rare

  • Easily navigate code delegates while debugging - Visual Studio Blog Easily navigate code delegates while debugging - Visual Studio Blog

    While debugging you can now hover over any delegate and get a convenient Go to source link, making it easier to navigate to underlying code.

    Easily navigate code delegates while debugging - Visual Studio Blog

    > When you pause while debugging, you can hover over any delegate and get a convenient go to source link, here is an example with a Func delegate.

    If you already know about delegates, there's not a lot of content in this dev blog post. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing either.

    understanding many2one, one2many and many2many relationshit
  • many2one: so in this relationship you will have more than one record in one table which matches to only one record in another table. something like A <-- B. where (<–) is foreign key relationship. so B will have a column which will be mapped to more than one record of A.

    no, the other way around

    When B has a foreign key to A, many B records may relate to one A record. That's the many2one part.

    The fact that different B records can point to different A records is irrelevant to that.

    one2many: same as many2one but instead now the foreign key constrain will look something like A --> B.

    It's the same, mirrored. Or mirrored interpretation / representation to be more specific. (No logical change.)

    If you had B --> A for many2one, then the foreign key relationship is still B --> A. But if you want to represent it from A perspective, you can say one2many - even though A does not hold the foreign keys.

    In relational database schemata, using foreign keys on a column means the definition order is always one to one, and only through querying for the shared id will you identify the many.

    many2many: this one is interesting because this relationship doesn’t make use of foreign key directly. to have this relationship between A and B you have to make a third database something like AB_rel. AB_rel will hold values of primary key of A and also primary key of B. so that way we can map those two using AB_rel table.

    Notably, we still make use of foreign keys. But because one record does not necessarily have only one FK value we don't store it in a column but have to save it in a separate table.

    This association table AB_rel will then hold the foreign keys to both sides.

  • A tool for uploading/downloading files anonymously with client-side encryption
  • What makes it "anonymous"? You're uploading a file to a server, right? That's hardly anonymous.

    If this is about the onion link in the repo metadata, then I think the description not making that obvious is at least misleading. There's a fundamental difference in what the repo/tool provides and what a specific hosted website provides.

  • How do you balance rapid iteration and merging/upgrading?
  • I don't have multi-user library maintenance experience in particular, but

    I think a library with multiple users has to have a particular consideration for them.

    1. Make changes in a well-documented and obvious way
      1. Each release has a list of categorized changes (and if the lib has multiple concerns or sections, preferably sectioned by them too)
      2. Each release follows semantic versioning - break existing APIs (specifically obsoletion) only on major
      3. Preferably mark obsoletion one feature or major release before a removal release
      4. Consider timing of feature / major version releases so there's plannable time frames for users
    2. For internal company use, I would consider users close and small-number enough to think about direct feedback channels of needs and concerns and upgrade support (and maybe even pushing for them [at times])

    I think "keeping all users in sync" is a hard ask that will likely cause conflict and frustration (on both sides). I don't know your company or project landscape though. Just as a general, most common expectation.

    So between your two alternatives, I guess it's more of point 1? I don't think it should be "rapidly develop" though. I'm more thinking doing mindful "isolated" lib development with feedback channels, somewhat predictable planning, and documented release/upgrade changes.

    If you're not doing mindful thorough release management, the "saved" effort will likely land elsewhere, and may very well be much higher.

  • final year project
  • Ask your profs or other applicable personnel for offered final year projects, suggestions, and previous years projects. You can also check software dev companies which may offer such projects as job openings. That'll give you more of an overview of current common projects, and some ideas of what you could do.

  • Linux Server OSes?
  • Ubuntu LTS.

    It has the option for PPAs when the distro doesn't offer packages or recent package updates but the upstream project does.

    It's a well-established and stable distro.

  • MSTest 3.4 is here with WinUI support and new analyzers! - .NET Blog MSTest 3.4 is here with WinUI support and new analyzers! - .NET Blog

    MSTest 3.4 is available. Learn all about the highlighted features and fixes that will make your testing experience always better.

    MSTest 3.4 is here with WinUI support and new analyzers! - .NET Blog
    A beginner's guide to mapping arrays in EF Core 8 - .NET Blog A beginner's guide to mapping arrays in EF Core 8 - .NET Blog

    EF Core 8 introduces support for mapping typed arrays of simple values to database columns so the semantics of the mapping can be used in the SQL generated from LINQ queries.

    A beginner's guide to mapping arrays in EF Core 8 - .NET Blog

    Mapping C# array types to PostgreSQL array columns or other DBMS/DB JSON columns.

    Introducing the Revamped Visual Studio Resource Explorer - Visual Studio Blog Introducing the Revamped Visual Studio Resource Explorer - Visual Studio Blog

    We have redesigned the Visual Studio Resource Explorer! Now you can manage all your localizations from a single unified view.

    Introducing the Revamped Visual Studio Resource Explorer - Visual Studio Blog

    Available and enabled by default from version 17.11 Preview 2 onwards.

    New resource explorer additionally supports search, single view across solution, edit multiple files and locales at once, dark mode, string.Format pattern validation, validation and warnings, combined string and media view, grid zoomability

    Introducing .NET Smart Components - AI-powered UI controls - .NET Blog Introducing .NET Smart Components - AI-powered UI controls - .NET Blog

    Introducing .NET Smart Components, a set of genuinely useful AI-powered UI components that you can quickly and easily add to .NET apps.

    cross-posted from:

    UI Components: Smart Paste, Smart TextArea, Smart ComboBox

    Dependency: Azure Cloud

    They show an interesting new kind of interactivity. (Not that I, personally, would ever use Azure Cloud for that though.)

    Introducing .NET Smart Components - AI-powered UI controls - .NET Blog Introducing .NET Smart Components - AI-powered UI controls - .NET Blog

    Introducing .NET Smart Components, a set of genuinely useful AI-powered UI components that you can quickly and easily add to .NET apps.

    UI Components: Smart Paste, Smart TextArea, Smart ComboBox

    Dependency: Azure Cloud

    They show an interesting new kind of interactivity. (Not that I, personally, would ever use Azure Cloud for that though.)

    Introducing's Compatible Framework Filters - The NuGet Blog Refining Your Search: Introducing's Compatible Framework Filters - The NuGet Blog

    Last year, we introduced search by target frameworks on, allowing you to filter your search results based on the framework(s) that a package targets. We received plenty of great feedback from you on how to make the filters more effective,

    Refining Your Search: Introducing's Compatible Framework Filters - The NuGet Blog

    > Backwards compatibility is a key principle in .NET, and this means that packages targeting previous .NET versions, like ‘net6.0’ or ‘net7.0’, are also compatible with ‘net8.0’. […] > > The new “Include compatible frameworks” option we added allows you to flip between filtering by explicit asset frameworks and the larger set of ‘compatible’ frameworks. Filtering by packages’ compatible frameworks now reveals a much larger set of packages for you to choose from.

    RTX Remix: Graphically Enhancing Older Games [video demonstration] [2kliksphilip]

    Truly astonishing how much generalized modding seems to be possible through general DirectX (8/9) interfaces and official Nvidia provided tooling.

    As an AMD graphics card user, it's very unfortunate that RTX/this functionality is proprietary/exclusive Nvidia. The tooling at least. The produced results supposedly should work on other graphics cards too (I didn't find official/upstream docs about it).

    For more technical details of how it works, see the GameWorks wiki:

    Opus 1.5 Released - achieves audible, non-stuttering talk at 90% packet loss

    cross-posted from:

    There's a lot, and specifically a lot of machine learning talk and features in the 1.5 release of Opus - the free and open audio codec.

    Audible and continuous (albeit jittery) talk on 90% packet loss is crazy.

    Section WebRTC IntegrationSamples has an example where you can test out the 90 % packet loss audio.

    Opus 1.5 Released - achieves audible, non-stuttering talk at 90% packet loss

    There's a lot, and specifically a lot of machine learning talk and features in the 1.5 release of Opus - the free and open audio codec.

    Audible and continuous (albeit jittery) talk on 90% packet loss is crazy.

    Section WebRTC IntegrationSamples has an example where you can test out the 90 % packet loss audio.

    Mitigating attacks based on knowing the length of a Windows Hello PIN - The Old New Thing Mitigating attacks based on knowing the length of a Windows Hello PIN - The Old New Thing

    Balancing convenience against security, and how you can tune the knobs toward more security.

    Mitigating attacks based on knowing the length of a Windows Hello PIN - The Old New Thing

    Describes considerations of convenience and security of auto-confirmation while entering a numeric PIN - which leads to information disclosure considerations.

    > An attacker can use this behavior to discover the length of the PIN: Try to sign in once with some initial guess like “all ones” and see how many ones can be entered before the system starts validating the PIN. > > Is this a problem?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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