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Lemmy Support Izzy

GDPR and Deletion Requests from banned accounts

How does Lemmy deal with deletion requests for banned accounts? There does not appear to be any built in functionality to make this possible which makes compliance with the law more difficult.

  • Admins have a "purge user" option

    • Good to know. It seems they still have to do it manually. It might make sense to allow users to delete their own accounts though.

  • Go to your user settings, and click the big red delete account button.

    • This doesn't work if you are banned as it prevents you from logging in. Being able to log in and not post is a more user friendly banned state and would allow them to delete their account themselves.

      Side question, deleting your account or purging a user would delete all of that users comments correct?

      • Purging a user will do that, but it won't federate the removal to other instances.

        You could remove the posts before purging, but that doesn't trigger a purge on the remote end, it just hides the content.

      • Hrm, open an issue on the github if you would.

        Deleting your own account overwrites all your content in the DB with dummy data.

        Purging is an activity done by admins that does an actual database delete. It's very dangerous and should only be done in extreme cases.

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