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Display up/downvote count in Firefox (solved)

Thank you for this beautiful app!

I have a minor issue I cannot seem to resolve - the upvote/downvote count vanishes immediately after reloading the page. I am using Librewolf (that is based on Firefox) and I have tried to disable uBlock Origin entirely but I can't get it to display correctly. Anyone else ran into this and found a solution? Thanks!

Image attached how it looks for me.

EDIT: Thank you for the responses, I'm not entirely sure what I did, but now it's working as intended. I'm very happy about that because Photon rocks!

  • Have you tried this in just Firefox to see if the issue persists there? Have a feeling that some 'strict' setting in LibreWolf could be causing this. I use photon daily myself in Firefox but never had this issue at least.

    • No I haven't, I don't have Firefox installed. Yes it probably is, well then I just have to live with it or use a different app. Thanks!

      • I don't really know what else to suggest here. It's difficult finding the right setting without knowing a lot about Firefox perfs.

        One place you could look is, there they have explained a few of the more important settings, maybe that could give you an idea which setting it is.