how to uninstall readarr on linux?
how to uninstall readarr on linux?
Do you just delete it in /opt and /var/lib?
how to uninstall readarr on linux?
Do you just delete it in /opt and /var/lib?
This is a piracy community, where people discuss relevant topics. Use Google for simple questions like "how to uninstall programs on Linux"
Please don't use Google. Use some other search engine like Duck Duck Go.
Readarr is piracy related, and I did do that without results.
Just an app. If you're on Debian/Ubuntu/derivatives like Mint and MXLinux, use sudo apt purge <name-of-app> && sudo apt autoremove
this depends on how you installed it
Idk but this world is near to end 😔
Uninstall To uninstall and purge: Warning: This will destroy your application data. sudo systemctl stop readarr sudo rm -rf /opt/Readarr sudo rm -rf /var/lib/readarr sudo rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/readarr.service sudo systemctl -q daemon-reload To uninstall and keep your application data: sudo systemctl stop readarr sudo rm -rf /opt/Readarr sudo rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/readarr.service sudo systemctl -q daemon-reload
Incompetent devs. Should be apt remove only.
Never just delete stuff from Linux unless you know what you're doing. Always remove it using the method you installed it with.