The Adjuster appears to be a right wing weirdo
The Adjuster appears to be a right wing weirdo
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The Adjuster appears to be a right wing weirdo
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Is it even confirmed to be him tho
The news said he had the fake ID on him that he used to check into the hostel
Just incredible. Pull something like this off and then do amateur-hour shit like keeping evidence like that on you and the gun allegedly. If you're intent on being caught at least do something cool like filming yourself and posting your manifesto read by yourself online to immortalize yourself a bit. Just waiting for the cops with the all they need on you is silly.
I'd totally believe the whole cops planted it on them thing if it wasn't for the amateur-hour acts of them getting his DNA and him taking off his mask to smile at the camera just because the hostel desk person asked him to with a rib about having a nice smile. DNA isn't so easy to fake in a court case with defense lawyers and attention like this. Like if it wasn't him and the cops were trying to just plant this stuff I'd expect they'd have killed him instead to wrap up the lose ends and never made the DNA claim or walk it back.
I believe Eric Adams announced it in a press briefing about 30 mins ago
They have to be lying, they had nothing for days
According to the police, the guy had an orgy of evidence on him. Ghost gun and silencer, anti-insurance manifesto, false ID matching what was used at the hostel.
If its not him, its one hell of a coincidence. Dude was doing so well and then he simply forgot to stay low an extra few days.
Left his DNA in 3 places
I say this as a molecular biologist, bull fucking shit they have solid DNA evidence. They had what, shell casings and a gum wrapper right? Gum wrapper could be anyone’s, it’s the middle of midtown manhattan. Shell casings, how do you know they didn’t roll in a puddle of spit from when he was walking down that street 2 days earlier?
Dipping my gun in the spitoon at the local bar before a hit to cover it in the DNA of like 30 dudes
Ngl I truly doubt he had that evidence on them. I think the cops had that evidence on them, picked up this guy and went “Wow look at all this evidence he happened to have on his person at a McDonald’s!”
If it's not the right guy then the real Adjuster will shoot another.
I'm more inclined to believe they were able to facially recognize/trace him all the way to Altoona PA, and the McDs call in was just what sealed the deal.
Did the police fabricate his social media history? Come on.
yeah from the report I read, they were lucky some random person called the tip in. Once they detain the guy he has all the evidence they need (fool, idiot). Not done and sealed quite yet, but it's not looking great.