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The terror against homeless will continue as scheduled
  • This is what immediately came to my mind too. Holy shit. Too on the nose

  • From my resistance lib mom... It's so joever
  • To think this guy used to be a United States Senator. It’s a shame how far he has fallen

  • Is this a good analysis of liberals and their views on Trump and voting in the upcoming election?
  • While you didn’t say anything wrong here, I think you are missing an important aspect that makes liberals particularly dislike Trump.

    It is not merely Trump’s right-wing politics which upset liberals.

    The thing that most upsets liberals is his open disdain for the institutions of the American state. Every American learns that the government was carefully crafted by genius founding fathers who tried to establish a perfect system of checks and balances to prevent tyranny. This is why there are so many override mechanisms like the electoral college, veto power, Supreme Court decisions, etc.

    Trump is the first modern president I can think of who views these institutions negatively, that they reinforce the status quo and prevent necessary change (never mind what he thinks needs changing). So where possible, he ignores institutions or abuses them as a means for his own political or personal ends.

    So Trump is not merely right-wing. His policies are indeed quite similar to many of his predecessors on either side. He is right-wing but in a way that undermines the very foundation of liberalism, which is liberal institutions.

    Couple all of the above with the incorrect liberal identification of fascism with “authoritarianism” as such, and you end up with a population that literally believes that Adolf Hitler was elected. Now, that’s kinda true, but the reason is his politics (which are not functionally that different from Biden) and not the means by which he achieves his politics.

  • Someone give me some context on Gavin Newsom
  • In the article about prison transfers to ICE

    CDCR documents recently obtained under public records laws by the ACLU of Northern California show that in just two months last year California turned over 200 people to ICE after they’d served their time in prison.

    I’m only getting started going through all your links, and this one already has me pissed off

  • Someone give me some context on Gavin Newsom
  • Thank you so much

  • Someone give me some context on Gavin Newsom

    Since a Biden replacement is increasingly likely, I need to start preparing my reasons why every individual alternative besides DotP is bad

    President Biden is my friend. He...
  • And also write the piece in that time 😂

    Kinda suggests it was pre-written

  • President Biden is my friend. He...
  • The Republican Party, if its leaders had an ounce of integrity, would demand the same, but it won’t, because they don’t. That makes it all the more important that Democrats put the country’s interests first

  • President Biden is my friend. He...
  • 7:57 a.m. in Lisbon where the author was

  • President of the United States
  • Presidenovunidesates

  • Someone said this was a "good Wojack" meme. So I guess I'll share it.
  • Completely fine as long as the axes are clearly marked and consistently spaced

  • oh good, I was planning to write it in
  • Please tell me this is fake

  • Law enforcement is spying on thousands of Americans’ mail, records show
  • I thought this was common knowledge. USPS scans every single piece of mail, and you can receive a daily digest email (Informed Delivery) that contains these scanned photos. Don’t be surprised that they share this data with law enforcement.

  • NSFW
    (cw: fatphobia) H Pearl Davis sister go on chapo
  • I dont know why tf so many of them feel so compelled to belittle others

    Bullying often comes from insecurity. In the first place she believes (probably taught by parents) that unattractive people are unworthy and subhuman. Combine that with emotional abuse that undermines her self-esteem, and you get someone who desperately needs affirmation that they are part of the in-group and not one of the undesirables. Putting someone else down gives a momentary feeling of being above the undesirable group, therefore among the desirables, even though she knows deep-down that social acceptance can only come from others.

  • How do you get white men at your org to shut the fuck up and make space for other people?
  • If they’re in a leftist org then they are already likely receptive to feedback. Criticize in private first before making PSAs. If no one wants to directly confront a random white dude, how are they going to confront the government or actually assert themselves on a larger social stage?

  • A timeline of being black in America
  • That started in 1865

  • Saw a bazinga coffin in person for the first time today...
  • Took me a minute to realize you weren’t having a rant against literal overpriced fancy coffins

  • Just met Donald Trump Guys. He looks as fit as ever.
  • That’s a hilarious bit

  • "Meidas Touch Network" posts big brain proof that Trump supporters are all bots

    Hope TikTok links are fine here.

    Just saw this video while mindlessly scrolling and couldn’t believe there exists a person unironically the same as the liberal caricature Hexbear makes fun of.

    Observation: a random Twitter account revealed it was a Russian bot by “accidentally” posting its directive in Russian which instructed it to spread pro-Trump propaganda.

    I mean, lol

    I cant believe Hamas invaded its own land, smh.
  • our sports fans

    their obsessed boomers tithing their income on commodified team merchandise to cope with the alienated experience of labor under capitalism

  • i need my truck for work, Jed
  • The proportions are so weird, especially this rear-quarter angle. Looks like someone wearing jorts.

  • Average “special forces enthusiast”
  • On this note, sometimes dynamic/shortened links will not have the ‘?’ but resolve to a link that does when you visit the link. TikTok does this with shared links.

    When sharing a link from social media share buttons, always paste the copied link into a browser to resolve the real URL, then trim out the tracking IDs as above.

  • New truck owner getting roasted by Facebook comments

    These comments were on the original post by the dealership lol

    ! !

    Conservative redefining fascism as a “third way”, between right and left, exposed me to nearly fatal brainworms What is fascism?

    Viktor Couderé's answer: Before I'll answer this question, I'll first say what fascism is not. Fascism is not when Trump, Fascism is not when Democrats, Fascism is not when capitalism Fascism is not when communism. Fascism is a nationalist, corporatist, third positionist ideology. I'll start...

    What is fascism?


    Quora is just reddit but with even more fake scholarly authority.

    Any question about social or political questions gets answers from “experts” who gaslight and lie about even obvious facts. No no, fascism isn’t conservative; it’s Hegelian therefore Marxist therefore leftist.


    Nightmare fuel

    🐸 hellow. My name is Doctor Jordan B Peterson, Doctor of Philosophy, PhD. I am going to tell you what I learned about Coral Marks last night in a sleep-deprived, medicated, and sleepless stupor.

    Using Excel in VR during your wedding #based #sigma #grindset #goals

    The Mormons are not ok.


    In North Korea you have to work during your wedding ceremony ___

    Unfortunately this one came from a fascist Facebook page called “I,Hypocrite”

    What's up with Freud?

    Looking for a general Marxist view on Freud.

    At first glance, to me everything relating to Freud sounds like pseudoscientific, idealist garbage ... everything that Marx's scientific socialism should be opposed to in principle. Nevertheless there was a Freudo-Marxist school that overlapped with the Frankfurt School, who thought the ideas of Freud and Marx could be married to some extent.


    1. What was Freud about?
    2. Was Freud full of shit?
    3. Is Marxism compatible with psychoanalysis?
    Common Finnish mask-off moment

    What do POC think of the scene in Fresh Prince when Carlton is rejected from a black fraternity for being a “sellout”?

    Is the message of the episode good or bad? It gives vibes of “wealth = success” and “I can’t help it if I’m rich” which is kind of shitty.

    The episode ends with an explicit question: “When are we gonna stop doing this to each other?” which seems to imply that it is the black community that is holding itself back.

    Did this episode age like milk, or is it a valid perspective within the black/POC community?

    Also thoughts on the show in general?


    Possibly a cropped version of this would be better

    quarrk quarrk [he/him]
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    Comments 583