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Why are we still fighting smartphone bloatware in 2025?

  • Because money.

    • and the most delicious kind of money of all: dark money! ooooh it's so good because the sources of the dark money offer you a lot of it, and they specifically ask you not to ask questions, which is so good for you because these bloatware programs make your device sell worse and provides no value as a sales platform because it turns out that billboards and radio spots are, surprisingly, the most effective form of advertising.

      but! you have a sense of solidarity. you have faith that by never offering a phone without bloatware, your entire industry will ensure that all phones won't have bloatware. you rest easy at night knowing your phone won't sell poorly, at the end of the day, because every phone is like this. your contributions to a surveillance and propaganda machine that should punish you in the market because won't because all your peers are your allies in this.

      and it gets better! every time someone else's phone gets more bloatware and more dark money attached, then everyone else appears comparatively better, allowing them to get worse. ooooh you love it so much when you get to take more dark money. and all it costs you are several thousand lives far away from your big mansion. you don't even have to see the suffering

      • adb device
        adb shell
        pm list packages | grep 'packagename'

      • You get to feel like a super cool insider in a shadowy club secretly ruling over all the foolish little people who aren't clever enough to be deemed worthy of receiving dark money!

  • For the same reason we have every fucking other problem in the world right now.


    You cannot align incentives towards growing the wealth of a microscopic yet astronomically lecherous group of monsters and expect society to not just crumble under the weight.

  • Because it's profitable to include.

    Why would companies care as much about the minor brand value decrease in the eyes of more technical users when they can make more money right now by making things shittier?

  • Business people don't care what you want. They care exclusively about what they have to to do get you to accept what they want.

  • Recently, my phone updated without my consent (even though I turned auto updates off) and added Gemini

    Like WTF Samsung