Anyone have good sources for audio or video of speeches by Fred Hampton, Malcolm X, Angela Davis, MLK Jr. (sermons too), et. al.?
Anyone have good sources for audio or video of speeches by Fred Hampton, Malcolm X, Angela Davis, MLK Jr. (sermons too), et. al.?
I figure there has to be a lot of it out there, but I don't know where to look.
Youtube channel AfroMarxist: 0 Replydamn you, i was gonna post afromarxist lmaoooo
jk jk jk, i second that afromarxist recc they have a bunch of really good stuff on there
also that one speech of sankara hating on anarcho syndicalists is very funny
5 0 Reply
I got exactly what you're looking for: It's a Youtube channel called AfroMarxist.
3 0 ReplyBookmarked. This is the kind of shit we need to be preserving.
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