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If they replace Biden... 1 Who replaces him? 2 What happens from now until election day? 3 What happens on election day?
  • That maniacal smile when he was being lambasted by that reporter... He's a real sicko, we can fix him.

  • They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • I could see that, but I'm not convinced it would make or break things.

  • Woman has epic meltdown when she discovers drag queens in her hotel lobby. surprise surprise she is a conservative activist with moms for liberty
  • Another X-Files link. Not trying to looks shame, but if you dehumanize others I take the gloves off. This freak looks like The Great Mutato without his second face - S05E05 - The Post-Modern Prometheus.

    Edit: un-fucked my link formatting

  • They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • Well, they want Democrats to win, and clearly it's not going to happen with genocide Joe. hahaha

  • They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • Not the only one, Whitmer would walk the dog with Trump.

  • They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • Perusing through r/politics on reddit-logo ... Can't see the comments on all the articles about replacing him. But the mega thread comments are pure, uncut copium; libs are going to OD on this shit lmao!!!

  • Hexbear anti-dronies meme
  • Also, the drones need to land to recharge sooner or later, and they're fragile. banana-duck-peeled

  • What are you watching instead of the debate?
  • I was watching the animated X-Men while doing my nails.

  • I have an actual theory on modern conspiracy theories.

    The Q brained conspiracy theorists are aging boomers slipping into dementia. As their brain is melting out of their ears, they're miss-remembering episodes of the x files. That's it. If you watch the series, there's a piece of every conspiracy theory in it.

    You can thank Chris Carter for Q Anon. !think-about-it

    What are you watching instead of the debate?
  • I'm literally watching the x files right now! The bug man episode s05e19.

  • What are your predictions on the Trump/Biden debate happening tomorrow?
  • It will be cringe. I hope they both do the funniest and best thing for everyone - die live on stage.

  • Went to pride for the first time.

    Some pretty cool stuff, but the standout was a socialist group handing out flyers. I told my friend they're probably Trots. Passed by them and they tried to get me to sign a petition to get their candidate on the ballot. They open with telling me that they're Trots lol!

    Saw a bazinga coffin in person for the first time today...

    It looks worse in person lol! I love the idea of really pushing the envelope with design, but this was shit. None of the panels were flat, they were all visibly wavy from a distance. The plastic bits looked like cheap, low grade junk that gets used in dollar store toys, and they were wavy too. The gaps were okay... so, congrats? Unedited pics of it look better honestly. Once you can see the fine details in person you can't help but not take it seriously. I've gone to auto shows, I've seen one off concept cars that don't even have an engine that look better quality than this. What an absolute joke.

    Just a reminder, Derek Chauvin had his appeal denied by SCOTUS

    >Chauvin appealed his second-degree murder conviction and requested a public defender to represent him on appeal. The Minnesota Supreme Court denied Chauvin's request for a public defender, ruling that his financial state rendered him ineligible. Chauvin later hired attorney William Mohrman to represent him.[99] In April 2022, Chauvin appealed to the Minnesota Court of Appeals, asking the court to reverse his conviction and order a new trial, in a new venue, claiming that the jury of the case in the state had been "intimidated by excessive pre-trial publicity".[100] Chauvin's lawyer further stated that the settlement reached between the city of Minneapolis and the Floyd family for $27 million during jury selection amounted to prejudice.[101] In April 2023, a three-judge panel of the Court of Appeals issued a 50-page decision affirming the conviction.[102] Chauvin asked the Minnesota Supreme Court to review the case, but was denied in July 2023.[103]

    >Chauvin's lawyer asked the Supreme Court of the United States to review the case.[104] The appeal centered on the claim by Chauvin that he did not receive a fair trial due to pre-trial publicity and that potential civil unrest if he was acquitted may have influenced the jury.[105] In an interview from prison for a documentary released on November 16, 2023 by the right-wing[106] media organization Alpha News, Chauvin said, "At the end of the day, the whole trial including sentencing was a sham."[107] The Supreme Court declined to hear Chauvin's case on November 20, 2023,[108] which left in place the state court rulings that affirmed his conviction and for his sentence of 22+1⁄2 years in prison.[17]

    Lol, die mad.

    How'd we get so much freedom in burger land without bombing ourselves?

    Since you gotta bomb places to do freedom and all, how do the freedoms stay so free in burger land? Are there secret bombs being dropped on us?

    Edit: !surprised-pika

    Edit 2: guys, I don't wanna know anymore of where our freedoms come from. !lea-sad

    Hell yeah, good bit! North Korea Flies Hundreds Of Trash-, Manure-Filled Balloons Into South Korea

    North Korean officials said it would scatter “mounds of wastepaper and filth” over the South in a "tit-for-tat” action against the leafletting by South Korean activists.

    North Korea Flies Hundreds Of Trash-, Manure-Filled Balloons Into South Korea
    [CW: Ableism] Literally a slur yard sign in my neighborhood...

    So I'm out walking my dog with my partner, and we're passing a house that's got some hog vibes. And low and behold, they have a hand painted yard sign that says "In this house we say GAY and [R-slur]... Like, what the actual fuck? Idk...

    More thoughts on commonalities in our rhetoric.

    Simple talking point to slaughter the piggies who regurgitate rhetoric from the likes of Daily Wire, Trump himself, and any of these other elite, ultra wealthy fucks... Talk about food.

    Food is one of the pillars of human culture, and we all have something in common with each other that the ruling class doesn't comprehend, and that is cooking for ourselves.

    Just ask when they think the last time these demons actually cooked for themselves vs the last time the person you are talking to cooked. You think they ever handle raw meat? Ever spread something on bread that they bought themselves and sliced in their own kitchen? Eat meals that weren't prepared served to them by someone they don't even have to remember the name of? No.

    These pathetic worms are so helpless, so unskilled and and disconnected, it's pathetic. Working class people know how to feed themselves, not suckle from the teat.

    Title At least 5 killed after airdropped aid falls on them in Gaza | CNN

    At least five people were killed and 10 others injured when airdropped aid packages fell on them in the Al Shati camp west of Gaza City, according to a journalist on the scene.

    At least 5 killed after airdropped aid falls on them in Gaza | CNN

    Bunch of chuckle fucks.

    Lol, how to lead people into reactionary thinking: 101.

    First off, the war ain't over. No one is going to walk out into the fields to minesweep if they're liable to get shelled. Second, $4m CAD is just fun bux.

    Then to the meat and potatoes, I'm not even going to bother trying to get around the paywalls or visit the sites [I'm not reading the article]. When it's only right wing coverage, you know there's probably nothing more than a blurb about men and women being able to sign up for the world's most unfun game - and their sure as hell not mentioning NB, or other queer identities.

    This is one of the myriad ways they pull people in. On its face, who gives a shit about what gender the people are? If they've got the guts to risk splattering them so some kid years from now doesn't become an amputee, then they're braver than the troops and especially the cowards that planted the mines. But some mention of men and women being able to roger up, maybe worded in a weird way by some staffer, is used to frame gender discussion as clearly silly. The right takes this and says "see, they're nuts!" by pointing out the silly irrelevance of gender in this situation. Rinse, repeat.

    People don't read the article (Pot, kettle. Kettle, pot. I've, read enough reactionary slop to know they probably actually quote the innocuous line so they have some cover.) and then bring this shit up when talking about "wokism". Like, yeah, if you believe this shit, I'd become reactionary too - none of us are immune to it.
