Any other phone call marathoners out there?
Any other phone call marathoners out there?
Any other phone call marathoners out there?
Really missed the pièce de résistance by not putting a few little spurt lines out the top.
Not only do I pace but I make sure I don't step on the grout lines of the tile in the hallway
My Fitbit thought I went for a walk the other day. I was just pacing around my house during a long phone call.
Well it's not wrong.
Mine has done that too!
My wife makes fun of me when I step away to take/make a call. 1) I’m trying not to be rude and 2) I need room to pace and think my thoughts.
I do exactly the same as the person you replied to, and my wife does what you describe. I think it's odd too.
I've always wondered why people do this. Anyone have an answer?
Ftr, I don't do this.
When I'm in a (somewhat stressful) call I feel a strong need to move. Like sitting still would make me actively uncomfortable. I assume walking around helps you destress a little.
I read a while ago that the theory is that we are used to talk with people face to face, except when we are walking side by side
It was an Instagram post or something like that so I'm not sure how true that is
I think better when I'm pacing, but I don't know why that would be.
because your circulation is increased and you breathe more oxygen. Many christian monastries have courtyards with a covered way surrounding it, so people could walk and talk. The element is also present in many other architectures.
Phone calls just make me antsy, and I need to move. I don't know if there's actual science on this, though.
Movement is good for my brain
It's not really a conscious decision. This doesn't explain the compulsion but in case you thought we were doing it for a specific explainable reason, we're not.