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Why did we stop doing this?

  • Aren't Company Outing's a thing?

    We do ours once a Year, last time we went to a bird sanctuary.

    • Our company is across the street from a heritage railway. They operate a steam locomotive railway with a museum at the other end.

      We went on a company trip this summer. Which meant we took the railway to the other end. This being something that I was looking forward to doing myself.

      But instead of actually, you know, seeing the museum, we went to a terrible restaurant. Where my boss proceeded to drink nine glasses of wine at 2 in the afternoon. While we collectively ate one of the worst meals I’ve had.

      Afterwards, he felt so bad about the trip that he offered me another ticket so I could actually visit the museum on my own time :D

    • Never had one in the U.S. At best, the food truck shows up or they have a "pizza party," but actually leaving work? On company time?

      • Damn that sucks.

        My former Boss even apologized that they couldn't do one during COVID and made an

        even bigger one to "make up for it" as the Lockdown was over.

  • I told my mom this story the other day, she didn't know about it. It involves the shitty private elementary school I went to: We had a field trip to the Lincoln Boyhood Home in southern Indiana, about a two-hour drive. It looks quite nice now, but in the 80s, and I will never forget this... we got there, and there were some log cabin foundations in a pit. We looked down at the pit for a few minutes, then were rounded up back into the carpool station wagons and drove back home.

    I didn't mind all that much because I got out of school and we stopped at McDonald's on the way back, but looking back on it, what a strange day.

  • Story time…

    It was the paperwork for me. The last year in school i actually voted against going to a fieldtrip, apparently it was a rhetorical vote, people where very confused i was so demotivated.

    I love learning new things but i am very self motivated and have no control over concentration, so out in the field with all those impulses i will be learning in an explorative way but not perse the things my school tried to focus on. Especially hard for me was the dreaded bundle. The papers we where all given and would be graded on later.

    I was always to distracted learning on my own i always missed the key information. I had tried many strategies but the last one earlier that year “organized group effort with duos responsible for different sections of the bundle” was shot down mid trip by our head teacher who was the same teacher did the rhetorical vote if we wanted to see go somewhere or stay at school.

    So yeah the joy was pretty much beaten out of me by repeated low grades and by that same head teacher “detention to find the answers online for the past trip or i would have basically no grade.” which i knew in advance was impossible, i had tried to do exactly that before we had gone.