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Opinions: What is a movie you genuinely like, that is rated below 60% on rotten tomatoes?

Inspired by the linked XKCD. Using 60% instead of 50% because that's an easy filter to apply on rottentomatoes.

I'll go first: I think "Sherlock Holmes: A game of Shadows" was awesome, from the plot to the characters ,and especially how they used screen-play to highlight how Sherlocks head works in these absurd ways.

  • Constantine - 46%

    Predator - 34%

    Ghost in the Shell - 43%

    Hellboy - 17%

    Robocop (2016) - 49%

    Well, it seems like I have poor taste in movies after all.

  • I tend to like sci-fi in this category such as Stargate, Dune (1984), and the Riddick films.

    TRON Legacy is my favorite of the bunch, however. Incredible soundtrack, gorgeous costume design, and plenty of character.

  • Tank Girl. No one liked that movie when it came out. I left the theater with the biggest grin on my face. Absolutely awesome. Still one of my favorites.

    It was completely different than the comics but it was still very fun. Especially in 1995.

  • I actually like Riddick, all three of them! Haven't checked but am pretty sure they would've gotten less than 60%

  • Hook (29% TomatoMeter).

    But it was released in 1991, so it wouldn't count for the XKCD version. Also the audience score is 76%, so not really an unpopular opinion I guess.

  • I, Robot, especially after reading the books. It functions as a combo of the books, but set roughly where the first book took place in, using a variant of the protagonist from the sequels. The robots taking over as they did, though, wasn't really accurate, even just regarding the laws of robotics, but it worked for the movie's conflict. In the books, they get a larger hold on humanity, but to help them go past Earth to become an intragalactic society. For a one-off, though, I can see the directions the movie took to give it that close-ended feeling. Also, the implications of robots and humans, and Spooner as a chracter were pretty faithful to the source material, IMO.

  • The Book of Eli with Denzel Washington (who said his son got him to sign on to the movie) and Mila Kunis. It's 47% on Rotten Tomatoes.

  • Okay, so I hit rotten tomatoes, checked movies that were both critics rotten AND audience rotten, and started perusing titles for stuff I thought rocked.

    abraham lincoln: vampire hunter


    hellboy (how is this in here? I thought this was universally loved)

    mars attacks! (56 and 53, I also feel like this shouldn't be on the list. It's too good, and not in a bad way)

    x-men origins: wolverine (again, is this not considered awesome? I thought it was great)

    daredevil/elektra (I enjoyed both movies)

    and now for stuff I've watched at least five times:

    the ninth gate

    planet of the apes (2001)


    prince of persia

    green lantern

    van helsing

    I'm dead serious, I was looking forward to MORE green lantern movies along the lines of that first one. I bought it on amazon having heard nothing about it (I was in a societal black hole for a few years there), watched it, loved it, and was like "sweet, when's the sequel coming out? I wanna see sinestro do his, this did not do well. Fuck."

    I wasn't super happy with ALL of the writing, but that's comic stuff in general and I thought the whole thing was still quite enjoyable. Like, multiple rewatches enjoyable. Seeing Hal Jordan on screen and having Ryan Reynolds do it was great.

  • Hook with it's 29% tomatometer rating. Dustin Hoffman—sexual misconduct allegations aside—fucking nailed it as Hook, and I think the general concept of an adult Peter Pan returning was pretty cool. Also, who doesn't love Robin Williams? It was a movie I loved in my childhood so I am absolutely biased, but 29% seems absurd. I still find the "Don't try to stop me, Smee" scene hilarious to this day.

  • I enjoyed Waterworld (I know it's 90s, but I feel it gets too much hate). The premise and aspects of the screenplay were ridiculous, but the set design and effects were fascinating, and I was surprisingly invested in the characters. Kevin Costner and the kid had good chemistry. Dennis Hopper was a campy joy to watch as the villain as expected.

  • Following the XKCD rules and keeping it in the 2000s and later makes it a lot harder. I could make an entire list of '90s movies that qualify.

    But my answer is: Pitch Black.

    Bonus answer, which doesn't quite qualify because it has an exact 60% rating: Love (2011, the space one)

  • Sucker Punch (2011) (technically not made in my 'adult' life, since I was still a teenager, but semantics)

    I genuinely love this movie and don't understand how it's rated so poorly. Sure it's got that Zack Snyder-flair (but I think it actually works for this??) and it can seem a little gratuitous. but even then to me it seems like it's done to make a point instead of just 'hehehe hot girls in short skirts'. The action is awesome, the sets are cool af, the soundtrack is phenomenal, the cast is great, the plot is interesting, (and sure, maybe me being a mega gay means I'm giving this a higher rating then I otherwise might have) - it's just overall a great movie to me. I do wonder how much of the ratings is a symptom that all women lead films suffer from review bombs by some upsetti-spaghetti men, but even I think this movie is not generally liked by most.

  • Every person who likes horror movies can probably name a few examples. Horror movies are somehow really weirdly understood by a lot of people, including critics. Or perhaps I watch them for the wrong reasons, I don't know.

  • "Judge Dredd" (1995)

    It's fun, funny, entertaining, and while not well written, is well acted.

    Honorable mention is "Demolition Man" (1993) for similar reasons. Though it's in the 60s when it comes to a rating.

    It's like, sometimes I want to sit back turn my brain off for 2 hours, and just enjoy.